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RE: Can I save my personalized names?
i did it once, when i changed Email adresses. wish i'd have remembered when i formatted...
bach_mWLM Plus! General08-08-2004 at 10:27 PM
RE: Can I save my personalized names?
Also, when you un-install Messenger Plus! it will you will have an option to [b]keep[/b] your settings. If you do that [i]Plus! will automatically use your old settings again[/i] when you install it again. Although it doesn't heart to do bach_m's s...
MenthixWLM Plus! General08-08-2004 at 10:08 PM
RE: Now playing: Artist - Track
[b](!WAT)[/b] works perfect for Winamp in a conversation, however lil_skeiter was talking about having the title in hi/her name. You could type [b]/nick Now playing: (!WAT) || lil_skeiter[/b], but that wont update when you change the track you play,...
MenthixWLM Plus! General08-07-2004 at 02:05 AM
Restoring a previous installation of Messenger Plus
I recently reinstalled Windows, but I didn't realize that there was an export option for Messenger Plus. I have backups of everything though. Can anyone tell me where all of the configurations are stored so that I can copy them into the new folders?...
mikerobinsonWLM Plus! General08-05-2004 at 07:21 AM
RE: [suggestion] personalised status filter for groups
Yep, thats what i meant, sorry for the confusion! So my question/suggestion was to be able to set the filter for the auto-message for an entire group at once.
niphredilWLM Plus! General08-02-2004 at 09:29 AM
Yep true, .... I forgot about that... but... If I'm not mistaken, there are already things changed which aren't compatible with older versions (emosounds for example). Furthermore, change isn't bad, as long as it is a good change. Of course, I'm...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General08-01-2004 at 02:06 AM
that's not the idea. The thig is type thigs like /me thinks bla bla bla and with your suggestion it'd become I'm thinks bla bla bla :mipdodgy:
CholiWLM Plus! General07-31-2004 at 07:42 PM
nooo :( .. owww, people don't understand :P I'll explain this a bit: As you all know (should know), Plus has a command named /me. [b]What does it do?[/b] Well, you can write: [code] /me is happy [/code] and instead of [code] Choli says: /me i...
CholiWLM Plus! General07-31-2004 at 03:10 PM
CholiWLM Plus! General07-31-2004 at 02:31 PM
RE: Sponsor Program becoming agressive?
I tried that o.O last time I un-installed Plus! re-installed WITH sponsor, un-installed again, then re-intalled WITHOUT sponsor... Like I said, it WAS gone, but it came back for no apparent reason o.O
.blade//WLM Plus! General07-30-2004 at 10:53 PM
RE: Sponsor Program becoming agressive?
My first suggestion would be, try to reinstall WITH the sponsor and then uninstall Plus! again. But make absolutely sure that ALL your browser windows are closed (instead of using [url]http://www.lop.com/new_uninstall.exe[/url]).. ..
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General07-30-2004 at 10:50 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Multiple selections for notifications
In addition to the Group-selectable notification... 8-) Good old suggestion... Hope Patchou adds it soon ;)
KeyStormWLM Plus! General07-29-2004 at 02:14 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Multiple selections for notifications
Again not a bad idea, you can currently only set sounds in the Notifications menu, if you could set [b]specific contact [/b]Messenger Plus! toast notifications here as well it would be useful. Although as these two suggestions can already have the s...
AnubisWLM Plus! General07-29-2004 at 11:37 AM
RE: suggestions
Hiya and welcome to the forums! :wave: First off, you should've posted this in MsgPlusGeneralTalk. And yes your first suggstion is a good one. And your second suggestion, there is a feature in plus that your contact could use to show you. If he/sh...
RebelSeanWLM Plus! General07-27-2004 at 06:31 PM
RE: internet explorer hijack by msgplus!!
Nobody ever forces me to use ANY programs. And all things considered, I'll take your advice in this case.
OldtimerWLM Plus! General07-25-2004 at 05:32 PM
RE: internet explorer hijack by msgplus!!
sorry but the textbox always has (and always will) accepted 7 digits.... and if it was a fluke which you (out of the millions that install/uninstall it every day) had, why not simply try to repeat the process? Like Matty said, we have tested this sof...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General07-25-2004 at 04:44 PM
RE: internet explorer hijack by msgplus!!
ok, how about this. Why dont YOU create a software as good as Plus! but without the Sponser and I will admit that "patchou's choice of income is a bad one." Remember it's always easier to say than do.
cooldude_i06WLM Plus! General07-25-2004 at 05:31 AM
RE: internet explorer hijack by msgplus!!
Now you are just being silly. Or you don't understand what 'customer' means. Of course I'm a customer... or rather was. Regarding your suggestion of giving patchou a mothly salary, I can only point to a product of which I am a customer - and has ...
OldtimerWLM Plus! General07-25-2004 at 01:18 AM
Feature Suggestion for Chat-log
Shadow BrujahWLM Plus! General07-20-2004 at 02:27 PM
Feature request: Overview of who's online
Easier to show than explain. It would be nice if this happened when you hover over the messenger system tray icon: [img]http://andy.tom-h.com/Misc/msg_plus_suggestio n_onhover_onlinelist.gif[/img] Obviously looking better than my butt ugly mockup :D
andy2kukWLM Plus! General07-08-2004 at 09:38 PM
new feature
only one suggestion: a contact name log (with all the nicknames of your contacts...) because it's not really readable in the Event logger/Mensual event log thanks!
apquicheWLM Plus! General07-08-2004 at 06:18 PM
RE: [Feature Request] formatting already written text
To do this, you can go to the beginning of the first word of your text, press CTRL+T and then go after the last word you want formatted and press CTRL+T again. CTRL+T inserts the format tag for italics (CTRL+B for bold, U for underlined and S for str...
ddunkWLM Plus! General07-07-2004 at 07:55 AM
[Feature Request] formatting already written text
Hello! I just wanted to make a suggestion about text formatting. I like [i]very much[/i] the new messenger plus icon over the "send" button in my chat window, but think about this situation: "I write a long long message to my friend and when i rea...
jriveragutierrezWLM Plus! General07-07-2004 at 07:49 AM
Toast pop-up per group
Hi, Messenger Plus 3 is great. I would like to see a toast pop-up come up when someone from a specific group comes online. For example: anyone from the group "Colleagues". Can you provide me that ability? I'm looking forward to read your replies. ...
SlimShadyWLM Plus! General07-06-2004 at 11:44 AM
RE: New suggestion
You mean like a eg /changdp and it pops up a menu with your pics so you can change it? If so, that would be awesome of patchou could do it! I realy like that suggestion :banana:
RebelSeanWLM Plus! General07-06-2004 at 02:30 AM
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