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RE: 2 suggestions: (!!X) and truncate contact names
good point too (Y) :P What does Patchou think about this? /me looks at him
CholiWLM Plus! General02-28-2004 at 02:10 PM
RE: 2 suggestions: (!!X) and truncate contact names
The second suggestion I would extend to: [b]cut-off all carriage-returns (new lines) and show them as spaces[/b] or even have a customizable textfield to add the character you put for replacing them, but I think that goes too far :P Anyway, You can s...
KeyStormWLM Plus! General02-28-2004 at 11:03 AM
RE: 2 suggestions: (!!X) and truncate contact names
Sure why not :) Tis only fair for the first suggestion....and yes Booghosts multiline nicknames become annoying :P I like both ideas :)
dotNormaWLM Plus! General02-28-2004 at 01:35 AM
RE: 2 suggestions: (!!X) and truncate contact names
About the first suggestion: I like it very much;) About the second: I would like to have an option "If my contact has a nickname of more than a line, just show the first [xxxxx] lines" ;)
MnjulWLM Plus! General02-28-2004 at 01:23 AM
2 suggestions: (!!X) and truncate contact names
Just 2 suggestions: The same that you can write a message begining with // to send only one of them and avoid the warning about unknown commands, it'd be great if you could do the same with tags: ie: you write (!!tag) and it sends (!tag). You could ...
CholiWLM Plus! General02-28-2004 at 12:43 AM
RE: Automatically Accepting!!
patchou you should try the latest version of rainlendar :)
lizard.boyWLM Plus! General02-12-2004 at 01:36 AM
RE: Automatically Accepting!!
Thank you Patchou I can't thank you enough for doing this if you have the time, and I realize you are very busy and that you have a life too! and it would also be nice if anyone else had any suggestions or comments about this feature and if they hav...
brianjdupuisWLM Plus! General02-11-2004 at 06:54 PM
RE: Automatically Accepting!!
Didn't I reply to this thread? I guess I forgot.. anyway, I'Ve added this suggestion in my todo text file so if I have enough time, you'll have it in version 3.00 :)
PatchouWLM Plus! General02-11-2004 at 05:58 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3 ??
that feature wont be included cause it involves cracking the exe, and that's illegal
ChronoWLM Plus! General02-11-2004 at 05:21 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3 ??
Hey! I know that you said that there wont be a lot of new stuff on the Plus 3, but here a suggestion, you should add an option to sing in as "appear offline", that is very useful and the patches on mess.be wont work correctly with the Plus!. Hope y...
dhamWLM Plus! General02-11-2004 at 05:19 AM
RE: Automatically Accepting!!
i dont think we need constant screenshots........ whats the point really?? and thnax for being so enthusiastic, but dont PM me terlling me to go to a thread.... /me votes for both :XP:
bach_mWLM Plus! General02-11-2004 at 02:44 AM
RE: Automatically Accepting!!
Hey thanks for the suggestion I like your idea I might do a screenshot of that to see what it looks like and the Patchou can choose from that!!! Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks Again!
brianjdupuisWLM Plus! General02-11-2004 at 01:42 AM
RE: Automatically Accepting!!
Yeah thats a great idea too maybe we can implement having certain things automatically accept and ways we can turn each feature on and off!! I wish knew how to program I have soo many ideas! :) But thank you for everyone's support!!! any more sugges...
brianjdupuisWLM Plus! General02-10-2004 at 11:47 PM
RE: Language Downloader suggestion
I agree... But as always :D I have some points: Everything that is suggested can be done already... Languages can be updated and posted as much as you/we want on the forums. IMHO the only advantage that the suggestion will bring, is that it will be c...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General01-16-2004 at 05:02 PM
RE: Language Downloader suggestion
A splendid suggestion! I second that!!
LeifWLM Plus! General01-16-2004 at 04:16 PM
RE: Knowledge sharing - replies
Ok, I wasn't going to mingle in the battle back then (when Patchou started the thread at MSNFanatic), but I can't hold it any longer... First of all, this isn't the place to discuss landrights. But one quick note to ecko_complex before he flames a...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General12-16-2003 at 12:15 PM
new idea i had
Hi I have just had a idea that I think would be cool for a new addition, I registered my user just to post this! I hope this is in the correct place, if it isnt please move it! anyway, whilst using msn, i saw someone was offline, and i also thought I...
wilhilWLM Plus! General12-08-2003 at 07:00 AM
RE: Backup your Msgplus data + source
hmmm , seems awfully familiar to the one i built and gave the source code to , but i think mine was a little more.................. don't know how to put it , but maybe professional dont get me wrong tho , yours is still good since no one has said i...
mattyWLM Plus! General09-17-2003 at 04:01 PM
RE: Would this kind of adware be OK with you?
I like that suggestion :d it doesn't works with Opera :wink: and yeah.. it would be [b]very[/b] annoying
user2319WLM Plus! General07-13-2003 at 11:18 AM
RE: Trillian, pfff....
hmm, yuss! :-P btw, u read my suggestion for the /sbrb sound?? ;-) *tries to get it noticed a bit! ;-)*
KrenomWLM Plus! General05-09-2003 at 10:38 PM
RE: An MSN Plus Message tool!
Ok latest version is 1.15 with the colourfixes, and so on. (If it persists, modify "colours.ipt" with notepad) as its simpler to do. Removing the big image did reduce the filesize but its compressed anyways. So ive removed it nevertheless 593kb lol...
gizmostripeWLM Plus! General04-25-2003 at 10:15 PM
RE: An MSN Plus Message tool!
ive tried it and its pretty cool, on suggestion i would give you is to let you type the message and then format it by higlighting and stuff
saralkWLM Plus! General04-24-2003 at 10:23 AM
RE: Suggestions
Yeah, people can still post suggestions, but Patchou doesn't want it to look like we [b]need[/b] new suggestions...
WDZWLM Plus! General03-26-2003 at 12:18 AM
RE: Suggestions
there's going to be suggestions, just wait and see. :D
2PacWLM Plus! General03-26-2003 at 12:10 AM
Patchou already has so many ideas for Messenger Plus that we've decided to close the Suggestions forum and replace it with this. You can post suggestions here if you want, but remember that most things have already been suggested. The Suggestions fo...
WDZWLM Plus! General03-25-2003 at 07:02 PM
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