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RE: Search in all logs - filter by contact(s)
I think it would be very useful if we were able to filter by date. Let's hope Patchou adds it in the next version. :)
BasilisWLM Plus! General09-18-2008 at 12:55 PM
RE: Search in all logs - filter by contact(s)
I have an idea regarding this suggestion. If a "Search in Files Content" option is added to the Options menu below "Include Sub-Directories", we can firstly search FOR files/folders by their names by unticking that option first, then we can conti...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General09-18-2008 at 07:25 AM
RE: Turn on Warning for IMs from Contact not on list
I'm not sure how you guys deal with this problem but any suggestions? How do you get IM messages from contacts not on your contact list, but avoid getting annoying SPAM type of IM's? It seems like MSN's option is block everyone that's not on your...
borathWLM Plus! General09-14-2008 at 09:41 PM
[Suggestion] Sound Packages
I have been testing out various IM programs over the past few days to get ideas for skins / features etc to try and add into a MP!L skin I am in the process of making. Anyways, one thing I noticed in a few IM programs is the ability to apply custom s...
KeikoniumWLM Plus! General09-01-2008 at 09:42 AM
[Suggestion] Merge chatlogs
hey I have a suggestion for a new feature which would be really useful for me. I often use two computers, one PC at home and my laptop. I would really like a merge function for the chatlogs. I wouldn't mind if I have to copy the chatlogs on a USB-s...
Jeffrey89WLM Plus! General08-20-2008 at 11:43 AM
Scam or Phishing deletion
Does anyone have a suggestion how to screen/delete automatically the messages that crop up when you have your messenger open? I am sure all of you out there get the same stuff I do, Who has blocked you, check this site for my new pics, blah, blah! I ...
hockeyrickWLM Plus! General08-18-2008 at 11:09 AM
RE: [suggestion] Event Notifications
yeah no problems i was thinking it would make sense the toasts should have pics in them yeah nah of course without peoples suggestions it wouldnt go as far well least i no its been considered to be done now so thanks
alisterWLM Plus! General08-10-2008 at 09:02 PM
RE: [suggestion] Event Notifications
Thank you alister for your suggestion. In fact, adding the ability of display pictures in Messenger Plus!-generated toasts is already in internal discussion. Anyways, thank you for your input! It is very good to get feedback from our users so the sof...
mynetxWLM Plus! General08-09-2008 at 06:45 AM
RE: [suggestion] Why not make colored underline?
I confirm what Adeptus said. It's not something that Messenger Plus! can do unfortuantely. Thanks for the suggestion though :).
PatchouWLM Plus! General07-26-2008 at 11:01 PM
RE: Search in all logs - filter by contact(s)
First of all, this is how Plus! is designed, this topic has nothing to do with Bug Reports forum. Thread has been reported to be moved to Suggestions forum. Your suggestion is good however this is a matter of user preference for chat logging option. ...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General07-24-2008 at 10:27 AM
RE: [Suggestion] Chat Log Export/Importing
Well I have a lot of logs that aren't nearly full (like just a couple hundred KB), and if I switch over to Plus! histories, won't I get a whole new set of histories? And also, by importing, I mean adding in the default emoticons into the histories,...
NagamasaWLM Plus! General07-23-2008 at 12:29 PM
RE: Messenger Plus - Conact List Clean-Up
Another bump! :) Still there is no update for this, yet I have hope. I have improved the idea a bit. There will be [i]ContactWatchTime[/i] value for each contact in the [b]Contacts[/b] entries of Plus! in registry and it will calculate the amount of ...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General07-15-2008 at 09:11 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Display Pic Stealer
Yes, it does. You don't need to download a script. Just right click on the contact > Messenger Plus! Features > Contact Information > Then 'Save this image'... [img]http://shoutbox.menthix.net/attachment.php?pi d=916633[/img]
Chris4WLM Plus! General07-09-2008 at 11:53 PM
[Suggestion] Display Pic Stealer
Does Messenger Plus! have the ability to aquire display pics? If not, then I would add it as a suggestion because a competing application does and its kind of handy if my contact has a DP I want.
porkbonekidWLM Plus! General07-09-2008 at 11:09 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Invisible List, very useful...
yes there is... Help > Send Feedback And also http//support.live.com --------- But personally I don't see the use of such "feature". It is just a fancy mass-blocker, nothing more.
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General07-08-2008 at 10:38 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Invisible List, very useful...
I know if Microsoft does it, it'll be more useful and stable. But... Err... Does Microsoft do it? I don't think so :). Even there's no contact for Msn Messenger Suggestions at Microsoft... But with plus, it can be made, and it can be useful... And...
SeregwethrinWLM Plus! General07-08-2008 at 10:10 PM
Skinning - Options Panel and About Window suggestions
These are some suggestions for the Options Panel and the About window of skins. We should be able to: + put a minimize button to the options panel and the about window + decide the title of the windows + use the entire window and not only a part of i...
BasilisWLM Plus! General06-19-2008 at 03:35 PM
RE: What features are missing in Plus! Live?
Now that is a very good suggestion. I would really love this feature. Let's hope it will be added some day
BasilisWLM Plus! General06-11-2008 at 06:07 PM
RE: suqquestion: disable standard smiley
at first: thanks again CookieRevised! :) but i don't mean plus!-shortcuts. i mean ascii signs that do not get deletet by plus! but by messenger or because ... well some other reason :) because the font you use does not include this sign... or will i...
UnrealshadeWLM Plus! General06-06-2008 at 02:17 AM
suqquestion: disable standard smiley
hi, you surely recognized that i wrote suqquestion and not suggestion. this is not because i think it's stylish to write q instead of g or because i love Us :D but because i don't know whether this "feature" already exists. i know that stuffplug ...
UnrealshadeWLM Plus! General05-25-2008 at 04:09 PM
RE: [Suggestion!] Messenger Chat Rooms, why not?
I'm using that Messenger Group, but it uses the default Messenger chat room. It cannot support so many people, the program gets unstable. Besides the space window of conversation in WL messenger is so small, terrible to talk to a lot of people, and...
lucasicfWLM Plus! General05-22-2008 at 12:25 PM
RE: Suggestion For Messenger
it means 'suggestion'... --- However, this can not be made in a script. Scripts do not have access to these icons and can't change anything in the contact list. Moreover, you also need to consider that the 'little green man' icon is used to indi...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General05-22-2008 at 08:03 AM
[Suggestion] Animated Display Pictures.
[align=center][color=#4C4C4C][size=1]Sorry if this is a repeat suggestion or there's some sort of script out there for it. I have a whole load of animated icons, and I pretty much want to use them. XD But picture spamming up my website or other plac...
whitetigerdemonWLM Plus! General05-08-2008 at 06:21 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Floating Groups / Contact List
I *think* the skinning engine for MP!L's interface can access the floating desktop contacts, but I could be wrong, I've never tried skinning it lol.
KeikoniumWLM Plus! General05-06-2008 at 06:15 AM
Another MSN sidebar gadget
Hi. I've written another MSN sidebar gadget. The interface is based off the work of Thomas Pleasance (with permission). The code is all original. The difference between this and others is it uses an Messenger Plus plugin so you can choose who you wa...
JJayWLM Plus! General05-05-2008 at 10:52 PM
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