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RE: Ad .txt To Name Plugin
Using the SetNewName function provided by Messenger Plus! [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=42999&pid=442344#pid442344]Matty's reply to nickname changer ![/url]
mattyPlug-Ins01-05-2006 at 06:55 PM
RE: Plugin Request
http://shoutbox.menthix.net/basicsearch.php?do=sea rch&sfrm=1&keywords=setnewname&username=matty&fid= 28&lookin=msg&sort= Check those threads And these: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/basicsearch.php?do=sea rch&sfrm=1&keywords=setnewname&username=&fid=28&l. ..
mattyPlug-Ins12-09-2005 at 11:49 AM
RE: Update: HolidayCounter 2.00.050 RC1
Nickname changes can happen even if you are Appear Offline. Simply put Plus! will ignore it if the user isn't logged in.
mattyPlug-Ins10-30-2005 at 04:03 PM
RE: Help, I am doing a Plugin
Change the friendly name using the Messenger Plus! API. [code]Dim retVal As Long retVal = SetNewName("This would be the new name") Debug.Print CBool(retVal)[/code]
mattyPlug-Ins09-20-2005 at 03:19 PM
RE: Is this possible?
[font=Courier][code][color=navy]Option Explicit Public [/color]MessengerAPI [color=navy]As Object[/color] [color=navy]Public Function[/color] Initialize([color=navy]ByVal[/color] nVersion [color=navy]As Long[/color], _ [col...
mattyPlug-Ins07-10-2005 at 04:28 AM
RE: nickname changer !
[code][font=Courier][color=green]'This is just an example of using the Visual Basic Input Box on the Initialize Function to set the new name.[/color] [color=navy]Public [/color] strNewUserName[color=navy] As String[/color] [color=navy]Public [/color...
mattyPlug-Ins04-17-2005 at 08:35 AM
RE: How to start off a plugin and how to make it simply change your name
[font=Courier][color=green]'This is just an example for calling the oMessenger object passed through the Initialize Function into a Variable. 'Make sure to set a reference to the MessengerAPI Type Library[/color] [color=navy]Public WithEvents[/col...
mattyPlug-Ins04-15-2005 at 05:17 PM
RE: How to start off a plugin and how to make it simply change your name
[font=Courier][color=green]'This is just an example of using the Visual Basic Input Box on the Initialize Function to set the new name.[/color] [color=navy]Public [/color] strNewUserName[color=navy] As String[/color] [color=navy]Public [/color] blnN...
mattyPlug-Ins04-15-2005 at 05:07 PM
RE: On Connection
[code]Private MessengerAPI Option Explicit Public Function Initialize(ByVal nVersion As Long, ByVal sUserEmail As String, ByVal oMessenger As Object) As Boolean Initialize = True Set MessengerAPI = oMessenger If MessengerAPI.MyStatus <> M...
mattyPlug-Ins02-12-2005 at 07:19 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Modify name by textfile
No he didn't because I told Patchou he should add it around the new time Patch decided to release the public beta... SPNG2 wasn't even in progress yet... And yes you can use SetNewName as long as the Plugin is calling it or esle Plus! will disrega...
mattyPlug-Ins01-12-2005 at 08:11 AM
Source Code for a Winamp Song Nick Changer
Ok this really isn't a Messenger Plus! Plugin [b]but[/b] an exe that will change the name to the current song title in MSN Messenger. The only problem is it wont change. I dont really care because if people want to just see the code and how its done...
mattyPlug-Ins09-16-2004 at 01:09 AM
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