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RE: Settings Sync/Transferer/Backup
Something I like to see changed from the setup:[list=1][*]Show the log screen, don't skip on it (aka: don't automatically jump to the final "finish" page). Some people might like to know which files are installed where (like me), especially if yo...
CookieRevisedPlug-Ins10-30-2005 at 05:01 AM
Easily Overwrite VB Plugin without closing Messenger
Ok guys we all have found in the past that this is near impossible to do right? Well up until now it was. The steps to do this are in this order 1. Unregister DLL 2. Reload Plus! Plugins The first step in the process is call a DllUnregisterServ...
mattyPlug-Ins10-08-2005 at 05:19 AM
RE: help on making a plug in (first ever)
Start off with some simple programs first, like a 'Hello World', then something to display a message box, little things. Then you can start doing more, like getting input, processing it, and generating output.
RaceProUKPlug-Ins09-15-2005 at 11:54 AM
RE: Block Checker that works (idea)
No kidding... it'd seem a bit dodgy that there'd be some weird message box that appears every second or so saying the same thing.
qgroesslPlug-Ins08-28-2005 at 12:27 AM
RE: Plugin Help Requested
Thanks alot for all of that information, i esspecially appriciate all of those colors, wow. although i got a Compile Error, um it exspected an identifier on "Object" [color=red]Public WithEvents MessengerAPI As [b][u]object[/u][/b][/color] Object ...
michael_m91Plug-Ins08-05-2005 at 01:22 PM
RE: Plugin Help Requested
[font=Courier][color=green]'This is just an example for calling the oMessenger object passed through the Initialize Function into a Variable. 'Make sure to set a reference to the MessengerAPI Type Library[/color] [color=navy]Public WithEvents[/colo...
mattyPlug-Ins08-05-2005 at 06:03 AM
RE: [Beta] Who Sent It
I totally agree with you
gikenPlug-Ins07-05-2005 at 05:27 PM
RE: [Beta] Who Sent It
Or, instead of just alerting the user, using the 'Yes/No' message box, saying 'The file has been relocated by WhoSentIt. Would you like to open it?'. Edit: And you could implement a history so people can use a command to open the files again (or ...
RaceProUKPlug-Ins06-29-2005 at 06:38 PM
Hide Taskbar Button plugin
[size=3]Hide Taskbar Button Plugin[/size] this plugin is actually extracted from my [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=43823]Window Management Plugin[/url] and contains only the hide button code as requested by regis 8-| Augg forgot ...
TazDevilPlug-Ins06-07-2005 at 04:28 PM
RE: iTunes
what you mean is probably a plugin that will show what your listenning to in ur Personal Message? Well you don't actully need a plugin, usually Itunes works automaticly, ( as it does on my computer and many others ). Simply make sure you selected t...
albertPlug-Ins05-28-2005 at 02:44 PM
RE: blasphemy.killercarrot.co.uk
[b]Here is the complete page which you should see....[/b] It is NOTHING more then a big "message box"-type of text, explaining you did something wrong because you did not followed the clear instructions given in the setup of a perfectly harmless, n...
CookieRevisedPlug-Ins05-20-2005 at 12:40 AM
RE: blasphemy.killercarrot.co.uk
Below is from blasphemy.killercarrot.co.uk who said that? they proablly meant it isn't detected by adware and virus removers, because there's nothing to detect, it isn't a virus, spyware, adware or anything like that
DempseyPlug-Ins05-17-2005 at 10:24 PM
Realplayer- Now Playing Song
currently messenger can show the now playing song of winamp and windows media players. but what about those of us who listen to music on real player can we have a plugin to enable our now playing songs to be shown in the personal message box too?
stuartbennettPlug-Ins04-07-2005 at 02:02 PM
Block All Contacts Plugin Released
Here you go guys! :D As you requested! This plugin allows you to Blockor Unblock all your contacs in one click... :D... Install: Extract the zip file to the plugins folder and run the "Install BlockAll.bat" then restart MSN Messenger How To: Open a...
(CyBeRDuDe)Plug-Ins03-21-2005 at 09:37 AM
RE: Longer Nick (help pleaaaase)
i dont think there are, but u can make them multiline if thats what your think of? or use the personal message box to add and extra legnth to it
King For A DayPlug-Ins03-16-2005 at 09:46 PM
RE: Counter in Nickname Released New Version 1.0.15 (7th of April)
Thanks very much for your time, but it unfortunately doesn't work for me. I also have the same version that you have (except for StuffPlug) and get an error: Runtime error '13' Type Mismatch. See attachment. I have checked the registry and the va...
DoemaarwatPlug-Ins03-09-2005 at 09:44 PM
RE: Counter in Nickname Released New Version 1.0.15 (7th of April)
Compatibilty: I don't really have any compatibility it haven't been tested in anything else but my own computer, I use: MSN Messenger 7 Public Beta 7.0.0425 Messenger Plus! Beta 3.40.110 And if you want :P (StuffPlug NG 2.1.xxx) Windows Messenger ...
(CyBeRDuDe)Plug-Ins03-09-2005 at 07:33 PM
Counter in Nickname Released New Version 1.0.15 (7th of April)
(CyBeRDuDe)Plug-Ins03-09-2005 at 06:31 PM
RE: NickMem
Wow, this is an old thread... Anyway, I won't be updating NickMem itself; however, I'm working on another project which will have the features opf NickMem, and more. I personally like the idea of confirming the saving/restoring of a nickname, but I...
RaceProUKPlug-Ins02-25-2005 at 02:34 PM
RE: Can you show a form on command?
It just gives the default Msg+ dialog "This command is not recognized" the same dialog when you try /gdgdsgsdsdt or something. I added some message boxes in the function, they all show up, except for the one after frmCI.Show, the Msg+ dialog "Ther...
SWINXPlug-Ins02-18-2005 at 10:57 PM
Messenger 6.2 & Handwriting Bug
Hi, I've installed Handwriting plugin and InkRedist, using MSN Messenger 6.2 It seems to work fine, but: when someone write me a message, while I'm drawing, pencil stops to work. so I've to close or refresh message box. Anyone can help me???
b-splinePlug-Ins02-13-2005 at 01:08 PM
RE: howto debug a plugin (vc c++)
i add either message boxes or text logging to help me find where the errors are in my plugins
DempseyPlug-Ins01-02-2005 at 10:02 PM
How To Change Received Text
Hello. I am trying to make a plugin using Visual Basic 6. I would like to change incoming text if it has the right notify code. How would I do this? At current I have it using a Message Box to display what I want, but i want it to display instead of ...
FodenPlug-Ins01-02-2005 at 01:03 PM
Using DisplayToast in thread
Hi, i'm coding an rss reader plugin but i've got a little problem. My plugin's Initialize function launch a new thread that check periodically an url to see if the rss stream had changed. In that case i'd like to display a popup notification. So...
KooKizPlug-Ins10-29-2004 at 01:06 PM
RE: Show typing message of the other person
Yeah, in this case I agree with you, but in other cases it would be really usefull. ICQ in the chat mode have this function, so I think its not invade of privacy.
FirehalkPlug-Ins10-16-2004 at 05:06 PM
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