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RE: [Release] Imitate
and about, what if someone typed !imitate... that would make the entire script useless...
foalyScripting07-27-2006 at 04:35 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate
You should use /text because if i type /text IP : (!IP), i will get the IP of my contact So this is my version [code]var isEnabled = false; function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(ChatWnd, sOrigin, sMessage, nMessageKind) { if (sOrigin != Messeng...
mickael9Scripting07-27-2006 at 01:20 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate
It does the same to me. I can't get the Imitator to work. It worked about an hour ago, I just said '!imitate' and it worked. And after I turned it off, It never worked again. I tried reinstalling it, and uninstalling other scripts, but nothing wor...
PsyckoScripting07-27-2006 at 04:34 AM
RE: script request
It's been discussed in the threads with people requesting the !imitate function... but this was the only problem of it... not being able to get the contacts font... So as of right now there is no way to get it... But I think people are still trying ...
qgroesslScripting07-26-2006 at 04:00 AM
RE: steal ???
yes.. but he wants the !imitate feature... which has been attempted to be made by a couple people... but doesn't completely work.
qgroesslScripting07-22-2006 at 01:35 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate
just type !imitate to enable / disable it
andreyScripting07-20-2006 at 11:05 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate
why cant i get this to work :S i type !imitate then a msg and nothing happens :S all it does is send "!imitate my message" got it just thought it was ment by something else when it said imitate :P
craig2k5Scripting07-20-2006 at 11:02 PM
RE: [Request] Font Stealer
In that case, it may be easier to use a proxy or a packet sniffer, as the message packets contain the font name in their headers. I very much doubt scripts can get the same info, not without using an external DLL.
RaceProUKScripting07-11-2006 at 03:12 PM
RE: [Request] Font Stealer
He wants something like !imitate.
segosaScripting07-11-2006 at 02:18 PM
RE: [Request] Font Stealer
Well you cant basically copy someone's font from his hard-disk to yours ... that just isnt possible :) There could be a font sender though where your contact could type /sendfont and it would send the font to you :) You would obviously have to requ...
John AndertonScripting07-11-2006 at 01:23 PM
[Request] Font Stealer
can't someone please do a Font Stealer If your contact writes hi then if i have a font stealer i can write /!takefont and /!takecolorfont or something like that to get that:) Sorry for my bad english im from sweden and here i've writed it in swedis...
LunQanScripting07-11-2006 at 01:15 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
!imitate shows only in my window the name from my buddy. in my buddy's chat window my nick appears, doesnt work
snAke_LeAderScripting07-10-2006 at 06:19 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
Change the extension of the file from .zip to .plsc :)
FeluScripting07-09-2006 at 11:46 AM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
how do u use this download when im in the zip file theres some imitate.js thing and script info.xml what do u do?
bloodspillScripting07-09-2006 at 11:44 AM
RE: [request] Font Stealer
Well, if you make this like '!fontcopy mssg here', then it can be combined with the !imitate script and the !imitate script will finally be completed... right? ~Budsie
BudsieBudsScripting07-03-2006 at 09:22 AM
RE: [Request] StealFont for Steal Contact 0.6
You'd have to monitor the socket for when a message comes in. The contact's font will be sent with the Headers. Then, when someone types /imitate, you'd need to send the message with the contact's font, meaning you'd need to modify the headers t...
deAdScripting06-30-2006 at 01:38 PM
RE: [Request] StealFont for Steal Contact 0.6
Well as im spanish , by reading his post he is asking to be able to imitate the font the other contact uses (same as people ask in the Imitate contats plugin post) . And he also asks for a button to restore all things imitated (Font , DP , PSM...) to...
CantunisScripting06-30-2006 at 01:12 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
imitate work but my font , font color type with write his dont font or font color please i'm bad english sorry :(
turixScripting06-30-2006 at 11:54 AM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
Is it possible to change !imitate to [b]/[/b]imitate so we don't have to type !imitate all the time and we can just type / and then go to imitate?
Zahid™Scripting06-29-2006 at 03:04 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
Hello, I'm spanish and my english is very poor. Sorry. I have modified the script. I add a delay of one second after changing my name by the one of my contact. I have tested it with a conversation and a contact and works. The cod...
f1utilsScripting06-29-2006 at 01:11 PM
RE: !imitate don't work
this code dont work ----------------- var boolEnabled = false; var currentNickName; function OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(Wnd, sOrigin, sMessage, nMessageKind){ if (boolEnabled == true){ if (currentNickName != sOrigin){ currentNickName...
turixScripting06-29-2006 at 10:51 AM
!imitate don't work
!imitate fonk dont work please new version imitate send sorry a litle english :) i'm writting turkish i'm up write translate turkish arkadaslar burada Turkler oldugunu biliyorum ya bu imitate scriptinin du<gun calisani yokmu acaba kolay gels&#305;n
turixScripting06-28-2006 at 08:30 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
Ahhh, I remember all those times I had fun with people with the !imitate function of Messenger Discovery.... But it only works to full effect if it uses the same font and colour etc...I'll download this as soon as that gets sorted out :P
JimcandoScripting06-27-2006 at 11:29 PM
RE: [Release] Imitate Contacts!
Nice script. It's worked every try. After reading some other posts about it not working with more than one conversations open i tried it with 3 other conversations open and it worked then too. Is there any way to change the "!imitate" shortcut? ...
JellingsScripting06-27-2006 at 10:02 PM
upsfeupScripting06-27-2006 at 08:55 PM
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