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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Did i say you could understand them ALL THE TIME? No. But they can be understood some of the time, ie when a user types. - To this makes these features useful. RaceProUK, I understand you dont want immature arguments clogging up this forum. However ...
ecionScripting07-22-2006 at 03:11 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
going round in circles here.. yes in its present form, it is not a reliable window open notifier. However it can still be used as one. (as for the parts of your post i havnt quoted, that is because they are more immature replies which i cant be ars...
ecionScripting07-22-2006 at 02:34 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
I know this isn't Cookie's reply but I couldn't be bothered looking it up and I personally found this to be quite informative and of use anyway. Btw the reason why i was 'sucking up' to Cookie was because of his history in these forums and how ...
markeeScripting07-22-2006 at 02:26 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
We are very obviously not talking about bugs...[quote=CookieRevised]A bug is something which happens which is not supposed to be happening, a programming error... False open window notifs all the time are SUPPOSED to be happening with a session notif...
CookieRevisedScripting07-22-2006 at 02:13 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
first of all, can you loose the attidude please. I like a good discussion, but when people take your tone its quite immature. I understand that. And agree with you. (it is the whole 'it doesnt work' im interested in)
ecionScripting07-22-2006 at 01:51 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Obviously we are not talking about just bugs... A bug is something which happens which is not supposed to be happening, a programming error... False open window notifs all the time are SUPPOSED to be happening with a session notifier. There are no pr...
CookieRevisedScripting07-22-2006 at 01:48 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
The thing is that I'm sure he also did research about it, but the problem is understanding that if something doesn't work reliable, it doesn't work 100%. And in software, when something doesn't work 100%, it doesn't work. Together with this is t...
CookieRevisedScripting07-22-2006 at 01:27 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Everyone, as cookierevised (a senior and very knowledgable plus member) has already said. The open/closed window notifier feature doesn't work. The way in which messenger communicates to microsoft has changed. It doesn't send "window opened" any...
ChestahScripting07-22-2006 at 01:13 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
I understand where Cookie is coming from. I would want the name change aswell. Otherwise you will get many, many people coming in posting that it doesn't work. If it was "session notifier", it would be better. It can still be used as a 'open/clos...
linx05Scripting07-22-2006 at 09:55 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Sure it can.... now go buy that car and use it as your own car... :dodgy:
CookieRevisedScripting07-22-2006 at 09:55 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
You have the basis of that analogy wrong. As actually the car WOULD start every time you wanted it to.. However, it would also start up by itself. (Analogy being you ALWAYS get a notification when a window is open. - but get extra notifications for ...
ecionScripting07-22-2006 at 08:30 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Exactly, hence hwy it should be called as that.
CookieRevisedScripting07-22-2006 at 12:02 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
I know it wasn't to start an discussion on politics ;) With your analogy I understand why it can't be called a "working" Open close window notifier. But it can be called a working session notifier very easily... As that is exactly what you progra...
cloudhunterScripting07-22-2006 at 12:00 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
And I hope it will not as not only that is NOT what it is and also because that will do nothing good to be informative and accurate toward people (his own users of the script) and will only keep this discussion alive with what you all call useless ra...
CookieRevisedScripting07-21-2006 at 11:56 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Awesome, where will this be released (does he have a website, or will it be released somewhere on the messenger plus! forums?)
JellingsScripting07-21-2006 at 11:39 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Would moving the British nuclear fleet into waters around the middle east and firing several nuclear & hydrogen bombs at Isreal stop the current invasion of Lebbanon? Yes Would doing the same to Lebbanon stop Hezzbollah & the Islamic Militants there?...
GiantSpiderScripting07-21-2006 at 11:10 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
someone should make a "session notifier". it's nice to know that people are thinking about you - even if it's just looking at your contact card. and anyway - if someone opens a "session" with you and they're "offline" wouldn't that mean tha...
JellingsScripting07-21-2006 at 11:09 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
he read it and as he said, "it does work as a session notifier, but not as a opened/closed window notifier". He is dead right about that.
CookieRevisedScripting07-21-2006 at 10:19 PM
RE: Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Don't ask me WHY I am wasting time to do this when all the information is available but: You're welcome... But in future find out the information yourself, and put it in the correct forum if you have any queries. Scripting forum isn't the right p...
cloudhunterScripting07-20-2006 at 01:36 PM
Before getting LIVE, Facing the facts, Question too.
Greetings. For those who know a lot about the new msn live, msgplus live and scripts available, before getting the new msn live i have some questions i would like and will aprecciate to get anwered. Here are them: ( i will aprreciate to get an anwer ...
msnfangirlScripting07-20-2006 at 06:17 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Then he should also call it by the stuff it actually does. I don't know any programmer who takes pride in his work and who has put a lot of work in it, and then call its progam after something which it isn't... ----------- [size=1]PS: I also report...
CookieRevisedScripting07-19-2006 at 03:44 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
@GiantSpider: No offence, but hes obviously put alot of work into this. His aim was to create a WORKING (e.g. NOT a joke) Session notifier. I wouldn't consider it a waste of time, no matter how innacurate it is as a Window opened\closed notificatio...
cloudhunterScripting07-19-2006 at 03:41 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
He's not stupid. He knows that. He's just trying to prove how reliable this will be as a window open/closed notifier. If it's then renamed to Session start/end notifier, then it will be reliable as that is exactly what it is.
LouScripting07-19-2006 at 03:38 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Edit: @Cookie: The title is fine as for the purpose it is intended(Plus, bluntly, it's his addon/script, up to him on the name). I agree that it is innacurate, but this can be explained in the post(perhaps with big red letters)as to why it isn't te...
cloudhunterScripting07-19-2006 at 03:26 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
I know, and OK, I agree - people don't understand - but [u]some[/u] people DO - being part of those 'specific cases' that you mentioned, i'll say this to everyone now: [B]OK everyone, listen up. This is a SESSION NOTIFIER, whenever an "IRO" co...
nx01rulesScripting07-19-2006 at 02:59 PM
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