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RE: Problem Installing
Thank you, i tried administrator with it's password but now i get the message: [i]Unable to log on: Logon Failure: user account restriction. Possible reasons are blank passwords are not allowed, logon hour restrictions, or a policy has been enforce...
mike88WLM Plus! Help06-25-2006 at 08:49 PM
When right click on the setup i get : Password for "spinstall.exe"
I cant understand why. Every time i try to rick click on it, this little dialog appers. I'm using Plus! 4 . The install was ok and everything seems to work fine. [img]http://sv1.randomcrap.net/uploads/files/0/bug z.png[/img] I'v tried many passwords...
R2-D2WLM Plus! Bug Reports06-25-2006 at 05:20 AM
Remove Log Encryption
I've enabled Log Encryption for my chat logs but i wish to turn them off now. however the change doesn't affect logs that have already been encrypted. The "Change File Passwords.." feature can't work either. Any help in removing encryption from ...
desean84WLM Plus! Help06-25-2006 at 04:36 AM
RE: Tool to encrypt or decrypt log files
there is no reason to compare the hash of anything, the new Messenger Plus! Live comes with 2 "Log Viewer.exe" program that accepts command line parameters to encrypt/decrypt/change password.
PatchouPlug-Ins06-23-2006 at 04:21 PM
RE: Help! Log Files!
No, as said, there is no way to unencrypt encrypted log files unless you have the correct password. (if there was another way, encrypting your logs would be a useless feature) Sorry
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help06-11-2006 at 01:59 AM
Help! Log Files!
I encrypted my log files and now I cant remember the password...is there a way I can get to them without it? Please help.
ohsmajorette08WLM Plus! Help06-11-2006 at 01:22 AM
batch/bulk deencrypting of log files.
Basically, the situation is that i have 8 months worth of encrypted log files, but I'd like to deencrypt them. I have the password and everything and can currently view the files with no problems, but i'd like to be able to search them. If anyone i...
grrowlWLM Plus! Help06-05-2006 at 10:47 AM
Automatic logon
I used to have Windows automatically log me in, but for some weird reason, it shows the welcome screen with my username. I have to click my username for it to logon. I don't recall changing any settings for it to start up like this. How can I put it...
ReaperTech Talk05-27-2006 at 02:30 PM
RE: Recover encrypted chat logs.
That doesn't have anything to do with this (except for the fact that the password _may_ be stored there, but that will not help at all): We are obviously talking about (not) stored stuff in the log files itself to "break" the encryption. The regis...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help05-20-2006 at 02:25 PM
RE: Recover encrypted chat logs.
But you don't have to keep re-entering the password when new logs are created. I did find a value called 'LogEncryptionDataEx', which may not strictly be the password, but would be used to not require re-entering the password? Much like DataP is u...
RaceProUKWLM Plus! Help05-20-2006 at 01:11 PM
RE: Recover encrypted chat logs.
No As said, the password itself is the encryption key. This means that every file encrypted with a different password has different "starting"[size=1][noparse][*][/noparse][/size] bytes as the "checksum"[size=1][noparse][*][/noparse][/size] is ob...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help05-18-2006 at 05:37 PM
Please Help - Error 81000314
I can't log into my main account... it keeps giving me the error message 8100314 I've tried logging in using WLM, MSN 7.5 and Webmessenger to no avail. I've uninstalled MsgPlus, no help... The weirdest part is that I've been able to log into WL...
fishlips20Skype & Live Messenger05-17-2006 at 05:32 PM
Assigning password for unencrypted chat logs
Wei05-04-2006 at 07:25 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! Encrypted Chat Logs
[size=1]XML logs are NOT Messenger Plus! logs. They are logs from MSN Messenger itself. Plus! has got nothing to do with them. So, of course you're going to get a message that the log isn't a Plus! encrypted log: 1) - The log is not encrypted 2) - ...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help05-01-2006 at 10:02 AM
RE: I got hacked! My MSN!
I tried it, but it doesnt work, Step 2 keep repeating.. Hello Xuan-Vinh, Thank you for contacting MSN Messenger Technical Support. My name is Clemen and I will be assisting you with this issue. First, I would like to apologize for the delay in respo...
XVNTFSkype & Live Messenger04-29-2006 at 08:06 PM
RE: log password
You can't open the log files without the original password unfortunately.
user27089WLM Plus! Help04-28-2006 at 07:00 AM
log password
Hi! A few weeks ago I put a password on log files....yesterday I tryed to open them but I forgot it...How can I solve this problem? Thanks a lot!
macdanielsWLM Plus! Help04-28-2006 at 06:50 AM
RE: FTP Clients
May I suggest [url=http://www.loyola.edu/5555/netdrive/installin gnetdrive/]NetDrive[/url]? It's something like an FTP client "without" a GUI (read below why I have enclosed without in quotes) Actually, it's not without a GUI: You enter your FTP u...
MikeTech Talk04-27-2006 at 06:00 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! Encrypted Chat Logs
Maybe you hadn't a completely up-to-date Windows installation when the logs were created. Though it "shouldn't" be an issue... Also, the file might be really corrupted (can occur if you had errors on your hard disk. This might not be visible at f...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help04-27-2006 at 03:05 PM
Forgot Password
I encryped my log files with a password a long time ago, and when I finally went back to try to find something in an old log, I completely forgot my password to open them up. Is there anyway of changing the password without having to know the old one...
sasha1WLM Plus! Help04-26-2006 at 10:34 AM
RE: DO you give ur pass to msn support
I know this is a tad different but anyway. On my web server, I can access everything alright. Every single thing except people's emails. I can reset people's passwords and then sign in, but I can't view any of their emails without resetting their...
LouSkype & Live Messenger04-21-2006 at 01:54 AM
Log file problem
Ok, so I had all of my log files encrypted with a password. I had to format my computer, and I saved the said logs to a cd. Reinstall OS, reinstall MSN and Messenger Plus.... and now when I try to open my old logs, I get a "The file hasn't been enc...
KaryudoWLM Plus! Help04-16-2006 at 01:11 AM
RE: Msn Messenger Freezes
If you know who it is, then report them to msn. Otherwise the only thing you can do is wait until they stop using the program, or return the favor on them :P That wont do anything, if you read the thread you would see that its a program running on s...
PlikSkype & Live Messenger04-14-2006 at 11:40 AM
RE: Block Users From WLM On Your PC
If you just want them to not use Plus! as in not knowing it is there, rename "msimg32.dll" which you'll find in your WLM directory to something else (or move it to some directory you only know about). eg: you could make a simple batch program to c...
CookieRevised04-12-2006 at 10:48 PM
Empty errorbox/log encryption
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v47/Fantalo onastic/Plus/whatsthaterror.png[/img] Found an empty error/info box, but I can't seem to reproduce it. I *think* I was trying to open a log while it was still encrypting. Anyone else seen this one? ...
Fanta04-10-2006 at 05:42 PM
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