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RE: Quesiton About Chat Logs
[MR]WLM Plus! Help08-18-2005 at 01:10 AM
RE: Quesiton About Chat Logs
But! they can still delete the whole log without knowing the password... but to delete parts of it they'd have to know the password to open the log.
qgroesslWLM Plus! Help08-18-2005 at 01:07 AM
RE: Quesiton About Chat Logs
you dont have to be signed in to open a chat log that has a password on it. i have it on password protected chat logs and u dont have to have it remember your password...just uncheck that option and type it in everytime.
[MR]WLM Plus! Help08-18-2005 at 01:03 AM
RE: Lock properties of a file
In a Word document? Well, the answer would be yes and no :D You can secure a Word document with a password so you can't change anything in it anymore (without knowing the password). Although such protections are easly broken for those who know how (...
CookieRevisedTech Talk08-16-2005 at 11:01 AM
RE: Strange .exe with plus title - worm alert - update with screenshot - Norton got it!!
Isnt that the one where you log in and it sends a message or changes your name to your password? I remember seeing a thread about it... lemme find out http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=488 39 Something like that? Although thats MSN Messe...
mwe99General Chit Chat08-15-2005 at 07:15 PM
RE: msn logfiles
if its encrypted... turn off the encrpytion so its just a regualr .txt edit it turn the encryption on again i think that'll work [size=1]kind of makes loggin usless doesnt it?[/size] if it isnt enctypted just encrypt it with a password that only you...
*Saint*WLM Plus! Help08-11-2005 at 09:48 PM
RE: Being blocked out of my own router settings?
No because i dont even get the dialog box for the password. I think its my router rejecting my PC for some reason. My router's manual and the netgear website say nothing of how to reset it, thier tech support hasnt replied to me 3 emails.. ive post...
PyroteqTech Talk08-03-2005 at 11:47 AM
RE: not working / cant connect
well try this tip it may help.. control panel > user accounts > advance > manage password > and remove the email with which u cant login to msn msngr.. and then restart ur msn and check whether it works or not.. [quote=bleedlikeme][b] i try to log ...
SheziWLM Plus! Help08-01-2005 at 09:07 AM
RE: PLEASE HELP (randomly changing DP)
No, your DP will not popup on hers. These settings are stored per account (.NET passport). If you don't log your conversations there's no way they can know what you've talked about. The logging options are: In MSNM - tools > options > messages ......
SunshineSkype & Live Messenger07-24-2005 at 10:22 AM
RE: Chat Log Password Problem
I don't use this feature myself, but here's a few topics that may point you in the right direction: [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=36467&pid=356673]Encrypting Archived Logs[/url] - not really related [url=http://shoutbox.menthi...
multimillion2kWLM Plus! Help07-23-2005 at 09:26 AM
RE: MSN error 81000378 - Help Please =]
are you sure your sign in name and password is correct can you log into hotmail? or passport services?
mwe99Skype & Live Messenger07-22-2005 at 01:32 PM
RE: My account has been locked
Yeah, that bastard, made a 'plugin' and posted it on msgdiscovery forums, it contained a virus.
PuritySkype & Live Messenger07-20-2005 at 05:14 AM
RE: My account has been locked
Sean did this to me right before he got perm banned from here. He thought he was top shit for being able to do it. Its actually quiet dodgy...
Pr0xYSkype & Live Messenger07-20-2005 at 04:11 AM
RE: My account has been locked
Ohhk /me likes the sound of that idea /sevillaugh J/k :P
zachSkype & Live Messenger07-19-2005 at 10:57 PM
RE: My account has been locked
This was done to me by cleanfilm when me and leejeffery where owning him when he said he would hack the forums, all they person does is uses a program that constantly trys to log on to your hotmail account using a random password so it locks you out,...
PlikSkype & Live Messenger07-19-2005 at 10:33 PM
RE: encryption password
[b]Messenger Plus! log file encryption passwords are not stored anywhere and can not be retrieved in any way[/b] He doesn't want to spy on logs from other people, he encrypted his own logs and "lost" the password...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help07-09-2005 at 02:25 PM
encryption password
I added the encryption option to my log files latley... but am trying to open them and i always get that the password is incorreect although am sure about my password .. And now i do really need them urgently PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ if anybody can help...
jmacWLM Plus! Help07-09-2005 at 12:29 PM
RE: Unable to open chat logs.
Although the error you get doesn't exactly indicate the following cause, you might try it out: Make sure you've updated your computer fully (including SP2 if you have XP)... Go to the [url=http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/]Windows update site[/ur...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help07-08-2005 at 12:15 PM
Unable to log in, this computer only
A few days a go (Using MSN Messenger version 7.0.0813), I got this error message while trying to log in: [i]"Signing in to MSN Messenger failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. 80090331"[/i] Since then I...
KoibySkype & Live Messenger06-28-2005 at 11:52 PM
RE: Bug in Boss Protection and Messenger Lock
It's always hard to discuss with you :P It's not the same. It does something similar, but the context is different. Why should that "be made into a proper "not hidden" option"? They are different things. When you make a program, you have to th...
lopardoWLM Plus! Bug Reports06-25-2005 at 08:07 PM
RE: General Encryption Problems on Logs
This suggest to me that you tried other stuff before also and not simply did this only. Because it indicates you have different passwords for different files and that can only happen if you screwed up before... [hr] Now... First of all, no there is n...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Bug Reports06-23-2005 at 04:04 PM
RE: error signing in
When you set up your hotmail account, you may have set an alternative email to which instructions on how to change passwords are sent. If you can remember this email, follow the instructions here. [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=...
ZephyrSkype & Live Messenger06-10-2005 at 06:30 PM
RE: error signing in
If you cannot log into MSN Messenger or Hotmail your password you are typing is incorrect or has been changed. Try clicking on Forgot your Password? on Hotmail and try changing it through your secret question. If you forgot it then unfortunatly the o...
mattySkype & Live Messenger06-10-2005 at 06:27 PM
error signing in
Hello, Today i try to sign in automatically in msn, but there appears an error, i could not sign in, because username or password are incorrect. I also tried to log in at the hotmail site, but that error occurs again. I search on the internet and i ...
AnoukSkype & Live Messenger06-10-2005 at 04:52 PM
what is?
What is that run command to bring up the box to get ctrl alt del enabled when I log into my machine? passwords2 or something
SaviorTech Talk06-06-2005 at 07:14 PM
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