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RE: What's your biggest log file size?
my biggest log file is 643 KB. some of my older log files are crypted and somehow they got scrambled...i cant access them anymore because it wont accept my password.
KillerXPWLM Plus! General05-17-2004 at 12:45 PM
RE: [CBC] Chameleon Board Companion (formerly KSMAS) Community board release (2005-04-25)
Thank you, too. I want to say I am implementing a feature that might be interesting: As it happened to my songtracker, many people tried to hack it as I can see in my server logs (URLs were called with invented filenames and parameters). KSMAS will ...
KeyStormTech Talk05-16-2004 at 10:56 PM
RE: Get through Firewalls with MSN!!!
Hehe, i dont need this at my school, all i have to do is log in with the admin password :D (Hmm.... how i got it? Well.... long story :p)
ManiacTech Talk05-14-2004 at 10:48 PM
RE: MsgPlus rock! ???
"[i]Never give out your password or credit card number...[/i]" on top of the conversation window is the security warning from Messenger that will be shown only [u]the first 5 times[/u] when you log in with a [u]new account[/u] and start a conversat...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General05-13-2004 at 09:29 AM
RE: Encrypted Files Password
It is possible to decrypt them! Unfortuantly I know both the people capable of doing so and they most certainly wont. The idea of encrypting them is so people can't read them. If you can't remember the password it's unfortuante but the files a...
WabzWLM Plus! Help05-10-2004 at 11:36 AM
Feature Suggestion - Authentication & Encryption
I'm sorry if this has been mentioned or suggested before. I would like to suggest the addition of contact authentication and conversation/file transfer encryption to Msgplus. In this day in age of identity theft, phishing, information theft, etc, no...
strykerWLM Plus! General05-08-2004 at 06:23 AM
RE: those accursed logs! *shakes fist*
I am having the same problem...I change the password, and it works for a while, but then it seems to change itself. None of the passwords I have ever used as log encryption passwords work on it... See http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=24. ..
enterthemattrixWLM Plus! Bug Reports05-07-2004 at 05:48 AM
RE: Log encryption won't work
Sorry for the abrupt editing and my poor english. I have this problem with my log files as with enterthematrix. But the problem now is that even after uninstalling and reinstalling a newer version, my log files still cannot be decrypted with the pass...
kyuubiWLM Plus! Bug Reports05-06-2004 at 06:24 PM
Log encryption won't work
Hey everybody, Recently, the password for my encrypted chat logs suddenly stopped working. Even If I enter the correct password, it tells me that it is incorrect. I have tried disabling encryption, then re-enabling it (first, with the same password, ...
enterthemattrixWLM Plus! Bug Reports05-06-2004 at 12:38 PM
RE: Problem at School
Blah... I want to make it clear that the only way to be "logged in" is if MyBB's ID/password cookies are set. If you're viewing a cached page that says you're logged in as User A, that's not necessarily true. You could actually be logged out, o...
WDZForum & Website04-22-2004 at 03:44 AM
The specified file hasn't been encrypted with Messenger Plus!
For some reason I can't open my encrypted log file anymore. When I enter the wrong password it says "the password you entered is invalid" and when I enter the right password it says "The specified file hasn't been encrypted by Messenger Plus!" ...
xplatinumWLM Plus! Bug Reports04-21-2004 at 11:40 PM
RE: what's up with the forums?
Hashing makes things alot more secure though, because hashes cannot be reversed back to plain text, only really bruteforced.
surfichrisForum & Website04-07-2004 at 11:24 PM
RE: what's up with the forums?
Mind you, if the hacker has access to the services database, he can cause great damage to the server even when the passwords are encrypted (for example, delete the databases and the configuration files, or corrupt them otherwise). Also, a password's...
sockForum & Website04-07-2004 at 09:21 PM
those accursed logs! *shakes fist*
WHY, when i tell it to log chats, it doesn't! and when it does, my password is NOT what i set it to be! i can't even read the damn logs! and i hate using msn's xml logs, they're horrible, too hard to read, and you can can't copy/paste them effec...
tjWLM Plus! Bug Reports04-03-2004 at 12:06 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3 Progress
Mirc has add this feature for a long time and many security issues have come up but they've also been solved. Firstly Mirc gives you three options on Send requests: Show [u]g[/u]et dialog [u]A[/u]uto-get file and [] (< tickbox) [u]m[/u]inimize (se...
warrengArchive03-23-2004 at 11:43 AM
Settings Password Protection
How about adding a feature so the settings for msgplus cannot be changed without a password? I wanna keep log files in particular but not allow anyone to turn it off or change the path.
audioproWLM Plus! General03-12-2004 at 07:15 PM
MSN Messenger without Internet Explorer
I'm trying to install MSN Messenger on my Internet Explorer-free Windows '98 SE system. It refuses, because it says it needs Internet Explorer to work. Now I have an Internet Explorer-free system and like to keep it that way. It's a lot faster and...
teraitenSkype & Live Messenger03-07-2004 at 11:56 PM
RE: WMPlus 2 - Windows Media Player plugin
I will include your emoticons, don't know about the installer yet. I don't like the way current installers work; SendKeys/SendMessage. I've already figured out how Messenger stores the emoticons, but after changing it it might need a restart or an...
PsychoMarkPlug-Ins02-23-2004 at 12:09 PM
RE: Bug: Password Encryption Request.
I'm glad that works. It isn't really a solution (you had to disable the password option, so now your log files will not be encrypted anymore), but the annoying problem is gone. I still think you'd better reinstall Messenger Plus!, but I can't pro...
TochjoWLM Plus! Bug Reports02-20-2004 at 02:48 PM
Dutch: Encrypted Log error window
When I typed in the password for an encrypted log (and I accidently did it wrong), I got this weird sentence: "Het ingevoerde wachtwoord is onjuist. Probeer het later nog eens." (The password is wrong, please try again later.) Try again later?! Why...
MippoTranslation12-06-2003 at 07:43 AM
Messenger Plus! Community forums history
ChronoForum & Website11-24-2003 at 12:56 AM
RE: @msgplus.net Email Support
is been agers.. and my email still isnt working.. whats going rong? it says i cant log into the server!.. that my password is rong.. but i know its rite, ive always used it.. will msgplus email eva be working again? :shocked:
ranicxGeneral Chit Chat10-22-2003 at 09:37 AM
RE: Windows Media Player - Name Broadcaster
Hey all, I have looked at the exe, and what it seems to do is look for the serial of a few games, and connect to irc. Moderators/Admins i suggest you delete this topic Take a look at the code i extracted from the exe below: [code] ScanNetBIOS GetLoc...
Zero1Plug-Ins07-26-2003 at 08:07 PM
if thats true... then remote activation isnt needed at all :P [b]the activation is ONLY intended for demonstration purposes. if it didnt need activation... the 4 million people(who arent wrong:P) will all be cheating... and the games wouldnt be fun ...
WhackoPlug-Ins07-14-2003 at 02:49 PM
Hey, I never said you wanted to steal my pass, I was just saying that you COULD steal my pass. Besides, the passwords are stored in a low-encrypted file on the HDD (not sure where) so in theory, you COULD steal people's pass without a fake dialog bo...
KushanPlug-Ins07-12-2003 at 05:32 PM
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