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RE: Signing in in problem with MSN Messenger 7.
try going [url=http://help.msn.com/EN_US/HelpWindow_msg.asp? INI=Messengerw10.ini&H_VER=1.7&SearchTerm=80072efd &H_APP=MSN%20Messenger%20(BETA)&S_Text=For%20help% 20on%20MSN%20Messenger%20(BETA)%2C%20click%20a%20t opic%3A&ContactUs=&v4=DH_FREE]here[/url...
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-22-2005 at 07:47 PM
RE: Anyone got any problems now?
my MSN7 (final) was working flawlessly up until i installed the recent windows security updates. now, MSN7 signs itself out automatically, but still has me as online to other users. closing MSN7 down doesnt help either, i have to sign into a differen...
skalra63Skype & Live Messenger04-21-2005 at 12:26 AM
RE: Someone please help!
http://www.msn-problems.com/solve-msn-messenger-pr oblem/sign-in/msn-7/msn-messenger-sign-in-80072efd .php [url=http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&oe=UTF-8&ie =UTF-8&q=80072efd][img]http://shoutbox.menthix.net /images/smilies/google.gif[/img][/url] [size=...
mattySkype & Live Messenger04-15-2005 at 12:42 AM
Someone please help!
When I installed MSN 7, it wouldn't let me sign in. I kept getting the message: "Sorry, we are unable to sign you into MSN Messenger at this time. Please try again later. 80072efd " So I uninstalled 7, and re-installed 6.2, and it did the same th...
mastermind123Skype & Live Messenger04-15-2005 at 12:19 AM
RE: Msn messenger 7.0 (Not Responding)
ok.. i edited my post above and in it i'm telling you: uninstall this msn, install the previous version of msn that you had running before 7.0 again, and than upgrade it to the new one without uninstalling the old one first. edit: also, try not to d...
JoaWLM Plus! Help04-09-2005 at 07:51 PM
RE: 7.0.0777
which version of windows do you have? so do you have a firewall or no? if you do, even the microsoft one, than shut it down and try running msn again. and see if it works :| [b]edit:[/b] [url=http://help.msn.com/EN_US/HelpWindow_msg.asp? INI=Messenge...
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-09-2005 at 01:34 AM
RE: 7.0.0777
try following these directions: [url=http://help.msn.com/EN_US/HelpWindow_msg.asp? INI=Messengerw10.ini&H_VER=1.7&SearchTerm=80072efd &H_APP=MSN%20Messenger%20(BETA)&S_Text=For%20help% 20on%20MSN%20Messenger%20(BETA)%2C%20click%20a%20t opic%3A&ContactUs=...
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-09-2005 at 01:08 AM
RE: msn wont let me sign in
you can check the server status here http://messenger.msn.com/Status.aspx or if you have msn beta (click on help when the window "sorry we were unable to sign you in" pops up) or simply go to the link below and follow the steps, because the connect...
JoaSkype & Live Messenger03-30-2005 at 07:02 PM
Anyone having problems logging in?
Is anyone having problems logging onto MSN Messenger? Every time I try to connect I get: 80072efd. Here is the connection log. [code]******************************************** ************************************* * * Log opened: 2005-03-30T18:37:08...
mattySkype & Live Messenger03-30-2005 at 06:52 PM
Error 80072efd
Hi, I get the following error when I try to connect to MSN: I got this since a few days... Trillian doesn't work either... "e-Messenger" does, by the way. Anyone got an idea?
TuxmanSkype & Live Messenger03-04-2005 at 10:43 PM
Whats This Error?
Sorry, we were unable to sign you in... 80072efd
*Saint*Skype & Live Messenger01-23-2005 at 07:17 PM
Sign in problems
I jsut got signed out of MSN Messenger, I tried reconnecting and got this message: Sorry we are unable to sign you into .net Messenging Service. Please try again later the error is: 80072efd
PuritySkype & Live Messenger01-23-2005 at 06:35 AM
RE: MSN Messenger 7 Beta Refresh Problem
That error means that they are blocking beta's because they are doing maintenance (only the message has changed a bit). Note that this maintenance isn't world wide and can occur in only specific countries. :google: "messenger 80072efd" Indeed. Th...
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger11-06-2004 at 05:12 PM
MSN Messenger 7 Beta Refresh Problem
When I try to login to MSN Messenger 7 Beta Refresh, I get the message "MSN Messenger could not connect to the server - 80072efd" What do you do to fix this? Before you ask, I am an official tester!
TimRogersSkype & Live Messenger11-06-2004 at 04:36 PM
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