What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: [FORUM] "Plug-Ins" forum now that Scripts name has changed?
The term "addon" is already used to refer to things like A-Patch, StuffPlug, Plus!, Smiley Central, etc in various places.
CookieRevised08-22-2011 at 10:24 AM
Nicknames - Not Impossible
Hello everyone! I don't wanna appear presumptuous and maybe whatever I'm gonna write here will result wrong (in both content and form, because my english sucks :$) Everytime someone asks for colored nicknames the answer is always the same: [Just a...
Ryder66WLM Plus! General08-11-2011 at 09:25 AM
Collective suggestions list adopted from Plus! 4.80
[b]@Sunshine: This is a collective suggestions list adopted from my old Plus! 4.80 suggestions summary ([url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?t id=86038][Plus 4.80: 99 Suggestions/Ideas, 99 left] --- Updated 19-01-09[/url]). Should I post th...
mynetx01-03-2011 at 09:30 AM
RE: Max chars - WLM 11 & MSGPLUS 4.9
Hi Matty, thks for your information, but it seems that the amount of chars is not 1100, maybe it is not working as well as some other functions. It would be great if someone from developer team says something. Regarding Stuffplug, I afraid that the...
brjohnsmithWLM Plus! Help11-01-2010 at 11:39 PM
RE: Max chars - WLM 11 & MSGPLUS 4.9
Nope. Messenger Plus! never made it more than 1100. StuffPlug made it 5000.
mattyWLM Plus! Help10-21-2010 at 11:16 PM
RE: make my display picture in large size
It hasn't been possible anymore since people started to use Windows Live Messenger 8.0, released in 2006. Even if you are still able to use MSN Messenger 7.0 with StuffPlug-NG and have patched it so that you can use an enlarged display picture, cont...
CookieRevisedScripting08-30-2010 at 10:19 PM
RE: make my display picture in large size
but it was possibe from 2 years in msn 7 with stuffplug programm, but now the stuffplug programm hav'nt any new versions:(
hr4everScripting08-30-2010 at 10:07 PM
RE: is there any way to type more than 1100 letters?
Oh crap =/ so theres no way to type more than 1100 characters?
iPunketOzWLM Plus! General08-27-2010 at 08:36 AM
RE: is there any way to type more than 1100 letters?
Stuffplug isn't updated anymore and is not compatible with recent messenger versions.
ChrissyWLM Plus! General08-26-2010 at 09:22 PM
RE: is there any way to type more than 1100 letters?
kk thanks im trying to download stuffplug
iPunketOzWLM Plus! General08-26-2010 at 06:58 PM
RE: is there any way to type more than 1100 letters?
StuffPlug allowed up to 5000 characters. The problem with this was then that the server would sparatically not deliver the message properly.
mattyWLM Plus! General08-26-2010 at 02:45 PM
RE: is there any way to type more than 1100 letters?
It's not a script that enables Messenger Plus! Live to extend the character limit, it's a function of the program itself. I believe either A Patch of StuffPlug was able to extend the limit further, but I can't recall which, or if either of them ar...
djdannypWLM Plus! General08-26-2010 at 02:21 PM
RE: Contact timezone like in StuffPlug 3?
Something like this would indeed be a nice feature to add to Messenger Plus! itself. But don't get your hopes up too much though. Adding it via a Messenger Plus! script is what is currently being done by Matty (but again, this is done as one of his ...
CookieRevisedScripting08-26-2010 at 04:39 AM
RE: Contact timezone like in StuffPlug 3?
Anybody knows whatever happened to StuffPlug? I really miss that timezone display, it meant the world of difference to me. Not sure if anything else than below the avatar would do for me, unfortunately. SP way of doing it was, IMHO, genuinely the bes...
EvilDragonScripting08-26-2010 at 12:00 AM
RE: Custom emotions clashing with default ones!
StuffPlug used to allow this IIRC. Just re-install
SpunkySkype & Live Messenger06-07-2010 at 12:03 PM
RE: Nicknames
If you use stuffplug (another wlm add-on) [that i don't think is updated anymore], you can use a chat only name meaning the name you chat with is different from the one people see on they're contacts list. This is the same for all the contacts tho...
ChrissySkype & Live Messenger05-27-2010 at 08:50 PM
need help with my msn picture
ok i have a question - and i am sorry if it is a dumb one. i tried to figure it out but i juz couldnt. i hope u can help me. i got a personal picture next to my msn name ( the one u see when ppl chat wit u) . it is in a square and i always have to re...
germanshawtyWLM Plus! Help01-31-2010 at 04:04 PM
RE: Any scripts like Stuff plug??
ok its called Fake invites but Stuffplug doesnt work with WLM 9. So if anyoen knows of a way to get fake invities on another script PLEASE share :)
hreyhreyScripting01-08-2010 at 03:30 AM
Any scripts like Stuff plug??
Since stuffplug doesnt work I REALLY LOVED the option to be able to type w/e you want with lines above and under ( like when clicking nudge but you can type w/e u want inside) Anyone know of somthing like this?
hreyhreyScripting01-08-2010 at 03:16 AM
RE: How to get around someone's "anti-block"?
that lets you talk to people you have blocked without unblocking them, but it's not being worked on anymore
Shiny RabbitSkype & Live Messenger12-30-2009 at 08:56 PM
RE: How to get around someone's "anti-block"?
[url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=32941]This[/url] thread says that it's possible to talk to contacts who have blocked you with an add-on called [url=http://www.google.com/search?q=stuffplug]Stuf fPlug[/url]. [url=http://shoutbox.m...
Chris4Skype & Live Messenger12-30-2009 at 04:49 AM
RE: Status Icons
It does work for tabbed chatting! Tabbed chatting does not break those scripts, nor is there any bug. But there is a big misconception on what such scripts actually do. It is important to know that such scripts like these are programmed to change the...
CookieRevisedScripting11-22-2009 at 02:55 PM
RE: Status Icons
I have only installed mattys version (3rd post in the 1st page of this thread -- StatusIcon_WLMBeta.plsc). Where can I get yours to give it a try? http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1653/ffdfsfsdf. jpg EDIT #1: I was playing around with my other MSN ...
pleasehelpmeScripting11-21-2009 at 07:23 PM
i know this future is available on Stuffplug but like you say it's not compatible with the 2009 // but i don't think thats can be do with a script
JOKER_N1Plug-Ins11-16-2009 at 08:04 PM
RE: something i'd like to see plus do in future release: firefox fix
The problem i see with that is, wouldn't anyone then be able to access my email if they open up firefox in my account and go to hotmail? I like it to be secure, so it auto logs me on from messenger, but i shut messenger down, no one can get access. ...
neologanWLM Plus! General10-31-2009 at 04:05 PM
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