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RE: Block-Checker
I wouldn't click the link though.
qgroesslTech Talk08-22-2005 at 04:07 AM
RE: Block-Checker
[size=1]yep, indeed... as explained in Segosa's post, csrss.exe constantly checks for blockchecker.exe. If blockchecker.exe is killed it is restarted again by csrss.exe. Hence you need to kill csrss.exe first ;) (btw, I modified your step-by-step in...
CookieRevisedTech Talk08-21-2005 at 05:19 PM
New Virus I think
hey guys i keep on getting this message from my friend: Did they block you too? Download a free MSN Block Checker http://www.block-checker.com then they dont even talk then they start to play all these Winks...........then i type if you can talk type...
ValSkype & Live Messenger08-21-2005 at 12:46 AM
RE: Block-Checker
I'd say ctrl+alt+del, kill the extra csrss.exe first and then block-checker.exe (if you don't know which csrss.exe it is, use Process Explorer from sysinternals to see its path) Then delete the contents of C:\Program Files\Block Checker and edit ...
segosaTech Talk08-19-2005 at 09:40 AM
RE: Block-Checker
Its so called "version check" when it starts is this: [code] POST /version.html HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept-Language: en-us Content-Length: 0 Accept: */* User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHtt...
segosaTech Talk08-17-2005 at 04:17 PM
[color=red][size=3][b]Moderator edit: do not download/use this, it is a virus.[/b][/size][/color] [i]This thread is here merely because it contains more information on this thing.[/i] Ha :P bet you thought someone was gonna ask how lol moving on... ...
mwe99Tech Talk08-17-2005 at 03:29 PM
RE: S.O.S. HELP PLEASE (knowing if somebody blocked you)
Well you can only check if the contact is online or offline. and not if he blocked you, also as u can read in the "Block checkers DO NOT work" there is this check box in privacy, it say only contact in my list can see my status and send me messages...
zaher1988Skype & Live Messenger08-09-2005 at 12:12 PM
RE: [split] Block checkers?
Not the right place to post at all... But block-checkers no longer work. (would a mod move this :p)
qgroesslSkype & Live Messenger08-04-2005 at 03:26 PM
RE: status checker from another site
I just set up my block checker about 10 hours ago :P My host is down at the moment but everything is in this folder http://www.msgstuff.com/block Edit: It's in the attachment just upload and visit /block/index.html and it will work :P
absorbationTech Talk05-28-2005 at 09:53 AM
status checker from another site
I would like to use block-checker on my webpage and I found a nice donor. Now I have a question - how I post values from my website via form so, that it takes results from that site and shows them on my site. PS! The site is: http://www.blockstatus.c...
rixTech Talk05-28-2005 at 09:50 AM
RE: how do you know if some one block u?
It doesn't, previous versions of Stuffplug could tell you if somebody deleted you though :s. There haven't been any block-checkers for ages because of compatibility errors, dodgy microsoft programs :@.
user27089Skype & Live Messenger03-11-2005 at 07:02 PM
[suggestion] show real status instead of "(blocked)"
[size=1]I know I've posted this in another thread about block checkers (and it was kind-of offtopic). But to make sure the suggestion isn't lost in the discussion, here it is again...[/size] This suggestion is no invasion of privacy whatsoever. Als...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General04-13-2004 at 02:00 PM
RE: Thank you Plus! the block checker
yeah but still his right..... i would be a Block-Shower :P
BooGhostWLM Plus! General11-15-2003 at 07:47 PM
RE: Thank you Plus! the block checker
NO ;) A block-checker is somehting YOU initiate, This whole thing with the phonenumber you DON'T initiate, it just HAPPENS, thus it isn't like a checker at all....
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General11-15-2003 at 07:38 PM
RE: Thank you Plus! the block checker
:@ read the first couple of posts in this thread if you got questions and how-to's, it's all explained I think. And no, it isn't meant as a block-checker, It's just something that happens sometime when someone (un)block you/change phonenumber
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General11-15-2003 at 06:45 PM
RE: Thank you Plus! the block checker
Errr..... doesn't that happen also if a contact has changed his/her phone number, etc offline and then comes online??? --------- EDIT Nope, it isn't possible when you're not signed in to change your phonenumbers, you're right; so it is a deblock-...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General11-01-2003 at 10:07 PM
RE: Official plugin package - be famous :)
Great add-on, Wouter ;) (Y) I think you must make block-checker a stand-alone program ;)
Pure_BYPlug-Ins08-19-2003 at 07:33 PM
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