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RE: mSn 6.2 --> msn 7 and smilies gone?
I think the problem is that you simply unchecked the boxes to make the emoticons appear in your conversation.. to re-enable it, plz follow these instructions : Open your msn messenger contacts window Click on your nickname, then select Personal Setti...
albertSkype & Live Messenger04-19-2005 at 08:42 PM
RE: Why my nickname cant use custom emotion
Yep, sorry, custom emoticons don't show up in niknames
J.JSkype & Live Messenger04-16-2005 at 05:34 AM
RE: Main Contact list, Remove smilies from name? [msn 7]
you could create a custom name for your contacts with "(!N)" so it shows their original nickname without smiles, but yes in your IM windows this would disable emoticons :(
ChestahWLM Plus! Help04-08-2005 at 11:57 PM
RE: own emo's in nick?
almost everybody I know has msn7 and/or plus, so that won't be a problem... But allright, the plug-in makers know what 2 do:D
XytraSPlug-Ins03-25-2005 at 12:34 PM
RE: own emo's in nick?
To my knowledge there is no plugin (or any way for that matter) to use your custom emoticons in your nickname.
TochjoPlug-Ins03-25-2005 at 10:21 AM
RE: Custom Names when chatting
When in "view by email address" mode (used by MP! to use Custom Nicknames), you can't view emoticons. It's a limitation.
L. CoyoteWLM Plus! Bug Reports03-22-2005 at 02:38 AM
Custom Names when chatting
I found another bug.. dunno if its a bug.... but Using MSN Messenger 7.0632 still with MSG plus! 3.5 The problem is.. when chatting with a contact with a custom nickname... and they talk back.. and u see their real nickname... if there are any emot...
LumpsWLM Plus! Bug Reports03-22-2005 at 12:25 AM
RE: no emoticons
Lemme verify what has been said. When using the Custom Name feature it is a limitation of Messenger Plus! to be able to show the Emoticons in the name because the names are no longer processed by MSN Messenger because the "View by email" option is ...
mattyWLM Plus! Bug Reports03-20-2005 at 06:10 AM
RE: How i can put custom emoticons in name exibition ? exist plugin ?
Your name. I'm guessing his language is not English and he's trying to say the name you show to your contacts, in short, your nickname.
L. CoyotePlug-Ins03-08-2005 at 07:36 PM
How i can put custom emoticons in name exibition ? exist plugin ?
Dear Friends My Question is That : Is possible is possible to put my custom emoticons in my nickname (name exibition that thers people view when talk with me) ands other people see thath custom emoticons ? Exist plugin for that ? im tried it but ...
almirfPlug-Ins03-08-2005 at 07:11 PM
Custom Emoticons In Nickname Plug-in?
Hi, I'm quite sure that there isn't a plug-in that lets you include custome emoticons in you MSN Messenger nickname but would it be possible for someone to make one?*-)
ProblemWv AuthorityPlug-Ins02-17-2005 at 05:58 PM
[updated 1/2/06] A-Patch v1.3.0 RC2 - 1 Million Downloads!
[size=5][color=red][b][i]A-Patch for MSN Messenger[/i][/b][/size][/color] [size=4][b][i]Visually Customize Messenger[/i][/b][/size] [size=4][b][i]A-Patch[/i][/b][/size] [b]Current Version:[/b] 1.3.0 RC2 (updated 1/2/2006) [b]Total Features:[/b] 70 A-...
AhmadSkype & Live Messenger02-13-2005 at 04:37 PM
It is a limitation because even if you use <custom nick> - (!N) [i]{ (!N) shows what the contact put as his/her nick}[/i] it still won't show the emoticons they've put in.
SunshineWLM Plus! Help01-13-2005 at 07:54 PM
I don't think it's a "limitation", as the whole idea of Custom Names, is to have what you want showing as a name, and not what your contact has typed for a name. As in to get rid of all the crap that contacts show in the name area. Peronally, I ...
net-cruizerWLM Plus! Help01-13-2005 at 07:49 PM
RE: please explain some functions...
Auto Talkers: Javascript/VB Script files that are loaded when sending a Message change the way the text is desplayed. CE/DP Stealer: Shows you most of your contacts Display Pics and Custom Emoticons and gives you the option to save them to your compu...
mattyPlug-Ins12-28-2004 at 06:22 PM
RE: Bug report for Messenger Plus! 3.40 (beta)
that is not a bug just a limitation. when you use custom nickname it defaultly sorts the list by email address as opposed to contact name so as its on email address emoticons dont show up. currently this cannot be change as its a limitation of messe...
stuartbennettWLM Plus! Bug Reports12-20-2004 at 07:19 AM
RE: Custom emoticons in nickname
This has been suggested many times and it is very unlikely that it would/can/will be implemented.
PurityWLM Plus! General12-19-2004 at 12:09 AM
Custom emoticons in nickname
I wanna post an idea..... This is my first post btw :P. Well, why don't patchou try to put custom emoticons in the nickname on a future msg plus? Maybe will be fun :)
EeEk!WLM Plus! General12-17-2004 at 01:53 AM
RE: Custom Name Bug
Its a bug, patchou need to fix it
jvlppmWLM Plus! Bug Reports11-11-2004 at 04:31 PM
RE: Custom Name Bug
That's normal, it's a limitation of custom names.
SunshineWLM Plus! Bug Reports11-11-2004 at 04:28 PM
RE: Custom Name Bug
When Custom nicknames is on, theres no emoticons in the nick just the shortcut, even for those ppl not renamed
jvlppmWLM Plus! Bug Reports11-11-2004 at 03:50 PM
RE: Custom Emoticions in nickname plugin...
bumps thread..... I havent been here in a while. i would havent bumped it earlier.. i have the MSN 7 beta but i dont remember if it has custom emoticons in nicknames and in the contact list.
riahc4Plug-Ins10-12-2004 at 03:42 PM
RE: Custom emoticons in SN
nope, because custom emoticons in nicknames aren't possible... And this can't be fixed; nothing can be done. It is a (good) limitation. Each custom picture, (emoticons, display pictures, etc...) needs to get send to the contact before he can see it...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Bug Reports10-01-2004 at 10:16 AM
RE: Custom Emotions In Name Suggestion
exactly, and for that reason I hope MSN will [u]never[/u] build custom emoticons into nicknames....
CookieRevisedPlug-Ins07-18-2004 at 09:37 PM
RE: feature requests
what do u mean hotlink ?
toddyWLM Plus! General07-07-2004 at 09:59 PM
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