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CUSTOM NAMES -> Exported Settings
I know that there are alot of Forums in regards to MSN forcing users to update to Latest MSN, and that this has its own naming system "nicknames", so custom names has been removed. I know there is no way to import it into the MSN Live system, as of...
ibspudWLM Plus! Help09-14-2007 at 11:22 PM
RE: Rename Contact feature - Gone?
Cannot agree more!!!! Can you add this feature back? Please~~~:$
chihkuWLM Plus! Help09-05-2007 at 07:56 PM
RE: What features are currently missing in Plus! Live?
[quote][i]Originally posted by MenthiX[/i] [size=1]Copied from my post in the beta forum[/size] Up to date with [b]4.23[/b].0.276... [size=3]Missing Features[/size] [i]Features i haven't seen come back in MP!L at all (yet).[/i][list][*]Task Schedule...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General09-02-2007 at 09:03 PM
RE: Working on the next version
Not possible! :(
ahmetgnsAnnouncements & News09-02-2007 at 06:53 AM
RE: Working on the next version
I have some requests too. I find them useful, but some of them can be very hard to achieve... But here they are: 1 - The ability of removing the message that warns your contact that you have a webcam... 2 - Bigger display pictures (max 250px X 250px ...
XapsAnnouncements & News09-02-2007 at 01:27 AM
RE: help please nickname colours
sandimanjames isn't talking about personal message, he is talking about his nickname. sandimanjames, how do you add color formatting to your nickname? With the "Format Codes" button in the WLM Options window? How does your nickname go to grey? Do...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! Help09-01-2007 at 08:00 AM
RE: Working on the next version
Yeh i thought that it may not be fully possible do to the APIs (as with MP!L not being able to read the WLM nicknames), but as i wasn't sure i thought i'd suggest it anyway.
SalemAnnouncements & News08-31-2007 at 08:37 AM
RE: What features are currently missing in Plus! Live?
[size=1]Copied from my post in the beta forum[/size] Up to date with [b]4.23[/b].0.276... [size=3]Missing Features[/size] [i]Features i haven't seen come back in MP!L at all (yet).[/i][list][*]Task Scheduler [*]Enable/Disable "Allow Plus! to send a...
MenthixWLM Plus! General08-29-2007 at 07:21 PM
Bring back the last goodness from 3.x
Patchou, you asked for suggestions, so here is mine... Bring back the last few 3.x features that 4.x is really missing out on :D. /me silently points to the recently updated [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=56867&pid=617967#pid6179...
Menthix08-22-2007 at 08:18 PM
MSN Contacts Export with Nickname
I have set up custom names for all my contacts by right clicking on each contact and setting their nickname. I this account on my PC, but would like to set up another one for my mobile... is there any way I can export all my contacts INCLUDING the ni...
hshahSkype & Live Messenger08-08-2007 at 08:54 PM
Customizing contacts' names
I'd like to customize my contacts' names so that they would like something like that: [Nickname]:[Contact's name] - [Contacts personal message] Right now nickname replaces contact's own name, but I want it to remain. Can anybody help me?
timukasrSkype & Live Messenger07-31-2007 at 09:28 AM
RE: Why I cannot use the preferences settings of older version(v3.6)??
When you install Messenger Plus! Live over Messenger Plus! 3, all the old settings [u]which are relevant to Messenger Plus! Live[/u] will automatically be ported.... [size=1]Custom nicknames aren't relevant as Messenger Plus! Live doesn't have that...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help06-28-2007 at 12:41 AM
RE: Exporting Renamed Contacts?
And I don't always feel myself to have to give the [b]complete[/b] info about a subject. My replies target only to the question which is asked here and most of the cases they're sufficient.
ahmetgnsSkype & Live Messenger06-23-2007 at 07:54 AM
RE: Exporting Renamed Contacts?
Too bad you were given very incomplete and confusing information which lead to this post you've made just now....
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger06-23-2007 at 02:37 AM
RE: Exporting Renamed Contacts?
Strange, because when I signed back on my computer, the added nickname appeared without problems....
MicroWaySkype & Live Messenger06-20-2007 at 07:55 PM
RE: Exporting Renamed Contacts?
I've formated more then once ,and always my custom nicknames did appear after format, so there is no need to back up those names.
triniSkype & Live Messenger06-20-2007 at 09:20 AM
RE: Exporting Renamed Contacts?
Signing-in on another computer is something different, exporting contacts (renamed or not) to another Windows Live account is something different. [u]Zodiak, you can format your computer, you won't lose your contacts' added nicknames after the for...
ahmetgnsSkype & Live Messenger06-20-2007 at 07:16 AM
RE: A TOTALLY WEIRD chat log error
I don;t think it's that ahmetgns... Is this happening only with this contact? If so.. the only thing i can think of is something in their nickname messing up the chatlog.... Can you try and delete the corrupt chatlog and set a custom nickname for t...
VoldemortWLM Plus! Help06-18-2007 at 07:04 PM
Custom nicknames on Tabs suggestion
Well, maybe there is not a direct relation between Tabbed Chats buttons and desktop contact window. I have improved my suggestion a little. Since Plus! can't get custom nicknames from WLM itself, then lets do Nicknaming feature of Plus! global to a...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General06-15-2007 at 09:04 AM
RE: Rename Contact feature - Gone?
So, what are we to do now. We have waited as requested, yet Microsoft has yet to show any interest in upgrading their crappy version of the 'Add Nickname' feature. And many of us here still await the ability and freedom to customize our contacts ac...
Samanoske AkechiWLM Plus! Help06-08-2007 at 01:00 PM
[Suggestion] New Way To Set Custom Status
I thought of a new way to change your status when I was editing my PSM. To edit your PSM, you can just click it, and edit it right from the contact list. With stuffplug, you can do the same with the nickname. So why not have this option with the stat...
KeikoniumWLM Plus! General06-08-2007 at 01:11 AM
RE: Beautification ?
I think what you are asking is to have a toast message display when someone comes online, but have the toast display the custom nickname with colours that you have already set up? If that is what you want, this can be done with Plus all by itself. Th...
MeEtcScripting06-05-2007 at 10:37 PM
RE: [release] PlusRemote v2.0a
You're right, updated first post ;) (it's very hard to fix...)
Plan-1130Scripting04-18-2007 at 05:35 PM
RE: save (export) nickname
As Andrew already said, nicknames are saved on the server. Nicknames are "roaming". This means that they travel with you to whatever computer you use to log in to msn to. You don't need to export and import them, they will automatically be applied...
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger04-18-2007 at 12:50 PM
RE: save (export) nickname
i think he means multiple names in a file/ftp ?
roflmao456Skype & Live Messenger04-18-2007 at 01:07 AM
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