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RE: Some suggestions...
If Plus! were to add that feature, it would mean Plus! users would only be able to see it, which isn't very good. Also, the custom dynamic display pictures would probably have to be stored on Plus! servers for them to work, which would cost money.
Chris4WLM Plus! General01-25-2009 at 12:40 AM
Some suggestions...
I think MsgPlus! Live needs a more fitting look, like closer to what WLM looks like now. Also I really liked signature sound, the newer versions of Plus! should come with an option to enable/disable signatures sound (my point on this is that contacts...
janlukazWLM Plus! General01-24-2009 at 06:33 PM
RE: Beginning Live Messenger Plugin...
If the link isn't appearing, A-Patch has removed it for you and you need to restore a backup (if you made one), or it is not available in your location. Either way, stop asking... seriously, you're getting annoying with it. Dynamic Display Picture...
SpunkyWLM Plus! Help12-04-2008 at 02:58 PM
RE: Where Can I Download These Animated Avatars?!
[font=comic sans ms][color=purple]I have reinstalled WLM 8.5 last night so all settings are back to normal, until I find that display picture. I did what you said and searched dynamic but it isn't there.[/b][/font][/color]
Lost SoulWLM Plus! Help12-03-2008 at 02:41 PM
RE: Msn Messenger question
Its not the normal size display picture though. It looked like one of the Dynamic display pictures you can make but it was just a background
Jodie1Skype & Live Messenger10-20-2008 at 09:26 AM
[Plus 4.80: 99 Suggestions/Ideas, 99 left] --- Updated 19-01-09
[i]Please pay attention to entries no. #0024 and #0040 and verify if they are to be marked as "Done".[/i] [list][*][b]User Interface Enhancements (21)[/b] [list] [*][size=1][color=#67C1E4]#0022; 24-08-05[/color][/size] Really old idea: Plus! Tip ...
mynetx09-19-2008 at 05:53 PM
RE: How to save messenger profile for now computer
This is the best I could find for you, http://msgstuff.com/downloads/file/148-windows-liv e-messenger-emoticons-backup/ "Creates a backup of all your custom content, including emoticons, winks, backgrounds, dynamic backgrounds and display pictures."...
LouSkype & Live Messenger09-03-2008 at 01:49 AM
Help! I'm desperated!
Hello, I'm here begging for any help you can give me with the following problem. A friend of mine two days ago was working fine with her WLM 8.5 then she went to take a nap and during that time her internet connection dropped off and when she return...
dbgarzaSkype & Live Messenger08-15-2008 at 07:46 AM
RE: [REQ]Moving DP Script & Show what I'm listening to script/help..
or possibly a dynamic display picture. As for the music, it would require a script (without checking, I'd say it was possible), WLM will not do it natively
SpunkyScripting08-10-2008 at 06:44 PM
[Released] RoyaLive! 2
After a long while getting it ready and all that, RoyaLive! 2 has finally been released, as promised. Unfortunately I've been a bit lazy and decided to leave TOTAL, FULL and COMPLETE colorization until the possible v3 (The scrollbars don't colorize...
ryxdpSkinning07-30-2008 at 07:48 AM
RE: A question on Script - Display Pic Changer
Also remember that it may take a few seconds before your contacts will recieve the new display picture. So setting it to even 2 or 3 seconds is, imho, quite useless as you will not be sure that the contact will even recieve the new display picture in...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help03-30-2008 at 05:34 AM
RE: [Release] Windows Aero Messenger 2.0
This is without a doubt the coolest skin I've ever seen. It's practically a program with all the stuff you can change! The contact has signed in/opened a conversation with you toasts look AMAZING. The picture for when a contact doesn't have a disp...
AardvarkSkinning03-27-2008 at 06:46 AM
RE: messenger skin for 9.0 or beta
Aren't the same things. Dynamic display pictures can be bought from messenger related sites, and give you an interactive image. 9.0 only has the feature to display 96x96 gifs. ;)
OxySkin Requests03-06-2008 at 04:04 PM
RE: messenger skin for 9.0 or beta
Dynamic display pictures are not the same as animated gif display pictures. Dynamic display pictures are ones you have to download from within Messenger itself from a third party (Meego, Quebles are ones I have here, may differ for other countries),...
pollolibredegrasaSkin Requests03-06-2008 at 04:03 PM
RE: messenger skin for 9.0 or beta
if dynamic display pics work with 8.5 then why arent mine working i have like gifs display pics that dont move that what i was trying to say
stella74Skin Requests03-06-2008 at 03:48 PM
RE: messenger skin for 9.0 or beta
Because the Gif display pictures are a new feature in 9.0, therefore most of your contacts wont see it moving unless they too have 9.0. you have to weigh pros and cons, and make a choice that fits you. (please note that Dynamic display picture Do wor...
OxySkin Requests03-05-2008 at 05:05 PM
RE: [??] Status changing icons in convo window?
Yes, those are "quick icons" as you called it which you can use to change your own status. However, these are added by changing the UIFILE, and to make a script which can dynamically do this, you'd be facing a lot of problems. To name a few: [list...
MattiScripting11-19-2007 at 05:03 PM
RE: I gots an idea...
Dynamic Display Pictures can move/animate, like the ones on http://www.mypersonalexpression.com/. But everything is done server-side, which means you can't change or add animated DPs yourself, you are limited by the ones that are offered on services...
MenthixWLM Plus! General09-06-2007 at 09:39 PM
RE: WLM Display Picture Problem
You can try if deleting that specific picture from the Object Store solves it. To do that: - exit WLMessenger - browse to [b][size=1]"%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Messenger\<.NET passport>\ObjectStore\UserTile"[/s...
SunshineSkype & Live Messenger08-24-2007 at 10:54 AM
How to transfer Winks, Backgrounds ... etc to another computer?
On my older computer I have a whole collection of Winks, Display Pictures, Meegos, Emoticons and Dynamic Backgrounds that I have collected during the past years. Now I have a new second computer on where MSN is blank apart from the standard few thing...
SirimaSkype & Live Messenger06-23-2007 at 01:49 PM
RE: Rectangle Display Picture
Bah never knew. Last time I checked (years ago) you had to pay.
PhillipSkype & Live Messenger05-26-2007 at 06:10 PM
RE: Rectangle Display Picture
[color=blue][b]Thanks for getting back to me so fast. There is no free site that offer's these? My friend doesnt remember paying for one. She has Windows MSN Live 8.1[/b][/color] [b][color=blue]These arent Rectangle though, right?[/color][/b]
LizzyLizGurlSkype & Live Messenger05-26-2007 at 05:54 PM
RE: Rectangle Display Picture
Most of them are free on [url=http://www1.cae.mypersonalexpression.com/mugg ins/index.pd]Kiwee[/url]
duck!Skype & Live Messenger05-26-2007 at 05:53 PM
RE: Rectangle Display Picture
Its a Dynamic Display Picture. You have to buy these. When you goto change your Picture, right up the top there should be 2 links to the stores. Its not really worth it IMO unless you make one that looks like you.
PhillipSkype & Live Messenger05-26-2007 at 05:51 PM
RE: What scripts can't do.
You can have a look [url=http://www1.cae.mypersonalexpression.com/mugg ins/index.pd]here[/url]. Thats what a Dynamic Display Picture is. A series of display pictures one after another can't create the same effect. It takes about 5-10 seconds for a d...
FeluScripting04-22-2007 at 06:50 AM
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