What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: Windows Live Essentials 2011 released
The [url=http://www.msgpluslive.net/download/]latest Plus! version[/url] is still fully compatible with Messenger 2009 as always.
MenthixSkype & Live Messenger10-23-2010 at 05:05 PM
RE: help files and view profiles don't work
What browser do yo have? Make sure MSIE is properly installed (and updated!) and not blocked by any software. Clicking those links will normally open your browser, hence I don't think re-installing or installing a new version of Messenger will solve...
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger10-20-2010 at 04:45 AM
RE: [!] WLM 2011 and Messenger Plus! Live
I sort of don't like it ethier because they took away the good features I like. For example the display names, group numbers, skin colours, ect. Why could'nt they just add new features and not take away the old features? In someway it's made mess...
benzo93WLM Plus! Help10-15-2010 at 01:36 PM
RE: [!] WLM 2011 and Messenger Plus! Live
gregdecarloWLM Plus! Help10-15-2010 at 07:29 AM
RE: error code : 80048823
Error: 80048823 If you are encountering the error code 80048823 when you sign onto Messenger, try the following: 1. Verify your sign-in credentials on the Windows Live ID website. 1.a. Visit http://account.live.com . 1.b. Click Sign in with a dif...
SpunkySkype & Live Messenger10-11-2010 at 11:35 AM
More problems/questions - I'll put them all in one thread
([b]1[/b]) Webcams I try and start a video call or view a webcam on WLM 2009, and I always get: Messenger is not available right now. Please try again later. (0x8ac70013) This is always written in red and appears in the conversation window. ([b]2[/b]...
KyriakinSkype & Live Messenger10-08-2010 at 04:04 AM
RE: Anyway to automatically set AWAY when computer is lock?
This works. [code=js]var bIsDesktopLocked = isDesktopLocked(); var nPreStatus = 0; function OnEvent_Initialize() { if (Messenger.MyStatus < STATUS_INVISIBLE) return false; MsgPlus.AddTimer('isDesktopLocked()', 100); } function OnEv...
mattyWLM Plus! Help10-01-2010 at 12:45 AM
RE: Anyway to automatically set AWAY when computer is lock?
Well currently it would set you to idle if you lock your computer. You can change both the STATUS_IDLE with any of the [url=http://mpscripts.net/docs/ref-messenger-mysta tus.php]following[/url]
mattyWLM Plus! Help09-30-2010 at 03:12 AM
RE: Anyway to automatically set AWAY when computer is lock?
Thanks! Exactly best of what I wanted! :D There is a line that I can change if I choose to set as BUSY instead of AWAY? :D
Bryan84WLM Plus! Help09-30-2010 at 02:52 AM
RE: Anyway to automatically set AWAY when computer is lock?
Well I could easily create a script to set the status to Idle when you lock your computer. That is simple. Something like this could work (untested by the way): [code=js]var bIsDesktopLocked; var nPreStatus = 0; function OnEvent_Initialize() { if...
mattyWLM Plus! Help09-29-2010 at 01:31 PM
Messenger Plus! Toolbar is horrible :(
Ok now i've been a full supporter of the new sponsor, considering it's less intrusive tahn the previous adware that was bundled with the setup (optional, of course, but still adware). The whole idea of having a Plus! toolbar is not just an improvem...
Chrono09-22-2010 at 04:17 AM
RE: Curious & Need Help..
Can you please provide more information? Log Encryption DOES work if you follow Chrissy's instructions and then your chat logs are locked and require a password to open, there is NO other way of viewing them. You cannot do this with Windows Live Mes...
djdannypWLM Plus! Help09-21-2010 at 07:56 AM
RE: Plus not showing on msn
Please do not use version 8.5 anymore. There is a reason why they depricted it, and it isn't just to "force you using their bloated software" (like some people describe it). It also has to do with bugs and security issues!!! Please, at least insta...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help09-12-2010 at 11:48 PM
RE: Project K Suggestions
[b]1) [/b]How does one avoid the kids using Web Messenger? Right now it can easily be accessed, even from within 'Messenger for Kids':[list][*]In Windows 7 right-click on the Plus! Kids icon in the taskbar. The jumplist is shown. In this jumplist u...
Menthix09-10-2010 at 04:00 PM
RE: HELP! MSN auto blocked newly added accounts.
hey Chrissy, i have followed and tried exactly the steps but unfortunately, the error is still there! Newly added contacts are blocked.
xtremescySkype & Live Messenger09-09-2010 at 07:57 PM
RE: [Kids]Block button needed?
Ignore and block are not the same. I can see the use for a block button to permanently block people, just as you would like to block people yourself in a normal Messenger program. There is no reason why 'kids' shouldn't been able to. It is also di...
CookieRevised09-09-2010 at 12:19 PM
Project K
Jieff09-08-2010 at 08:14 PM
Deleteed WLM to try and sort out some provlems - now can't reinstall it
I recently have been having the same problem that many people are having in the other thread (new contacts being blocked automatically, and other people being unable to add me). I decided to do a complete Windows Live Essentials unistall - including ...
KyriakinSkype & Live Messenger09-08-2010 at 05:00 AM
RE: Project K News
Searching for it it seems it just blocked Messenger completely :D. It became part of a bigger "safe internet for kids" type app though, not sure how much they do with Messenger now: http://www.gezondinternet.nl/ (Dutch).
Menthix09-01-2010 at 07:04 PM
RE: HELP! MSN auto blocked newly added accounts.
The problem you describe is occuring because you've probably previously added your friends to your contacts list in the past, but then blocked and deleted them. So, when you re-add them, they will be blocked until you unblock them again, which you'...
Chris4Skype & Live Messenger08-31-2010 at 02:37 AM
How to tell if MSN contact's accounts are deleted/inactive
Back around New Year 2009, all my contacts were deleted from my old MSN Messenger account. With my old MSN username being 10 years old, and full of crap (spambots filling up my tools>privacy 'blocked' lists and an email full of spam), I decided to...
KyriakinSkype & Live Messenger08-27-2010 at 02:55 AM
RE: Big Problem With MSN
I've done everything which involved removing msn and reinstalling, even with different versions. I've used reg' cleaners and everything and I still had the problem. I've ended up having to make a new email as I couldn't fix it with my own knowl...
AndyJaySkype & Live Messenger08-27-2010 at 12:19 AM
RE: Auto-Away error
I also have the problem of my status not being automatically set to idle. My status doesn't change to idle when I lock the computer and it changes to busy if I leave it unlocked and the screensaver comes on. I'm using Windows Live Messenger 14.0.81...
timothyholt506WLM Plus! Help08-26-2010 at 07:45 PM
RE: Big Problem With MSN
If you have no problems on another PC/clientsoftware, then yes, it might be something todo with your PC or the current installation of Messenger on your PC. Making a new account would not be a good idea then... (actually, it is very very very rarely ...
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger08-26-2010 at 05:28 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Downloading Fonts
Unfortunatly, that is not possible. Also in the legal sense it is not possible... For starters, the font file format doesn't have such a setting. But even if they had something like this, such a 'lock' should be applied by the operating system its...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General08-26-2010 at 06:19 AM
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