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RE: i have msn 7 but the handwriting thing doesn't work
He's got MSN7 Matty: he doesn't need the enabler. croos42, just Google for Ink Redistributables, installing for 'All Users', or download the Windows Journal Viewer.
RaceProUKWLM Plus! Help02-21-2005 at 08:54 AM
RE: Sign in is pissing me off
This got me thinking, when a problem seems to have no cause. Just try random setting changes (nothing really big). And eventually it may work.
AnubisSkype & Live Messenger02-20-2005 at 02:07 PM
RE: Sign in is pissing me off
maybe its the number of smilies people have in their display name that takes msn7 a while to work out and draw. i've noticed msn being pretty slow the first time it shows my contacts list if people have a lot of those in my contacts list... its even...
nathtaylorSkype & Live Messenger02-20-2005 at 01:59 PM
RE: MSN Handwriting HELP
You don't need the handwriting plugin: you're using MSN7! Just install Windows Journal Viewer or the Ink Redistributables, installing for 'All Users'.
RaceProUKPlug-Ins02-18-2005 at 11:18 AM
The whole error was in your reading :P it states you need WinXP [b]AND[/b] InkRedists... Not OR :P I remember once making an installer to easily install it, but since MSN7 included it defaultly, I kind of dropped it... might be some use for it anywa...
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins02-16-2005 at 10:04 PM
RE: msn longhorn
there was a sequity issise with 6.2, it would be best to ugrade to the beta, theres a longhorn skin for 7.045 msn beta: [url]http://messenger.msn.com/beta/[/url] Longhorn skin : [url]http://www.rolandunderg.net/download.php?id=l hmsn7[/url] hope thats...
King For A DaySkype & Live Messenger02-16-2005 at 08:54 PM
RE: No more ce/dp Stealer in new Stuffplug NG ???
msn7 only has a SMILEY stealer....not a dp stealer....that will come with stuffplug2.X
KowellPlug-Ins02-16-2005 at 08:02 PM
RE: Internet Explorer 7 is coming!
MSN Explorer?
user2319Tech Talk02-16-2005 at 06:14 PM
RE: StuffPlug2 Oversized DP
yes. both people need stuffplug NG 2 to see the large display pictures in MSN 7.
EljayPlug-Ins02-16-2005 at 04:41 PM
StuffPlug2 Oversized DP
I was wondering....I just got msn7beta and MsgPlus3.4beta and stuffplug2.0.17 I checked "oversided DP" but when I look at a friend's computer who,s got an MSN window with me on msn7beta my pic is still small....But another friend with msn7 and stu...
KowellPlug-Ins02-16-2005 at 04:39 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3.50 is on its way!
[align=center] [i][font=Times New Roman]I already have the beta version of msn 7 and of msg plus 3.40 wanted only to know more something, thanks for answered! last thing. is it possible to become beta tester? = ^ ___ ^ = Thanks, and excused m...
Death.KnightArchive02-16-2005 at 03:03 PM
RE: Internet Explorer 7 is coming!
So why don't they just turn MSN Messenger into a new browser, that way everybody would be happy. :P
YogarineTech Talk02-16-2005 at 11:48 AM
RE: Internet Explorer 7 is coming!
THe MSN Messenger team did alot lately... - They had a chat with their users 2 times to get our feedback - Security hole for MSN 6.2 fixed MSN7... - DP's on contactlist - Personal status message - Mediaplayer intergration - MSN spaces intergration -...
MenthixTech Talk02-16-2005 at 11:06 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3.50 is on its way!
The final MSN7 release is delayed until begin April according to [url=http://www.mess.be/]mess.be[/url]. But nobody has exact dates or can even tell if begin April is right, all we have is rumors. If you can't wait until the final release: Download ...
MenthixArchive02-16-2005 at 10:41 AM
RE: CE/DP Stealer for 7?
You realise MSN7 has a built in CE stealer....? Just right-click the emoticon that your stealing, then click Add. Follow instructions and your set. (You might miss the first click just try a little to the left.) (Y)
YillisPlug-Ins02-15-2005 at 11:15 PM
RE: msn 7 problem
Correct. But even though I had unticked 'show my last conversation with contact' it was still taking ages to load.
liam_nufcSkype & Live Messenger02-15-2005 at 08:43 PM
RE: msn 7 problem
Yes there is. If you use the MSN chatlogs, the last messages of the previous conversation with a contact are shown in the conversation window with that contact when you re-open it. This only happens in MSN7
SmetheadSkype & Live Messenger02-15-2005 at 07:34 PM
RE: Enlarging images in MSN 7.0
Yes, unless TB (creator of StuffPlug) finds out another method for oversized DP's that bypasses the new MSN7 security. But i doubt that, i guess ovesized DP's with StuffPlug only on one side is just history.
MenthixWLM Plus! Help02-15-2005 at 06:55 PM
RE: MSN Messenger 7 Update
Microsoft almost never has official release dates, at least not with MSN Messenger releases. Dwergs from mess.be has some connections with people, he claims that the official public release is now delayed to April.No official Microsoft announcement, ...
MenthixSkype & Live Messenger02-15-2005 at 02:55 PM
RE: [Idea] IM Message Forwarder
(Damn you Jaguar, another good idea :P ) i highly doubt that. sure sending text is as easy as one call but there is currently _no_ way to get the text coming from your contact easily. Plus API wont be allowing it anytime soon either, it would invo...
Ash_Plug-Ins02-15-2005 at 07:23 AM
Loader for MSN Messenger v7.0.0604 & 7.0.0632 BETA
NEW Loader for MSN 7.0.0604/632 BETA - unmodified version. Remove Main Contact List Banner Ad Remove IM Window Text Banner Ad Remove: MSN Today Button/Text, My Spaces Button/Text, Search Box, Add Contact Button, Winks Button, Packs Button, Nudge But...
AhmadSkype & Live Messenger02-15-2005 at 06:38 AM
msn 7 problem
Hi peeps, getting no joy from elsewhere and youre my last port of help before I have to stick to msn 6 :( msn 7 (Any version of the beta) is causing my CPU to hit 100% and freeze my system for 10-15 seconds at a time everytime someone; Sends me a mes...
liam_nufcSkype & Live Messenger02-14-2005 at 08:06 PM
RE: I need help
I have the same probleme ! i try all version of MSN7 225 425 604! i unstall all around MSN ! i have administator right ... i try matty solution too ... but i have always the same bug HEEEEEEEEEELP !!!
Dr-LightSkype & Live Messenger02-14-2005 at 09:55 AM
RE: -~ tested - wouter's openconvo notifier in msn 7.. with msn 7 contacts ~-
Oki, let's try to explain in simple words :) When you talk to someone on MSN, a connection is made to his or her computer. However, before you start talking that connection is just invisible to the other user, and when you do start talking, the wind...
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins02-14-2005 at 06:29 AM
RE: StuffPlug 0.7 still more popular than 2.0 :|?
Ok! Let me see if I got this straigth. SPNG showed the "Contact has oppenned the convesation window" when it tried to retrieve the DP. Typically (in 6.2) it only happened when the contact actually opened the window, so the information could be con...
upsfeupPlug-Ins02-14-2005 at 03:29 AM
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