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RE: msn 7 build 604+ msn 3.4 wont work
Patchou will try to make 3.50 compatible to the new MSN7 versions as much as he can.
MenthixWLM Plus! Help02-13-2005 at 09:08 PM
RE: msn 7 build 604+ msn 3.4 wont work
These problems are known, but i don't think Patchou will release anything new before 3.50 public final (around half March). I just suggest to downgrade to the public MSN7 beta.
MenthixWLM Plus! Help02-13-2005 at 08:49 PM
RE: Whats this in Msn 7
logicly the msn spcae have been introduced with msn7... soo.. if u do the maths ppl with msn 6.2 don't rlly have any.. that's why most people with msn 7 have the spaces.. but once again, this gleam thing is not people using msn 7, but ppl having up...
albertSkype & Live Messenger02-13-2005 at 08:35 PM
RE: Whats this in Msn 7
I think this says who is on msn7, cause only the persons I know and use 7 have this, people on 6 don't have this Greetz Dragunov
DragunovSkype & Live Messenger02-13-2005 at 07:26 PM
RE: StuffPlug 0.7 still more popular than 2.0 :|?
That MSN7 may at random moments decide to open a connection to you, and it looks exactly the same as a normal conversation...
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins02-13-2005 at 06:40 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3.50 is on its way!
In fact, Plus! won't be compitable with build .604 (and probally anything released later) until Messenger Plus! 3.50 is released to public. Like Patchou said in another topic, there won't be any new public releases until 3.50 is ready for public. S...
MenthixArchive02-13-2005 at 05:17 PM
msn 7 build 604+ msn 3.4 wont work
well i just upgraded my msn7.0 to the latest msn 7.0 version, and now Messenger Plus! is simply saying that its working yet, none of the msn functions seem to be working anymore, aka, /me hello that function aint workin for example.... any updated ...
dutch2005WLM Plus! Help02-13-2005 at 04:06 PM
RE: Bug report for Messenger Plus! 3.40 (beta)
tell me something i don't know :)
AhmadWLM Plus! Bug Reports02-13-2005 at 08:32 AM
RE: Bug report for Messenger Plus! 3.40 (beta)
Hence i wouldn't count on Patchou releasing an update for an illegal version of msn messenger at least until its released officially
ChestahWLM Plus! Bug Reports02-13-2005 at 07:58 AM
RE: Bug report for Messenger Plus! 3.40 (beta)
If you're not an Official MSN Messenger BETA tester you can't have that [b]private[/b] version, so it's illegal.
L. CoyoteWLM Plus! Bug Reports02-13-2005 at 07:50 AM
RE: Bug report for Messenger Plus! 3.40 (beta)
quick texts dont work windows xp pro sp2 msn7.0.0604 beta msgplus! 3.40.112
AhmadWLM Plus! Bug Reports02-13-2005 at 07:47 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3.50 is on its way!
Patchou aims for 10 March, but it could be later, even April. I guess it all depends on what Microsoft does in their new MSN7 beta's and how well Plus! works on that.
MenthixArchive02-13-2005 at 03:35 AM
RE: StuffPlug 0.7 still more popular than 2.0 :|?
TB is fixing that already... timestamps,biggerdps and custum search field are already fixed at this moment. Two other non-working features still need to be fixed. I guess TB will release an update when he has everything fixed. In the meanwhile just u...
MenthixPlug-Ins02-13-2005 at 02:31 AM
RE: StuffPlug 0.7 still more popular than 2.0 :|?
it does, even when your contacts are using msn7 it doesn't work anymore :(
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins02-13-2005 at 12:50 AM
Suggestion: coloured toasts
Well, now with MSN7 around, the popup toasts when a contact signs in can be coloured. This is the same colour as the one used in a conversation with the contact or the selected default colour. Is ti possible to do this with the popup toasts of plus! ...
SmetheadWLM Plus! General02-12-2005 at 11:00 PM
Webcam Capture/Movie Maker for MSN 7
I have a concept here. I know Screenshot Sender has Webcam Capture but it doesn't work in MSN7 (at least for me). What I was thinking was to have a way where you could Capture Screenshots from a Webcam but on a Batch Timer, so every 'x' seconds (s...
alebowgmPlug-Ins02-12-2005 at 10:35 PM
RE: a limit on the number of emoticons u can add?!
r u sure that the number is close to this one, cuz i find it odd if the limit was there on purpose then it should not differ from one user to another, unless this limit is created by a bug in msn :S cuz the message didnt tell me u reached a limit bu...
zaidgsSkype & Live Messenger02-12-2005 at 09:49 PM
RE: display pic/emoticon adder for msn 7.0?
Nice, just gave it a test and works on MSN7 too (y). But instead of browsing to the folder you want and then click open... browse to the folder you want and then doubleclick one of the images in that folder to add them all. It won't find any images ...
MenthixWLM Plus! Help02-12-2005 at 05:18 PM
RE: StuffPlug 0.7 still more popular than 2.0 :|?
The delete notifier can probably be made again, but the window opened notifier got all screwed up by MSN7 :( i'll see if I can re-do the delete notifier in v2.1
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins02-12-2005 at 11:45 AM
RE: Wouter's openconvo plugin VS stuffplug open convo
can we do anything about this then? to maintain its accuracy? ie not to upgrade to msn 7??
saintgtrilPlug-Ins02-12-2005 at 04:49 AM
RE: Wouter's openconvo plugin VS stuffplug open convo
its so true :( .. i agree saintgtril...
JoaPlug-Ins02-12-2005 at 04:44 AM
RE: Wouter's openconvo plugin VS stuffplug open convo
this is a very useful feature, think the introducing of msn7 jeopardize the open-notifiers :( sadly to say
saintgtrilPlug-Ins02-12-2005 at 04:37 AM
RE: a limit on the number of emoticons u can add?!
u r talking this bearing in mind msn6.2, arent ya?!?! thats what i find odd, that i dont remember anyone hitting a limit using msn6.2, but guess no one has actually tried it for msn7.0 because most batch emoticons adders hav adware... but as i said ...
zaidgsSkype & Live Messenger02-11-2005 at 10:35 PM
RE: StuffPlug 0.7 still more popular than 2.0 :|?
I was one of them too, Im my case, I always wait a few days to install new version of any software, to see if everything is ok, and then I install it, the old version was to cool than maybe some users "like me" are afraid to install the new one,...
bungleMXPlug-Ins02-11-2005 at 08:24 PM
RE: Beta build 604 of Microsoft's MSN Messenger 7.
Here's the whole Screenshot from Neowin.net [URL=http://img92.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img92&image=me ssenger7latest6ut.jpg][IMG]http://img92.exs.cx/img 92/8553/messenger7latest6ut.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
ScreenySkype & Live Messenger02-11-2005 at 11:28 AM
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