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RE: Feature requests
To simplify my reply, I've broken it up the same way yours is. It's still a beta, remember... [hr] I think this has been suggested before... [hr] SPNG allows you to include timestamps. [hr] In MSN7 you can. It works exactly like it does in convo wi...
RaceProUKWLM Plus! General01-31-2005 at 03:43 PM
RE: window open alert
Yes, Stuffplug-NG can do that, BUT if you use MSN Messenger 7 then there is no way of telling if a person has open a convo with you, because it loads your DP in contact card and toasts. [url=http://m00.cx/SPNG0.7.39.zip]Download the version for MSN M...
x2zenWLM Plus! General01-30-2005 at 01:33 PM
RE: [release] WinampNick v0.9 beta
Nope, works fine here. (Y) Windows Version: Windows XP, 5.01.2600 Messenger Client Version: 7.0.0425 Messenger Plus! Version: 3.40.0112
L. CoyotePlug-Ins01-29-2005 at 08:29 PM
Custom Names
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but in MSN7, it now displays emoticons in people's names on the contact list and toasts. However, when you enable custom names in Plus!, it no longer shows the emoticons in contact names and toast pop ups,...
StanWLM Plus! Bug Reports01-29-2005 at 06:15 PM
RE: [release] WinampNick v0.9 beta
Does someone else experience this?? because when I use /xwnickconfig it all works fine (msn7)
PeRKoniXPlug-Ins01-29-2005 at 03:25 PM
RE: History
Yes, it's due to Plus! special characters are not allowed in XML file format, which is used in MSN7. I'm not sure whether saving 'high' unicode characters behaves the same, but it's bug on Microsoft side. Is there any way how to get them know a...
uamWLM Plus! Help01-29-2005 at 02:18 PM
RE: Problems with oversized Display pic
If you are using MSN Messenger 7, you'll need a special edition of StuffPlug-NG. You can get it from [url=http://mimsn.com.ar/mirrorland/SPNGMSN7.zip]h ere[/url].
L. CoyotePlug-Ins01-28-2005 at 08:40 PM
RE: stuff plug
You are looking for StuffPlug NG. [url=http://m00.cx/SPNG0.7.39.zip]Download the version for MSN Messenger 6 here[/url] [url=http://m00.cx/SPNGMSN7.zip]Download the version for MSN Messenger 7 here[/url] Take a look at http://www.stuffplug.com for mo...
TochjoPlug-Ins01-28-2005 at 01:28 PM
RE: File Transfer Plus 1.1 RELEASE (update 14/09)
i have a few problems with the plugin . i've installed the msn 4.7 first and then de msn7.0 when i opend the plugin to take a look at the options the options were black i can't read them:@ I've workt all day to get that plugin working and finnaly ...
cybergirlyPlug-Ins01-28-2005 at 11:06 AM
RE: Help..MSN Display pIC
Downloading at http://www.stuffplug.com isn't possible atm, you do however still need the [url=http://www.stuffplug.com/?act=generate]valida tion key[/url] (this still works). [url=http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip]Stuffpl ug NG beta for MSN 7 bet...
SunshineSkype & Live Messenger01-26-2005 at 11:35 PM
RE: creditcard thingie
I'm not sure about in MSN7 but in MSN 6.x it only shows the first 5 times you open a conversation
DempseyWLM Plus! Help01-26-2005 at 09:09 PM
[UPDATE] !NEW! Loader for MSN Messenger v7.0.0425 BETA - 12 Features
[size=4][b][i][u]NEW[/u] Loader for MSN 7.0.0425 BETA - unmodified version.[/i][/b][/size] Remove Main Contact List Banner Ad Remove IM Window Text Banner Ad Remove: MSN Today Button, Search Box, Add Contact Button, Winks Buttons, Packs Button, Nudge...
AhmadSkype & Live Messenger01-26-2005 at 02:56 PM
display pic size. problem?:S
hi, on my msn7 i can see my contacts display picture, if i goto the options button. then size i see 'medium' and 'small' i installed msn 7 on my friends computer and she has 'large' medium' small' and 'miniture'. why is this? they are both ...
M73ASkype & Live Messenger01-25-2005 at 11:19 PM
RE: display pictures
You can do that with Stuffplug NG: [url=http://www.stuffplug.com]Stuffplug NG Website[/url] [size=1](downloading is not possible at this point. It will be fixed when the new site is released at the beginning of februari).[/size] [url=http://www.msgp...
SunshinePlug-Ins01-25-2005 at 11:12 PM
RE: A. Patch for MSN Messenger v7.0.0425
im loving this patch, the only reason i didnt use msn7 was because of the ugly adbanner in the conversatiopn windows....but now dats gone it look fyn(Y) gr8 work!!!:clap:
M73ASkype & Live Messenger01-25-2005 at 01:39 PM
RE: seeing if other person has opened your msn window.
there is actually a plugin that i use on msn7 atm..... can [b]sometimes[/b] c when sum1 else opens a convo window with me i will post it soon (hav 2 find on mi comp 1st:P) ok i can only find the installer but i think u dont need ne other files 2 get ...
haydosPlug-Ins01-25-2005 at 11:52 AM
RE: question about version compatability with stuff plugin
[url=stuffplug.com]Here[/url] you can find the latest 6.2 compatible version, [url=http://spng.noget.org/SPNGMSN7.zip]here[/url] you can get the latest 7 compatible version (alpha). I think that bigger DPs work if you have MSN 7 + SP-NG Alpha and you...
andreyPlug-Ins01-24-2005 at 03:29 AM
RE: Display Picture size can't be changed
Little corrections: Size is still limited, if you try to add a DP that is too big it will just show the standard MSN DP or the messagebox will dissapear (both contactside). This could also be a reason why it said the size couldn't be altered (if yo...
SunshineWLM Plus! Help01-23-2005 at 01:16 PM
RE: Display Picture size can't be changed
Install stuffplug : http://spng.noget.org/SPNGMSN7.zip And then try it again i had some of tha tproblems too but with stuffplug you can add any dp you want, any size. But the version for msn messenger 7 the other contact only sees your dp if he has s...
paperlessWLM Plus! Help01-23-2005 at 12:58 PM
RE: SPNG... O_o
http://spng.noget.org/SPNGMSN7.zip if u want to download it hes run out of bandwidth (isn't that hard to work out :P)
toddyPlug-Ins01-22-2005 at 11:49 PM
RE: Disp pic size
yea im using the mess patch with msn7.0.042 or woteva and Plus! 3.4
haydosWLM Plus! Help01-20-2005 at 04:48 PM
RE: Games don't load
or use Spybot or ad-aware , i dunno if my games work with msn7 dont play games all that often, im not a game freak like some are round here :P
HankSkype & Live Messenger01-20-2005 at 01:49 PM
RE: StaffPlug NG
[url=http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip]Stuffpl ug NG Beta for MSN 7 beta[/url] << direct download link [url=http://www.stuffplug.com/?act=generate]Valida tionkey[/url]
SunshinePlug-Ins01-20-2005 at 06:23 AM
RE: To MSN+ Developers, suggestion
This can be implemented without even using Plus! by in MSN 6.2 there was as far as i know a registry setting you could change to enable proxy'ing but in MSN7.0 the new BETA it's alot harder. it's called Winsock Hooking and you have to do it with ...
Ash_Plug-Ins01-19-2005 at 01:33 PM
RE: "is typing" message
Checkout thiss thread [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=35675&page=1]Patch "is typing" for msn7[/url] i havent tested the program in that thread, but im sure if it doesent work someone else will post a working one (Y)
Ash_Skype & Live Messenger01-17-2005 at 04:11 AM
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