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RE: Stuff Plug + MSN Messenger 7?
Indeed open convo doesn't work anymore with MSN 7 due to the fact that MSN 7 gathers the DPs of all your contacts on sign in (maybe you've noticed that with your friends who use MSN 7, you get a open convo popup whilst they really didn't open a co...
SunshinePlug-Ins01-16-2005 at 01:10 AM
RE: Can you help me?
yeh but that takes up TB's bandwidth !! where as downloading from the other source takes it off someone else :P:P and people would get really annoyed then they get a validation key if the site goes down from using all its bandwidth
toddyPlug-Ins01-15-2005 at 12:21 PM
RE: Can you help me?
K Then! :) I was just making sure toddy. I am sure that SPNG Alpha for Msn 7 & SPNG for Msn 6 are on [url]www.stuffplug.com[/url]. [b]Edit :[/b] It's here : [url]http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip[/url]
_HumphreysPlug-Ins01-15-2005 at 12:15 PM
RE: Can you help me?
them links are taken from tb's blog http://spaces.msn.com/members/spng/Blog/cns!1pyeG5 1hbrwGKlGvi8HVajXw!134.entry
toddyPlug-Ins01-15-2005 at 12:09 PM
RE: Can you help me?
But don't TB & Patchou say never download their programs from other sources other than there website's?
_HumphreysPlug-Ins01-15-2005 at 12:08 PM
RE: Can you help me?
no true at all !!! they are a few other hosts of the file !! you just have to visit his site for the validation key http://spng.noget.org/SPNGMSN7.zip [s]http://pagesperso.laposte.net/aquasoft/host/SPN GMSN7.zip[/s] doesn't work
toddyPlug-Ins01-15-2005 at 12:06 PM
RE: Stuff Plug & msn 7 & msg plus
SPNG is made as a Plus! plug-in so of course it will work with Plus!. But if you want to use it with Msn 7 you'll have to use the alpha version here : [url]http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip[/url] It's an alpha meaning it's not full. Use it at ...
_HumphreysPlug-Ins01-15-2005 at 11:34 AM
RE: [split] Stuffplug version
Here it is I think it is public : [url]http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip[/url] It's an alpha meaning it's not full. Use it at your own risk.
_HumphreysPlug-Ins01-14-2005 at 10:31 PM
RE: looking for ...
Yeah, that's why I deleted that. lol. I wasn't paying attention to what I was writing. I apologize. Yeah, because when you sign in they'll see the toast with your DP, and that is done by opening a hidden conversation window (to get your DP), and ...
L. CoyotePlug-Ins01-12-2005 at 11:01 PM
RE: looking for ...
Incorrect, if your CONTACTS are using MSN7 it is very VERY inaccurate... It'll give you the notifications randomly :P
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins01-12-2005 at 10:47 PM
RE: are there any plugins tha would allow me to......
I know I'm going to repeat some stuff what already has been said, but I'll add some more stuff and explainations to it. Also, kasim, everything you're asking can be found on these forums. As you will see it is far to much to explain all in great d...
CookieRevisedPlug-Ins01-12-2005 at 12:35 PM
RE: are there any plugins tha would allow me to......
Ignore feature means your contact can send messages to you, but you won't receive em (you still show as online to them) [url=http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip]Stuffpl ug NG for MSN 7 direct download link[/url] [url=http://www.stuffplug.com/?act=...
SunshinePlug-Ins01-11-2005 at 05:49 PM
Reminder: MSN Beta - Official MSN Messenger chat (January 20, 2005)
[b]Title:[/b] MSN Messenger Beta Chat [b]Description:[/b] Join Raja Abburi, MSN Messenger General Manager, and experts from the MSN Messenger team for a fun filled hour discussing MSN Messenger 7.0. [b]Date:[/b] 1/20/2005 (January 20th 2005) [b]Time:...
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger01-11-2005 at 10:59 AM
RE: 6.2 + plus convert to msn 7 + plus.
Yeah, they will transfer over when you upgrade to msn7. :)
marissaWLM Plus! Help01-11-2005 at 02:08 AM
RE: im talking and shes offline
Not sure? well is you Plugin mate! hahaha, I'm waiting for the release of SPNG2 (February, 1st.) In past times, you could "talk offline" by being behind a DSL NAT, but they fix that in (M)5
leitoSkype & Live Messenger01-10-2005 at 10:37 PM
RE: im talking and shes offline
Nope, new in SPNG2 :D
SunshineSkype & Live Messenger01-10-2005 at 10:29 PM
RE: im talking and shes offline
StuffPlug-NG MSN7 has the talk to blocked contact I thought, but I'm not 100% sure...
TheBlasphemerSkype & Live Messenger01-10-2005 at 09:25 PM
RE: im talking and shes offline
ur telling me that offline talkers work,...? anyway.. when i logged off now and logged in it says : Signing in on NET messenger service failed because its temporary unvavailable.. try again later.. so probly it is servers problem... anyway it was fun...
FredzzSkype & Live Messenger01-10-2005 at 08:51 PM
RE: [split] [beta] nickname color
Do you see the "Plus!" thing beside help at the top of the contact list? Its probably because when you start up msn7, msgplus isnt hooked, or if you have msn7 on startup for your computer, msgplus might only load after [i](To make sure that doesnt ...
marissaWLM Plus! Bug Reports01-10-2005 at 02:24 PM
RE: Possible?
http://stuffplug.com for MSN Messenger 6.2 http://stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip for MSN Messenger 7.0 Beta :-/
UnderlordPlug-Ins01-10-2005 at 11:54 AM
RE: 7.0 Pluggin
Here yah go : http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip
dotNormaPlug-Ins01-10-2005 at 03:02 AM
big DP's do not work on msn7, if the person you are talkin to has msn7 then they will see yur dp as normal size becase messenger resizes the picture (unles they have stuffplug in whwich case they will see your enlarged pic (well i think they do))
toddySkype & Live Messenger01-10-2005 at 01:03 AM
You can download it from [url=http://spng.noget.org/SPNGMSN7.zip]here[/url] :D
Abz2k4Skype & Live Messenger01-10-2005 at 01:03 AM
RE: Plug Un information
You probably mean [url=stuffplug.com]Stuffplug-NG[/url] [url=http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip](Stuffp lug-NG for MSN Messenger 7)[/url]
andreyPlug-Ins01-09-2005 at 11:56 PM
RE: can i sign into 2 msn accounts at the same time on 1 pc ??? any1 know ???
The latest stuffplug-ng release (the beta for messenger 7) also enables this. Download that from http://www.stuffplug.com/SPNGMSN7.zip
PlikWLM Plus! Help01-09-2005 at 07:22 PM
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