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conflicting Msgr7 release dates
Does anyone know when we can expect Msn7 in all its bug free glory (as if!)...so far I've read it can be expected november this year in some places, and in others they say february next year?
BlackenedSkyWLM Plus! General10-10-2004 at 07:23 PM
RE: When Is The Next Version Released?
ok fine the msn7 compatable version will release whenever im greatful. it doesnt matter when it releases as long as one eventually exists thats all that really matters.
stuartbennettWLM Plus! General10-10-2004 at 10:33 AM
RE: When Is The Next Version Released?
Msg capatability with MSN7 will just be a minor number change eg 3.21 -> 3.22 or 3.3 I highly doubt it will be an update to 4.0 Chestah
ChestahWLM Plus! General10-10-2004 at 09:18 AM
RE: When Is The Next Version Released?
OMG MSN 7 IS CRAP, Plus! isnt going to be compatable with it msn7 is still a beta and not ment to be used so stop whineing :P
SherroWLM Plus! General10-10-2004 at 07:44 AM
RE: This is how to change MSN7 background.
lvback.gif stands for list view background.gif as msn7 no longer uses a list view support for lvback.gif no longer exists... hence why we must reshacker Also you may notice that the side of your picture gets chopped off.. to avoid this add 35pixels t...
illuznSkype & Live Messenger10-10-2004 at 06:31 AM
This is how to change MSN7 background.
[b]GOTO PAGE 4 FOR THE COMPLETED WORKING CODE[/b] [b][url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php ?tid=32756&pid=320424#pid320424]StoleN.GuitaR's reply to This is how to change MSN7 background.[/url][/b] Using ResHack, in UIFILE #923(of msnmsgr.ex...
StoleN.GuitaRSkype & Live Messenger10-10-2004 at 03:23 AM
RE: Display Colour Names in the Contact Window
In the version that will be compatable with Msn7 i think [quote=Patchou]Anyway, it's cool to see that you apparently like this change.. some more will be waiting for you in the "Messenger 7 version". [/quote]
PlikWLM Plus! General10-09-2004 at 09:16 PM
RE: Plus! and Messenger 7
Can't be happening.. the current version of Messenger Plus! doesn't even detect Messenger 7 as being MSN Messenger :)
PatchouWLM Plus! General10-08-2004 at 12:19 AM
RE: Plus! and Messenger 7
I think they've made it more XML based as well, as I've managed to inadvertantly screw up the contact list and stuff starts overlapping stupidly. I also got one error earlier from the contact list about summat, although cant remember what it was n...
BlackenedSkyWLM Plus! General10-07-2004 at 11:40 PM
MSN Messenger Build 7.0.0205 Skin
Well usually I have a whole bunch of skins to offer for MSN....but seeing as MSN 7.0.0205 has only recentley been released...most of them haven't been updated yet....the only one I have just now is Star Wars MSN....but I'll update this post as I fi...
JaymachRalTirSkype & Live Messenger10-07-2004 at 05:28 AM
RE: MSN Messenger 7.0.0250 BETA
I read somewhere around here that there is a way of getting to "nudge" continually on msn7, without having to wait. Can somebody tell me how, please??
GinSkype & Live Messenger10-06-2004 at 09:51 PM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
FredzzPlug-Ins10-06-2004 at 05:15 PM
RE: MSN Messenger 7.0.0250 BETA
he dosnt have Plus! i got rid of msn7 reinstalled 6.2 and done the /ping command, to get no reply i have also asked him if he has Plus! and he asked what the hell it is, this has also happened exactally on another contact wich i helped install msn ye...
SherroSkype & Live Messenger10-06-2004 at 11:11 AM
RE: MSN Messenger 7.0.0250 BETA
CookieRevisedSkype & Live Messenger10-06-2004 at 10:18 AM
RE: MSN Messenger 7.0.0250 BETA
SherroSkype & Live Messenger10-06-2004 at 09:50 AM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
well, that will be the end of very good times, when every body get surprised, with us BigDP. I know good times will come with StuffPlug-NG anyway..
bungleMXPlug-Ins10-05-2004 at 05:03 PM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
No problem EVERYONE should have Stuffplug-NG! :P Any other problems you can update us on?
riahc4Plug-Ins10-05-2004 at 03:28 PM
RE: A list of new Features in the BETA
Um yeah... considering that the background colors are endless (see screenshot below), the toasts are not only obligated to those colors. [img]http://detn8r.pluslite.com/msnmessenger7/colo rs_msn7.JPG[/img]
detn8rSkype & Live Messenger10-04-2004 at 10:04 PM
RE: msn 7 and plus
http://shoutbox.menthix.net/basicsearch.php?do=sea rch&sfrm=1&keywords=msn7&username=&fid=&lookin=msg &sort= here :) We know. this thread can be moved to T&T or locked... :undecided:
marissaWLM Plus! Help10-04-2004 at 06:23 PM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
Yep its been already said but its good you posted in there. TB might have overlooked it and now he'll clearly see it.
riahc4Plug-Ins10-03-2004 at 08:32 PM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
I would say a month or three from now, but of course I am not sure. I t depends on what needs to be changed etc. on the current MSN7 build. And translating...
VilkkuPlug-Ins10-03-2004 at 05:52 PM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
btw, when is msn7 out?
LeePlug-Ins10-03-2004 at 05:49 PM
RE: StuffPlug-NG and Messenger 7
The msn6 method of doing dp's and ce's isn't being removed as far as i know (for backwards compatibility's sake) so I wouldn't be surprised if SPNG would be able to do much the same as before, if not with a little extra coding. But yes, of cour...
fluffy_lobsterPlug-Ins10-03-2004 at 03:37 PM
RE: Display pics?
Thats because plus does not have cabibility w/ msn7...Which means that NONE of the plug-ins don't work..
RebelSeanWLM Plus! General10-02-2004 at 11:10 PM
RE: Display pics?
plus! doesnt work for now on Msn7.. and you dont see de DPS cause they have Big Display Pictures.. the only pictures you can see, are the normal size.. sry for my bad english..
tonyWLM Plus! General10-02-2004 at 11:04 PM
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