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RE: Stop Calling it FF
^true but FF sounds better. Fx is just wack, sounds like a version group like msn7x
hmasterTech Talk11-15-2005 at 02:50 PM
RE: large display picture problem
yeah ever since msn7 both ends have to have stuffplug installed... which is a shame... kinda defeats the purpose if you ask me... msn7 was a crap upgrade imo... 6 was great tho. maybe with the stuffplug update for 7.5 it'll fix the issue? I dunno i...
CVonVPlug-Ins10-03-2005 at 05:25 AM
Hi there! :D I'm happy. And you? Like always? I will make you happy! :) Do you know MSN Messenger 7.5? Yes, it's the new MSN Messenger... Do you know PS2 MSN? Yes, it's a skin... For a long time, they were incompatible... till today! :D I present ...
MattiSkype & Live Messenger09-22-2005 at 06:06 PM
RE: Can some one help? (ColorNick)
well i hate be a know it all but i downloaded colornickv2 and it works on my nickname. i have msn7.5 open a chat window with someone you don't need to talk to them you just need to use the window you click on color nick and go all the way down to t...
shelleesonPlug-Ins09-12-2005 at 09:54 PM
RE: MSN doesn't wanna connect
[img]http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/6871/msn7cr. jpg[/img] this is the "advanced settings" box. only one checkbox, about saving into a log
HrrrSkype & Live Messenger09-12-2005 at 05:23 PM
RE: Msn Features.. New Feature Ideas...
I would like to see them de-bug it a bit before adding yet more features. I keep getting loads of weird bugs on it. No problems ever with MSN6, or when I connect using other systems such as Trillian or GAIM (so it is MSN7). I think MSN7 is bloated en...
FourjaysWLM Plus! General08-28-2005 at 06:08 PM
RE: suggestion:MSN Messenger version in contact info...
In MsgPlus! You can choose to respond to Ping or not.
albertWLM Plus! General08-27-2005 at 02:26 AM
RE: suggestion:MSN Messenger version in contact info...
just lik we know that a person doesnot hav plus, by failing to respond to a ping request, we can guess sm1 doesnt hav msn7.0 if he didnt get a wink, we can use this idea.... the aproach that plus would send such info is possible but sure this would b...
zaidgsWLM Plus! General08-27-2005 at 02:23 AM
RE: MSN 7.5
Maybe it works because you connect to another MSN7.5 contact. Lemme try and get back to you. Sob...
esnupePlug-Ins08-25-2005 at 04:40 PM
RE: Google Talk is LIVE!
I think it's a good sign that Google leave their software in BETA for so long. It means they are taking the time to ensure that all bugs are removed, before opening it as a full product. IMO, this is the right way to do it. Slightly offtopic, but M...
FourjaysTech Talk08-25-2005 at 08:59 AM
RE: Google Talk is LIVE!
It's meh! :D Oh didn't realise this wasn't T&T... so I have to say something useful :P It's kinda nice for a simple chatting program, works fine with all basic things. You don't want it if you like all the MSN7 stuff though..
MippoTech Talk08-24-2005 at 09:15 AM
RE: Google Talk is LIVE!
I think it is great. :D It has only what is NEEDED. Thats the ability to chat. MSN7 was bloated, and MSN is wanting me to update to 7.5, which is even more bloated. The only reason I stuck with MSN so long, was MsgPlus - Patchou carefully thought ab...
FourjaysTech Talk08-24-2005 at 08:19 AM
RE: wats next for google?
If its an IM, then its come at the right time for me. Im starting to get fed-up of MSNs "features before functionality" approach to MSN7. If it wasn't for Plus, I would have dumped MSN ages ago.
FourjaysTech Talk08-22-2005 at 08:43 PM
Msn 7 problem
Recently my msn7 has been freezing ( when opening a convosation. It freezes from around 6-30 seconds which is really annoying. i tried to go back to msn 6.2 but it just made me update to 7. So im bound to win mes (which works fine) any suggestions?*-...
_AL_Skype & Live Messenger08-19-2005 at 12:47 PM
Multiple message wont work
I'm using msn7.0.0.816 and Messenger Plus 3.54.132. I'm trying to use the multiple auto reply at personalized status. I've seperate my messages with # tag and only 7 message. but it dosnt work properly, it promted out all together and not in seq...
laksamanaWLM Plus! Help08-18-2005 at 01:49 PM
RE: Intermittant variation in window contents
Do you have StuffPlug NG by any chance? Did you recently install a patch? would you mind giving a plugin list and the exact version numbers? :)
Millenium_editionWLM Plus! Help08-17-2005 at 11:44 AM
Intermittant variation in window contents
I have noticed an intermittant issue involving the appearance of the MSN Messenger windows with msgplus. Sometimes, Plus! seems to suppress the extra junk that MSN7 adds to message windows, such as the "My Space" (I wonder what inspired that name.....
abermudez02WLM Plus! Help08-17-2005 at 11:22 AM
Can't add emoticon from chat window
What can I do to solve this? I've MSN7 .0816, with last version of msn plus, mess patch, and Stuffplug-NG, since last week I can't add any new smilies, the option Add is gone. I reconfigured mess patch without success. I've tried already cleaning ...
SparkS666General Chit Chat08-15-2005 at 09:39 PM
Stuff for MSN Messenger 7.0 FINAL
Okay people, heres how it's gonna work. You post links to anything MSN Messenger 7.0 Final related, you give me a description, give me the download link, the category for it, who made it, and that you submitted it. Categories? Well here is what I th...
RebelSeanSkype & Live Messenger08-06-2005 at 07:21 PM
RE: what conversation W. is opend?
No we can't. Before the MSN7 came along, we could see if someone opened a conversation window to us or if they closed it. Now, the same connection is used for downloading of DP etc. So, we can't tell anymore. Unless the plugin/program/Plus! sends ...
linx05WLM Plus! General08-03-2005 at 05:00 AM
RE: [split] some sounds accepted, some not (same file type)
In this case it was AIF, and in the case of my ace ventura pet detective soundbites...it accepted one and not the rest. Edit: I'm told msnplus has an export soundpack feature but I can't seem to find it. I've got the newest msn7 and plus that goes...
Starforce2WLM Plus! Help07-28-2005 at 12:53 PM
MSG Plus in Start MENU
Hi, Sorry if i am not posting in the right place, but I just downloaded the msg plus. How do i get msg plus in my start menu? and if i sign in opening msn7.0, will it sign me in as the msg plus? thanks in advance to all who help me...
aquarius0385WLM Plus! Help07-24-2005 at 07:41 AM
RE: Who is still using MSN 6.2.0205?
(1) can share a tip with you on this, to lengthen the session, using type backspace, thou it is rather an hassle, gonna do it per 30 seconds (cos it is estimated that a session closes around 1 minute) (2) tip 2 to share on this, disable your picture...
saintgtrilSkype & Live Messenger07-21-2005 at 07:02 AM
RE: Who is still using MSN 6.2.0205?
The close notifier is no longer accurate, same as the open notifier. Users who use msn7 will download your DP automatically, which makes it says that they open a conversation. The close thing is also inaccurate since they changed the protocol. Everyt...
PoomSkype & Live Messenger07-21-2005 at 06:48 AM
MSN Messenger 7.5
It's here! :D Only for download by people selected in microsoft connect though :( [url=http://flipa.co.in/msn75.JPG][img=537x185]htt p://flipa.co.in/msn75.JPG[/img][/url] Things new: From the first couple of minutes of use i saw the dynamic backgroun...
ShawnZSkype & Live Messenger07-20-2005 at 05:39 AM
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