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serious problem with msgplus. please help
I can no longer message anyone after installing msgPlus. whenever I double-click on someone and try to message him, there would be a pop up saying "we were unable to start a conversation with ________. you may want to try again." Also, I cannot r...
SallyWLM Plus! Help05-04-2005 at 11:49 PM
RE: MSN Messenger 7.0.07777 Problem
First.. The version you mentioned (7.0.07777) is actually 7.0.0777... Second... To check what kind of plugins you have installed you could do that 2 ways: - You open a conversation, go to the Plus! menu and go to Plugins and tell us what you see ther...
SypherSkype & Live Messenger05-03-2005 at 09:09 PM
Word Filter Character Limit
Helloodly, i was just wondering why word replacements have to be the same length as the word they are filtering? i was going to replace all leters with an emoticon font-letter, i was going to have emoticon fonts for msn7!, but it seems now that isn'...
PenguinBoyWLM Plus! General05-02-2005 at 05:17 PM
RE: New Stuffplug
he couil;d also be waiting for the newer build of MSN7 just incase things are broken in 2.2.119 etc
HankPlug-Ins05-01-2005 at 09:20 AM
restore "personal status" functionality?
hi! i think it is sad that since msn7 the personal statuses of msgplus dont work correctly any more. now i always see something like "name (personal status) (away)" etc. could this be restored to the original way? thanks a lot! regards, rh p.s.: i ...
rhWLM Plus! General04-29-2005 at 03:52 PM
RE: Contacts! disappear
THANKYOU! this solved my peoblem!:)(Y)
ratiug1Skype & Live Messenger04-28-2005 at 02:36 AM
RE: Contacts! disappear
This could be caused by the Ink/Handwriting Plugin, a possible solution to this problem can be found in [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=42634&pid=442493#pid442493]inc_haydn's reply to Huge 7.0 problem[/url]. More information on i...
andreySkype & Live Messenger04-27-2005 at 10:18 AM
RE: MSN7 - thoughts....
lol msn7 uses more memory than windows media player 9 :P
PuMaČSkype & Live Messenger04-26-2005 at 02:36 PM
RE: MSN7 - thoughts....
Thanks for the link to a-patch Calvin! (I think ill give msn7 a shot now...)
PuMaČSkype & Live Messenger04-26-2005 at 01:26 PM
RE: personalized satus error
I don't underestand why should msgPlus users use the personalised statuses when It's not replacing the MSN7 defaults? I thought replacing the MSN default statuses was the reason why you have added the personalised statuses? :S Why have you changed...
pariesWLM Plus! Bug Reports04-24-2005 at 02:11 PM
RE: Recurring problem
You can backup your preferences beforehand (incase it doesn't make a difference you can load em back): Plus > Preferences..at the bottom..."save/load".
SunshineWLM Plus! Help04-24-2005 at 12:28 PM
RE: Change you picture when you change your status...
Yes I have made that plugin a while ago... don't know if it works on msn7... http://www.msgplus.net/pluginsdb/down/?action=file &id=102 I just tested it, and it works fine on msn7:D...
PeRKoniXPlug-Ins04-24-2005 at 08:01 AM
RE: Recurring problem
i thought double posting was posting the same message in two different threads i did save the preferences, i will try without saving them, i didnt want to lose them but wth, i have to try it and for me its been happening even before i had msn7
HilikusWLM Plus! Help04-24-2005 at 01:29 AM
RE: StuffPlug problem: always saying user closes window
No... when that happens i get a message like ...user has been removed. Since my buddys started using msn7 i get that error, and it appears very soon.
chompasPlug-Ins04-23-2005 at 10:09 PM
RE: ...trojan downloader CR64....
Lol, could it be Microsoft AntiSpyware is making things up..i mean if a trojan named like that exists there should be something about it on the web somewhere (unless its really really new)? After all that's been said about that program i seriously d...
SunshineTech Talk04-23-2005 at 12:39 PM
RE: MSN Messenger 7.0.0814
I installed this and it went back to MSN7.0.0777 when i exited :S odd.
mwe99Skype & Live Messenger04-22-2005 at 10:42 PM
RE: Tabbed msg windows for Msn 7.0
In MSNM6, the class of the main window was MSNMSBLClass IIRC, and in MSNM7, it's MSBLClass.
RaceProUKPlug-Ins04-22-2005 at 12:41 PM
RE: Tabbed msg windows for Msn 7.0
i don't think that it will work with MSN7 as it was coded for previous builds of Messenger which AFAIK had different class names, hence the error of 'Class does not exist'
DempseyPlug-Ins04-22-2005 at 11:14 AM
RE: I Think I Won?
THat still counts i believe. Although, only people with msn7+ will see it, so that's kinda of unfair. [s] I cant find it in the rules at the moment, but once i do i'll update asap.[/s] [quote] ...who has "Messenger Plus!" or "MsgPlus!" is his ...
marissaWLM Plus! Help04-21-2005 at 08:40 PM
RE: Anyone got any problems now?
my MSN7 (final) was working flawlessly up until i installed the recent windows security updates. now, MSN7 signs itself out automatically, but still has me as online to other users. closing MSN7 down doesnt help either, i have to sign into a differen...
skalra63Skype & Live Messenger04-21-2005 at 12:26 AM
RE: Virus Through MSN Messenger
Update to MSN7 if you aint already got it ,,those url's should be blocked in the latest MSN Messenger
HankSkype & Live Messenger04-20-2005 at 03:22 AM
RE: Best Emoticon/DP/Background importer
Yes it has spyware just like Msn Emoticon adder.. Can anyone confirm that this CEDP manager doesnt support Msn7beta/final? just want to be sure! i think they're all for 6.2..
FredzzSkype & Live Messenger04-19-2005 at 12:11 AM
RE: MD 3 for MSN 7 released.....
Yeah i installed MD3 and ended up uninstalling it 10 minutes later, still has alot of bugs to iron out......probally shouldnt have being released on msn7 untill it was tested.
-rafy-Skype & Live Messenger04-18-2005 at 02:44 PM
RE: Msn messenger **8**
This is not a skin because it installed msn 8 on to my system it says that in add and remove programs and msn7 when opened is the same this is no skin[hr]sorry u were right it was a skin but it seemed real i think it is an early beta of msn 7 because...
mrlonelySkype & Live Messenger04-17-2005 at 12:34 PM
A request for a nerd
I've been trying to get the D&D dice roller plugin working as I'm a big fan of RPGs... however more recently I've been roleplaying in msn chats more often and I'm wondering if there is a previously created plugin that can allow me to create lines...
MatafluerPlug-Ins04-17-2005 at 11:17 AM
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