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RE: anyone write script to check who appear offline?
Live Notifier has been mentionned and linked to a lot. There are many threads about it. And many threads explaining the notifications and their accuracy. As for combining something like this to have a who is appearing offline tool, that is exactly wh...
CookieRevisedScripting05-30-2007 at 09:37 AM
RE: anyone write script to check who appear offline?
There is also another script (don't think it has been metnioned so far) called live notifier (older versions called convo notifier) This is meant to tell you when someone opens a conversation with you, and it works by telling you when someone opens ...
DaveScripting05-30-2007 at 08:59 AM
RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Hi mrhuge, i'm an Italian boy and i'm sorry but I don't speak well English... Exists some way for knowing who has installed convo notifier? I try to explain itself better... 1) PC1 open the window of PC2's contact. 2) PC2 reads: PC1 is starting ...
skreScripting05-23-2007 at 02:20 PM
RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Well, I just uninstalled all other scripts, then installed Live Notifier as only script, and it is working for me just fine. At first I wasn't able to install at all, WLM did crash. Now I reinstalled also other scripts ,I do get alerts when someone ...
triniScripting05-21-2007 at 11:03 PM
Convo notifier/live notifier/open notifier
Hello! So I would know about something! I would use script convo notifier, live notifer or the other ...but I'm not sure if it's work on my computer! mhh .... I will said It doesn't work or I'm stupid and I've not understand their functions! Li...
pearlScripting05-18-2007 at 06:00 PM
RE: [Request] Script to open window
But i think he wants a script that automatically opens a conversation when they open one with him.
Zahid™Scripting05-16-2007 at 07:09 PM
RE: New discovery with "Appearing offline?"
I was going to say, this sounds like the works of a Open Conversation Notifier. These detect whether a connection has been made to you by the contact, and thus trigger an alert saying that contactA has opened a conversation with you. These convo not...
vaccinationSkype & Live Messenger05-14-2007 at 07:30 AM
RE: HELPPPP........please
Any 'open convo notifiers' work(AFAIK) by detecting when someone makes a connection to you. But many things can trigger this, for example; someone looking at your contact card; someone opening a conversation; WLM getting your latest DP etc etc. - T...
vaccinationWLM Plus! Help05-06-2007 at 10:14 AM
RE: Message upon window activated
http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/view/115-Convo- Notifier/ There's the script, but you cannot always be 100% sure for it. The script notifies you when new session is opened. That can be when user changes display picture, opens conversation window a...
rixSkype & Live Messenger05-02-2007 at 03:53 PM
RE: Stuff plug-ng plugin
[url]www.stuffplug.com[/url] < thats the stuffplug 3 now stand-alone like MP!L, which doesnt have the feature in :) [url]http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/view/115-C onvo-Notifier/[/url] < Only alerts you when a contact opens a convo with you but mo...
duck!WLM Plus! Help04-15-2007 at 03:40 PM
RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
convo crushes, i've tried live notifier but i can't get it to work, it doesn't alert on any open windows. (tried it with multiple msn)
namoothScripting03-31-2007 at 08:06 AM
RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Live Notifier works better, but no Notifier for someone opening a convo is reliable. This works well though.
EddieScripting03-31-2007 at 06:27 AM
RE: Welcome Window
Oh sorry i missunderstoon :$ /me hides in shame
JimboScripting03-17-2007 at 10:02 AM
RE: Welcome Window
Your code would send messages to every contact who isn't offline when you signin(no matter what status). That won't work. You'll need [code]Contact.Name[/code] [hr] For the script, this is possible but convo open notifiers or rather session notif...
FeluScripting03-17-2007 at 08:29 AM
RE: My Chat Logs root - what am i doing wrong?
LOL CR I believe we've had this debate before ;) I'm not going to go into the fact that it does work for me! :) Just that when I first installed Vista a few weeks ago (just to test it breifly before I made the transition - it's since been format...
al2002WLM Plus! Help03-06-2007 at 02:29 PM
RE: [Beta] Session Open Notifier for WLM (Formally known as Window Open Notifier)
Doesnt seem to work for me, trying everything. Using version 8.1.0178.00, btw. Honestly, I've loading Session Open Notifier and trying Convo Notifier, and it doesnt toast up when someone opens a conversation to me. Using Vista Ultimate..
ducScripting02-16-2007 at 11:37 PM
RE: How's that patch called...
On MSN Messenger you probably used Stuffplug. But now in Stuffplug 3 they've took that feature out because its not really reliable anymore. But there is a script which can tell you when a contact opens a conversation but it is unreliable. Script is...
Zahid™Skype & Live Messenger02-04-2007 at 07:17 PM
RE: Error importing scripts' files
[b]1[/b]Sunshine already explained one method. Though this method should be used carefully. A better method if you want to make detailed associates, you need to go to: [i]Windows Explorer (or press Win+E as a shortcut) > Tools > Folder options > ...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help01-17-2007 at 12:26 PM
RE: Question regarding a "close msg window logger"
There are a lot of threads about this... If you just search with "notifier" you'll find tons and tons and tons of threads about this. Same threads as this one: [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=68590]Notify when someone closes th...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help12-27-2006 at 01:33 AM
RE: Nudge Blocker
It doesn't work that way... Packages are either 'sniffed', which means they are detected but not interfeared with, like used in NudgeBack, Open Convo Notifiers, etc, and all other scripts depending on a sniffer like Xniff. Or either you create a ...
CookieRevisedScripting12-13-2006 at 12:55 AM
RE: Stuffplug 3 [Now Released]
Because of: [quote=http://techthisout.net/]the way MSN7.x (which is used by all pre-XP users) requests display pictures. The notifier used to work by detecting when your display pic was requested, which only happened when a convo window was opened. M...
Zahid™Skype & Live Messenger12-11-2006 at 08:44 PM
RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
chronic student and Tanya21, What this and every other openconvo notifier does (including the one in StuffPlug, chronicstudent) is showing you a notification when someone opens a SESSION with you. This is certainly not the same as an OPEN CONVO notif...
CookieRevisedScripting12-05-2006 at 12:38 AM
RE: using stuff plugin
There are some 'session notifiers' chronic student. They are what you call "convo open notifiers". Have a look in the Script forum. Read up on what they actually do before you start posting about how said "convo open nofier" does not work.
linx05WLM Plus! General12-04-2006 at 04:01 AM
RE: "What Im Listening To" Script to add album title
I use Messenger Discovery Live for all my popup notifications, its user has opened a convo notifier is good not 100% but easy to assume a real note and a fake. has everyone on this forum got it?
AmbulanceXScripting11-20-2006 at 11:01 AM
RE: Show invisible buddies
Hmmm... that would be something worth testing out, I bet you could use [url=http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/view/77-Di splay-Picture-Changer/]Display Picture Changer[/url] to constantly change your pictures, to see if any of your blocked contact's...
kvnhmmdScripting11-13-2006 at 09:29 AM
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