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RE: [Beta] Session Open Notifier for WLM (Formally known as Window Open Notifier)
Personally I like that quirk. As it lets you know when they're typing again after 60seconds (the 'user is typing message' doesnt seem to always show up if its gone 60seconds) - If anything is altered, maybe an option could be given to allow this ...
ecionScripting07-29-2006 at 01:35 PM
RE: [Beta] Session Open Notifier for WLM (Formally known as Window Open Notifier)
I just want to let you know it works over here for me also :). I have 3 computers (2 with MSN open almost 24/7) connected via a router, and I haven't had any issues as of yet. One suggestion for the future would be the option to have the window clos...
KeikoniumScripting07-26-2006 at 04:24 PM
RE: [Joke] [Release] Open Window Notification
or. or OR! leave it the same and let the n00bs be notified of an offline contact opening a convo with them every 123.456 seconds and lett them leave retarted offline msgs, like: "HA! u are appearing offline"... eventually that person will get sick ...
Three6MafiaScripting07-05-2006 at 06:06 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
wrong.... Before you call people sad and stuff, why don't you actually test that event out? Or even simply search the forums about it? It is exactly posts/comments like this which are the culprint of so much misconceptions about "notifiers". That ...
CookieRevisedScripting06-27-2006 at 03:19 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Im gonna try to help Cookie out a bit I have theories on ways a notifier can be done (I havent read 100% the scripting doc though) but If several times throughout this thread its been said that it doesnt work [b]IT DOESNT WORK[/b] This is basically ...
riahc4Scripting06-27-2006 at 01:12 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
I have the MSN IM Apps bot in my contacts, this one ALWAYS says "Hi there" after I open a convo with him. Maybe that is because he doesn't have a DP, wouldn't disabling your DP give a much more accurate window opener notifier?
DeLaVegaScripting06-27-2006 at 09:42 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
CookieRevisedScripting06-27-2006 at 07:44 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
I guess that people would be happy to have not a "Open window" convo but a "Did something or nothing that could include or not open the window" convo. I bet a lot of this war would be over (but not all of it) by just changing the text to somethin...
upsfeupScripting06-27-2006 at 12:06 AM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
It doesn't matter if Plus! is installed or not though (well, that is, if it is a plugin or something you need Plus! to run it, but that doesn't influence the workings of such a program. In fact, such a program actually runs independant (the network...
CookieRevisedScripting06-26-2006 at 11:26 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
i suppose its fine if people wanna use a script even though its not 100% accurate, just give them a disclaimer that it doesnt always work, its up to them if they wanna use it its not as if the script maker is shoving it down anyones throat, and i don...
whYeNQueScripting06-26-2006 at 08:21 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
And your points stop someone making a script for this feature because......?
al2002Scripting06-26-2006 at 07:35 PM
RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
1) it is not an opinion. That is the whole point. What I state is a fact, not an opinion! 2) if such thing works 50/50, it does NOT work as you have NO way in knowing if the notification was correct or not. Roll a dice instead and if it is 3 or lower...
CookieRevisedScripting06-26-2006 at 07:32 PM
RE: Stuffplug NG 2.2.397 compatible with msgplus!Live?
The window open notifier does not work in the sense it is ment to because of several factors. See: [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=60040&pid=658323#pid658323]Cookie's Reply To "Has Opened A Convosation"[/url]
GiantSpiderPlug-Ins06-20-2006 at 01:29 PM
RE: Has opened a conv...
In short: forget everything about the so called open-window/closed-window notifiers. Don't bother trying to understand it or interpreting it: Those things do not work at all!, do not use them.... What would a hidden function be good for when it doesn...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help06-02-2006 at 11:56 AM
RE: add "user has closed conversation" info
What would a hidden function be good for when it doesn't work in the first place? What are you going to interpret? If you want some random stuff shown on your screen, better write a small script, it will be 500% more "reliable" and "working". Tbh, if...
CookieRevised06-01-2006 at 05:31 PM
RE: 'contact opens chat window' notification
stuffplug ng is good and i still use it for other things like timestamp and many more features... but the popup notify for open/close conversation is what i didn't like. if it popped up a notify window for when they closed a window then i'd be 100%...
chancePlug-Ins02-17-2006 at 02:02 PM
RE: Contact Clean-Up Issue
As i said i'm not 100% sure, something might get send on opening convo....like how else can an open convo notifier detect that somebody else opened a convo with you...(or viewed contactcard..wich is recognized the same). Maybe someone who knows more...
SunshineWLM Plus! Help12-18-2005 at 03:58 PM
RE: Logging Open Convo?
I thought that the new window open notifier in the newest stuffplug was like 95 percent accurate?.... It seems like it cause I don't usually get toasts unless somebody does actually open the convo window... The only time it's not really accurate is...
qgroesslPlug-Ins12-16-2005 at 01:35 PM
RE: where can i find the open/close windows plugin?
There are several plugins which can do that. However, they all are designed to work with MSN Messenger 6.x. In MSN Messenger 7 some things have changed and thus the method of detecting this has become very hard without showing false positives. In sho...
CookieRevisedPlug-Ins12-03-2005 at 11:50 AM
RE: Suggestion: Identifying contacts who are appearing offline.
I thought the messenger client won't retrieve the contacts' display pictures when one is appearing offline. [size=1]And isn't appearing offline kinda similar to blocking someone? If one appears offline, MSN protocol should not be sending any kind...
WeyzzaWLM Plus! General10-29-2005 at 09:08 PM
i can't find the plug in
hi, CAN ANYONE plzzzzz help me find the plugin im looking for.. it is a plug in that notifies me if a contact has opened or closed the conversation box with me.. a popup that shows they have opened it ... i looked everywhere for something callled "o...
noraWLM Plus! Help10-23-2005 at 01:05 AM
RE: Starting a conversation via desktop contacts
Your guess is correct Cookie... the MSN team has not been working on the old UIAutomation API for a long time so this kind of thing can be easily explained the way you did. There's a good thing in this though: that's a nice workaround to know to by...
PatchouWLM Plus! General10-17-2005 at 04:47 PM
Starting a conversation via desktop contacts
Why exactly does it not trigger open convo notifiers on the other end when you start a conversation using a desktop contact? Is it because of the way Patchou opens the conversation window? I would have thought he'd do it the same way MSN Messenger d...
segosaWLM Plus! General10-17-2005 at 10:23 AM
RE: Opening when offline...
That person could've used Stuffplug too, and by blocking you he could appear offline but still be able to talk to you... By the way, even if the window opened notifier is unreliable, this still would not result in someone really being offline someho...
TheBlasphemerPlug-Ins10-15-2005 at 11:13 PM
RE: hiya / spying on mates?
I know, how hard is it to search ay, even if you are new, still know how to click a button ;). Anyway i think the whole Open/Convo Notifier debate should be put to rest now, Doubt it will ever be 100% apart from the close notifier. So quit whining ;...
LittleKSkype & Live Messenger09-05-2005 at 06:33 PM
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