What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: StuffPlug NG wont find Messenger Plus!
The window notifier no longer works and therefore is no longer supported in StuffPlug 229. If you search the forums here: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/basicsearch.php?do=sea rch&sfrm=1&keywords=open+convo+notifier&username=& fid=&lookin=msg&sort= You mi...
mwe99Plug-Ins06-05-2005 at 11:05 AM
RE: StuffPlug NG wont find Messenger Plus!
Oh ok. Sorry. Thought you meant asking TB about the open convo notifier. mickey89, what Sypher said...
linx05Plug-Ins06-05-2005 at 10:24 AM
RE: Is this statement correct?
http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=281 66&page=17 it will be great if some one can confirm HOW accuracy is this, as to sacrifice your Display Pic for it to be more accurate :(
saintgtrilPlug-Ins06-04-2005 at 03:53 PM
Is this statement correct?
Guys, anyone who wants to use the open/convo notifier, just remove your Display Picture("Tools"->"Options"->Uncheck"Show my display picture and allow others to see it"), then the notifier works like the clock (100% accurate so far) The reason i...
saintgtrilPlug-Ins06-02-2005 at 04:03 PM
RE: A plug in that detects ppl who click your name?
It's called [url=http://stuffplug.com]Stuff Plug[/url] this is no longer supported in Stuff Plug anymore though [b]If you search the forum and search for 'open convo notifier' you will find lots of threads about it[/b]
mwe99Plug-Ins05-31-2005 at 01:06 PM
RE: openConvo (notifies when a user open/close your chat window)
okay so i have actually tried everything to install this openconvo notifier thing. and i read all the threads twice..but maybe even 3 times. i even rebooted my whole computer and i still can't get it to work. at first it installed properly and it ca...
swimmaPlug-Ins05-29-2005 at 04:06 AM
RE: Plugin Requested
It does depend on whether you see this idea as a replacement for open-convo-notifiers. I see it more as a 'User is actually starting to talk to you' notifier.
RaceProUKPlug-Ins05-12-2005 at 10:11 AM
RE: Plugin Requested
Well, since no one uses open convo notifiers anymore, the plugin could send the open headers to every contact online, and every contact that comes online, but that might cause problems
ShawnZPlug-Ins05-12-2005 at 04:48 AM
RE: Plugin Requested
This suggestion is actually a definate possibility, unlike open-convo-notifiers, as the 'User is typing' packet is a discrete entity sent in a very specific scenario i.e. when someone types. If you wanted, you could configure the following: - Sound...
RaceProUKPlug-Ins05-11-2005 at 11:52 PM
RE: Plugin Requested
i personally dont know much about programming or anything.. but this sounds rlly doable to me.. isnt there a way to produce a sound when the " USER Is Typing A Message" shows up??
albertPlug-Ins05-11-2005 at 08:35 PM
RE: Plugin Requested
There is the MSN default sound notification when an alert appears, however this sounds like an open convo notifier and these don't work unfourtunatly.
mwe99Plug-Ins05-11-2005 at 08:17 PM
RE: Stuffplug NG Open Window Notifier...
Sorry, i deleted my post..i thought you were talking about the SPNG feature, topic: Stuffplug NG Open Window Notifier :mipdodgy: Anyways the open window notifier has been taken out of SPNG. It was no longer reliable due to how MSNM 7 works (it gather...
SunshinePlug-Ins04-24-2005 at 06:15 PM
RE: Has anybody ever heard of that new Messenger/add in?
Thanks for the info :) I guess I just have to reinstall it and give it another try - it's better then MD 'cause it's having a sound notification.
triniWLM Plus! Help04-14-2005 at 06:54 PM
RE: Are MsgPlus! and msgdiscovery compatible?
try my solution to it, and see if it works ;) http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=382 18&pid=378663#pid378663
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-13-2005 at 10:47 PM
RE: Are MsgPlus! and msgdiscovery compatible?
It's not 100% correct, like all notifiers. Whenever someones talks to me I always see their e-mail address flash up saying they've opened my window. So that's good enough for me. I couldn't get Wouter's openconvo plug-in to work.
TouristSkype & Live Messenger04-13-2005 at 10:02 PM
RE: Are MsgPlus! and msgdiscovery compatible?
:-/ read cookie's reply to openconvo notifiers in MSN 7. here: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=382 18&pid=379129#pid379129 and here: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=281 66&pid=389597#pid389597 i assume that it is not en...
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-13-2005 at 09:57 PM
RE: Has anybody ever heard of that new Messenger/add in?
.. it only shows you the stats. so for instance how many times your space has been visited. it does not show you who visited it. i don't think there is a way to show WHO visited your space, though. unless i am wrong :S
JoaWLM Plus! Help04-13-2005 at 09:19 PM
RE: Has anybody ever heard of that new Messenger/add in?
wouter's open convo notifier does'nt work for me anymore (the last version it did work with was 7.0.0425), but messenger discovery works perfictly with msn 7 final (Y) to see who visited your msn space, open settings-statistics
triniWLM Plus! Help04-13-2005 at 09:09 PM
RE: Has anybody ever heard of that new Messenger/add in?
you can use messenger discovery for open-convo detection like King For A Day suggested. or wouter's open convo notifier. http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=281 66&page=1 BUT, there is no way (that i know of, or read about anywhere) to fi...
JoaWLM Plus! Help04-13-2005 at 08:44 PM
RE: plz help
with msn 7 openconvo notification is possible just not entirely accurate (when your contacts have msn 7) look at CookieRevised's response to openconvo notifiers: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=382 18&pid=379129#pid379129 and here: ht...
JoaPlug-Ins04-13-2005 at 04:02 PM
Block Checker - Read Before you flame, it makes sense....
in this thread: [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=42224]Click Here[/url] he/she is receiving open convo notifiers because msn 7 loads her DP.....bnut the person is offline, so they have blocked him/her..... could a plugin be made to...
M73APlug-Ins04-08-2005 at 05:41 PM
RE: Messenger Discovery?
go to http://www.stuffplug.com/forum/index.php?showtopic =165 for more info :P [size=1] here we are talking about Wouter's openconvo notifier. and opening conversation window problems[/size]
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-08-2005 at 10:11 AM
RE: Messenger Discovery?
it works only with msn 6.2 you can get the openconvo notifier from here: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=281 66&page=1 and follow these directions when installing it: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=281 66&page=1 i am not ...
JoaSkype & Live Messenger04-08-2005 at 09:55 AM
RE: What is A-Patch?
FYI, Plus! doesn't remove any banner anymore. However, Patches do. The plugin you're talking about is StuffPlug. But, SPNG 2 (for MSNM 7) doesn't have open convo window notifier anymore. SPNG does remove ad banners, too. http://www.stuffplug.com B...
WeyzzaSkype & Live Messenger04-08-2005 at 08:11 AM
RE: A guide of plugins/add ons/enhancements to newbie
go to this thread: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=420 52 it might help you out. i like the openconvo notifier (a) you can get it here: http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=281 66&page=1 also tabbed msn: http://shoutbox.menthi...
JoaPlug-Ins04-06-2005 at 08:53 PM
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