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RE: password protecting a folder
What ShawnZ suggested is only works for Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition. Plus if you are trying to keep someone that uses the same username as you out of the folder it is useless because it doesn't use a password. [size=1][url=http://supp...
scott2010_hTech Talk11-06-2007 at 04:35 AM
RE: password protecting a folder
thanks you i'll use this program or just do what ShawnZ said... thanks all for ur input
Th3rmalTech Talk11-06-2007 at 01:56 AM
RE: password protecting a folder
If you want a program you could use [url=http://www.truecrypt.org/]TrueCrypt[/url] [size=1]Source: [url=http://ask-leo.com/can_i_passwordprotect_a_fo lder.html]Ask Leo[/url][/size]
scott2010_hTech Talk11-06-2007 at 12:26 AM
RE: password protecting a folder
You could put the files/folders in a password protected zip folder.
scott2010_hTech Talk11-06-2007 at 12:23 AM
password protecting a folder
is there anyway of protecting a folder with a password or something? or is there a program that does this? thx in advance
Th3rmalTech Talk11-06-2007 at 12:10 AM
RE: WLM invites people automatically
Very odd, i still suspect some malicious software or a virus/worm to be the cause. Check add/remove programs, run some more scans with anti spy/adware tools (AdAware, Spybot S&D). If after that still nothing found the only thing i can think of that m...
SunshineSkype & Live Messenger09-20-2007 at 08:57 PM
RE: Chat logs problem
No, I just kinda forgot about it. I decided I didn't need a password, and then hid the folder they're in. I just tried encrypting them but it said the key could not be generated. So I might just reinstall msg plus, and delete my logs & start fresh.
whizpopthatWLM Plus! Help09-09-2007 at 08:12 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! Conversations Saving Bug
I didn't understand what you mean. But;[list] [*]Display names in chat logs are the names which are current names while saving that chat. [*]You must tick an option in WLM preferences for roaming display pictures and personal messages. (Not for disp...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General08-31-2007 at 07:57 AM
[Release] Log Manager - Version 1.1.008
Five months of programming. Way too many hours of debugging. Listening to the feedback of a selected group of beta testers. Waisting too many thread IDs on Help Me topics. Bugging busy script developers for way too long with my questions. All that ju...
MattiScripting08-30-2007 at 02:28 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! Conversations Saving Bug
why is it more convenient i think it shloud be used in the next version of Plus PS: When i sign in with my details in Messenger in 2 diferents computers why my photos and nick are not saved autoamtically for example and it is a feature of Messenger...
hugo_luitenWLM Plus! General08-24-2007 at 03:09 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! Conversations Saving Bug
Chat logs can't be deleted (whether encrypted or not) when the conversation windows (not Messenger) are opened of the contacts who are the owners of those logs. Because when you open someone's chat window, Messenger Plus! opens and starts writing ...
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General08-23-2007 at 05:27 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! Conversations Saving Bug
Yes is how MP!L is coded , and other think i found is when the conversation registry is protected by password , why it can be deleted ( you cant delete if you have Windows live messenger opened, if you do it , it says that the file is been utilized ...
hugo_luitenWLM Plus! General08-22-2007 at 10:18 PM
[RELEASE] Vista Live Messenger 8.1
[url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/39255778/ ][img]http://www.djbe9.com/stiii/wlm/RELEASE.png[/ img][/url] FINNALLY WE RELEASE AN UPDATED VERSION OF THIS BEAUTIFUL SKIN! IT's still not finished there is a few bugs we still need to fix and an in...
Stianu89Skype & Live Messenger07-02-2007 at 05:49 PM
RE: Since this's a shared computer, don't store my address book, display picture here
You could have found this out if you had just clicked the ? (help) button in WLMail Beta. That option beeing greyed out for you could have to do with the type of account you are using (limited, no admin priviledges) or the settings for WLMessenger in...
SunshineSkype & Live Messenger06-23-2007 at 10:47 PM
RE: How to Turn off Chat Logs!!
Changing that option in the Configuartion Wizard is exactly the same as going to your preferences and changing it there (this goes for every option in the config wizard btw). EDIT after your second reply: ahmetgns, here you suggest that you _must_ ch...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help05-21-2007 at 12:41 AM
Encrypting, decrypting etc. of Plus! chatlogs
[color=orange][size=3][b]How to modify chatlogs from the commandline[/b][/size][/color] You can encrypt/decrypt existing logs (and more) from the commandline (Start > Run) with the logviewer application: [img]http://shoutbox.menthix.net/attachment.ph...
SunshineWLM Plus! Help05-06-2007 at 02:49 PM
RE: Folder Locker
Winrar and other [i]archivers[/i] aren't transparent. That is, they can encrypt stuff, but you always need to decrypt them first and expand them before you can do anything with it. I suspect EBFL wants something transparent, so he can use it like it...
CookieRevisedTech Talk05-06-2007 at 02:08 PM
Folder Locker
Can anyone give me the link to something free which can lock things so that only i that knows the password can view the folders/documents/items in there. I did get one, but it seems it was only a trial version and so i need a different one that doe...
EBFLTech Talk05-06-2007 at 12:31 PM
RE: Questions about logging
One way would be to copy all the files in the main log folder to some temporary folder and then to copy all the files in a specific subfolder to the main folder and let Plus! decrypt all your logs. After that move them back to their respective subfol...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help04-28-2007 at 02:46 AM
Questions about logging
Hi, I'm not sure if this is a feature I haven't yet found, or if I should be looking through scripts (I did a search though), or if it's even possible, but is there any way I can have personal messages stored in my logs, along with the person's n...
FirestormXWLM Plus! Help04-01-2007 at 08:37 PM
RE: give away an old account!!!
well then post it here, and i'm sure it will get hijacked. Just don't leave any personal info still attached to the account. delete all mail in all of your folders, empty your contact lists, change your secret question and password, update all of t...
MeEtcTech Talk03-19-2007 at 04:34 PM
chat log passwords
hey i have been using messanger plus for a few months and i put a password on it so no one can read my convos. when a new month starts they make their own folders. some folders and all convos inside are protected by my password but some of them are n...
jenny_fur24WLM Plus! Help03-03-2007 at 09:06 PM
RE: Tool to encrypt or decrypt log files
i asked her if she had problem if i see the logs and she wasnt, she send me all the logs to my pc, but told me she didnt remember the password, so im not breaking her privacy in the regedit i went to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\Messenger Pl...
tomi206Plug-Ins02-09-2007 at 03:13 PM
RE: Tool to encrypt or decrypt log files
Yes you can, simply ask her. Be honest and straightforward. Breaking into her privacy and such stuff is the totally wrong thing todo and you will not gain her sympathy if you did. EDIT: fixed some spelling
CookieRevisedPlug-Ins02-09-2007 at 10:17 AM
RE: Tool to encrypt or decrypt log files
i see everywhere that, but i have in my head that somewhere in the pc that password is, in some msn dll file or the system dll files or even somewhere, when you put the password the programs read the real one form somewhere and it compares with the ...
tomi206Plug-Ins02-08-2007 at 05:32 PM
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