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Suggestion for Messenger Lock option.
Hi there, Under the Plus! Preferences menu, Under Messenger tab, Under the Messenger Lock... You've included some nice options and ways to use the "build-in" option to "Lock" the messenger. { I use Messenger Plus! Build: & Windows Liv...
NovaStarWLM Plus! General07-03-2009 at 06:40 PM
Lock messenger and Windows 7
I'm using Ctrl+Space to lock and Ctrl+Shift+Space to unlock. But after unlocking, the icon (pinned in the taskbar) doesn't show the status indicator anymore. I have to change my status in order to make it appear. Anyone else experienced this?
ChancerWLM Plus! Bug Reports07-03-2009 at 03:26 PM
[366] Signout notification not restored after unlocking
When you get signed out from Messenger because you signed in at a different location not supporting Multiple Points of Presence, a notification is shown at the endpoint where you had been signed in originally. This notification is set to never hide ...
mynetx06-27-2009 at 07:46 AM
Apple Itouch questions
I'm thinking of getting an Itouch questions i had. 1) with the internet portion of it...i can go to a house with wireless and use the internet on the itouch is that true? 2) can i use it as a phone? 3) when i unlock it i just download the applicatio...
YourNeibourTech Talk06-26-2009 at 02:55 AM
[365] Locking WLM with chats open that wait for you to acknowledge a message and tabs
Open a convo with an offline contact. You will get the "Welcome to offline messaging" window (you may not be able to reproduce this if you have selected "Don't show me this again") and lock messenger. When you unlock it you will see that the tab...
Mike06-24-2009 at 12:00 AM
[Win7] [365] Tabbed chats + locking + superbar = buggy
[list=1] [*]Enable tabbed chats [*]Open 2 or more chats [*]Lock messenger [*]Unlock messenger [/list=1] Depending on if the tabbed chats or not were focused when you locked messenger, the arrows won't appear below the tabbed chats thumbnail. If you...
Mike06-23-2009 at 11:45 PM
RE: [364] Messenger Lock
There is no tooltip in the newly-added icon of Windows 7. As for the other potion, it's true, it's not used in Windows 7 and I purposely don't add any icon if the user chooses to unlock with a shortcut. That will be made more clear in Plus! 5.
Patchou06-17-2009 at 10:53 PM
RE: [364] Messenger Lock
1.- [s]The tooltip is hidden here, i mean, works as should[/s] Weird, the tooltip never shows (check or uncheck) 2.- Confirmed. When you check "Unlock with a system-wide shortcut", te icon wont appear Windows 7 Build 7100. No compatibility mode
SuNcO06-07-2009 at 04:29 AM
[364] Messenger Lock
[list=1][*]Steps to reproduce:[list=1][*]Check "Change Messenger's icon in the tray to...". [*][i]Uncheck[/i] "Disable Messenger's tray icon tooltip and menu". [*]You will see the second option has no consequences in Windows 7.[/list=1] [*]Step...
mynetx06-06-2009 at 10:27 AM
RE: People just don't understand Messenger Lock.
I always wanted Plus! to inform the user how to unlock Messenger when they lock it. For a long discussion about this, [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=80023][suggestion] Tip window for unlocking Messenger[/url]
ahmetgnsWLM Plus! General05-30-2009 at 06:52 AM
RE: How To Unlock MSN? not the usual...
All you have to do to unlock is click on the modified icon in your systray, in the bottom right corner of your window, next to the hour :).
PatchouWLM Plus! Help05-30-2009 at 03:42 AM
How To Unlock MSN? not the usual...
omfg omfg omfg. right now im just killing myself! I FEEL SO STUPID. I was playing around with my plus and I happened to see "Lock" and so I clicked it...I didn't know how to unlock it so I experimented by ending the messenger process with my task ...
KumoWLM Plus! Help05-29-2009 at 10:32 PM
RE: People just don't understand Messenger Lock.
I've argued this many times. Messenger Lock should be disabled by default because a large number of problems on the forums are people who have accidentally locked it and don't know how to unlock it
djdannypWLM Plus! General05-29-2009 at 09:13 AM
RE: im locked out of my MSN!!
It wont work because I changed the options to unlock my messenger and I forgot which option I chose. Is it possible that you give me a list of the ways in the settings things to unlock it? That will be a great use of help please[/quote]
aleenaskedonWLM Plus! Help05-25-2009 at 08:31 PM
RE: i need some help about unlocked encryption
to unlock your logs you have to have the password otherwise you are unable to unlock it... your password is the key that it uses to decrypt... there is no other way around it... sorry
NanaFreakWLM Plus! Help05-09-2009 at 02:55 AM
i need some help about unlocked encryption
[size=2][color=limegreen]please, i can not open my log encryption after i used to set password. don't know why. who know how to set unlocked tell me please, what is bits:384- 640- 1024- 2048 or this need to set. sorry, i'm not good in english. tha...
pummypWLM Plus! Help05-09-2009 at 02:50 AM
RE: Solution to problems installing Msg Plus! Live- READ BEFORE POSTING
[quote="MattyRid"]If you locked your Messenger by accident and don't know how to get it back, look for a new icon in your notification area (bottom right; by the clock). It usually looks like a grey disk with tubes/pipes underneath. If you hover ...
MohWLM Plus! Help04-24-2009 at 03:42 PM
how do you unlock windows messenger plus if you used the ctrl space thing to hide it
I pressed ctrl + space and windows messenger plus 'hid'. Now i cannot open messenger anymore. What is the systray icon? And how do i unlock messenger again?
oxbabygirloxWLM Plus! Help04-19-2009 at 09:51 PM
RE: Unlock The Record?
By 'record', I'm guessing chat logs? you can 'unlock' or decrypt current logs permanently with the information here: [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=74210]Encrypting, decrypting etc. of Plus! chatlogs[/url] As for stopping th...
MeEtcWLM Plus! Help04-19-2009 at 04:05 AM
Unlock The Record?
I chose locking my record by setting up password before and now I would like to stop setting up the password and keep my record unlock for the future. However, what can I do in order to unlock the record before, which is locked at the moment?
CutWLM Plus! Help04-19-2009 at 03:46 AM
Messenger Plus! Live Lock Hotkey's
Hay, forum newbie, long time product user here. After gaining more experience with my PC lately and using the keyboard more and more often that the mouse. I found that if I have MSN open at the same time I want to select more than one file/folder (co...
.5ammerzWLM Plus! Help04-18-2009 at 06:35 PM
RE: 4.0 GB SD Card has only 1.85gb space?
I guess its kinda pointless unless your drive is greater than 4gb. FAT32 can take files with sizes less than 4GB anyway.. so pen drives of 4GiB and below are fine with FAT32.. except the renaming has to be in all caps which sucks :( (If I interchang...
John AndertonTech Talk04-16-2009 at 03:38 PM
RE: 4.0 GB SD Card has only 1.85gb space?
yeah, there's some thing you have to unlock first just google "USB drive ntfs" and you'll find guides....it's piss easy
djdannypTech Talk04-16-2009 at 03:28 PM
RE: Syntax error?
Yeah because you are using the function all wrong. LockMessenger is a function of the object MsgPlus. LockMessenger as 1 parameter that accepts true or false. true to lock WLM false to unlock it [code=js]function OnEvent_Initialize (bMessengerStart) ...
mattyScripting04-09-2009 at 09:59 PM
Auto messege on messenger lock problem
hey everyone as much as i love the 'lock messenger' feature, i have found one problem with it which i need help with- in the settings for the lock feature you can set a message to be sent automatically when messenger is locked and unlocked to all o...
jacko310592WLM Plus! Help04-09-2009 at 08:46 PM
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