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RE: Feedback about latest website design
Sometimes I feel like Yuna is using some sort of crappy WYSIWYG editor to create the design. If so, please Yuna, learn HMTL and CSS. And Javascript too, add some cool jquery in :)
FikeForum & Website04-03-2011 at 12:16 PM
RE: New staff?
This was my list for the mods (well menthy was mentioned for admin) I actually don't see why we'd need many admins...oh wait, I dunno if the "new forums" will let mods ban temporarily. :-/ A vote for Spunky, and you may want to consider Matt[b]i...
Mnjul04-03-2011 at 02:56 AM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
I'm sorry Yuna, but I completely agree with [b]twigboy[/b] and what the... at the download icon in the skins/scripts db and this: [IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/2881etl.png[/IMG] Seriously, I know it is hard to design something we all like, but almost ...
robert_dllForum & Website04-03-2011 at 02:05 AM
RE: New staff?
Fair enough. So the question is: Who should replace us? i mean, for now it doesnt seem necessary, but eventually we will have to pick new people, we'd rather start discussing it now :P Tbh im not even sure who's active enough anymore :undecided:. i...
Chrono04-02-2011 at 11:36 PM
RE: Skin install
Please, go to Program Files\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!, right-click "WLM-Skins", click Properties, and send us a screenshot of the "security" tab, with "Users" as the selected item. :) Here is mine, for example: [not in english, but order ...
blessedguyWLM Plus! Help04-02-2011 at 11:12 PM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
wow, i think that sums it up really well. The fact that someone can think it's a fake site is the proof that they should really improve it. Get working, kimhari software :P
ChronoForum & Website04-02-2011 at 09:45 PM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
Well, I don't really agree to the strong opinions about the website nor am I able to form a professional opinion. However, here's a post I made a while ago before I realized that it was a legit site: [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.ph...
ArcticwolfxForum & Website04-02-2011 at 09:29 PM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
Not perfect, but it was slick and would have made people thought, "WHOAH! This looks awesome! I'm gonna download it!". Whereas now I would categorize it as a slightly dubious looking site.
FikeForum & Website04-02-2011 at 06:46 PM
RE: [Released, v1.11] Agaeti [In Development, v0.1.2.2] Helper
thank u very much :)
Dod ZXSkinning04-01-2011 at 12:17 PM
RE: [Released, v1.11] Agaeti [In Development, v0.1.2.2] Helper
I'm getting rid of all backgrounds together and making a script that lets you select from your files which one you'll want :) As for restartless skins, Plus! will have that soon, will be called Dynamic Skinning. For now, you can go to Program File...
blessedguySkinning04-01-2011 at 12:12 PM
RE: Language problems? D:
There are three methods to change the [b]interface language of Messenger Plus![/b][list=a][*]Select the correct language in the "[i]Preferences & Options[/i]" panel of Plus!... In English: Plus! menu in your contactlist > Preferences & Options > La...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help03-29-2011 at 12:47 AM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
I wouldn't say it was perfect, but it was fifty times better than the current site. Not only is the current site ugly and poorly coded, but it's difficult to use, clunky and has had no thought put to the information architecture. It makes me angry...
traxorForum & Website03-28-2011 at 07:40 PM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
And the script database... UGH. tables. So last century xD. Seriously, Yuna, what's the point in having a kick-ass messenger extension without a kick-ass website? The last website was perfect, you ruined it.
FikeForum & Website03-28-2011 at 07:31 PM
RE: [split] I got an update notice today and now Plus! is gone
Hi, Same problem here, Ive Win7 X64 and WLM 14.0.8117.416 and Plus is gone. I have now two folders, the old "\Messenger Plus! Live" and the new "\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!" What can I do ? Thanks.[hr]Thank you Terabyte, Ive done the same, ...
CYANureWLM Plus! Help03-28-2011 at 04:55 PM
Dynamic skinning - some info and tip
Dynamic skinning is the ability to apply a skin without restarting Messenger. It was said this would be one of the new features of Messenger Plus! 5. However, due to some problems this feature was postponed. This is of course a bit of bad news for th...
CookieRevisedSkinning03-28-2011 at 03:52 PM
UseIATHook registry setting
This one is for the Plus! developers to answer: There is a registry setting [b][i]UseIATHook[/i][/b] in HKCU\Software\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!\Windows Live Messenger\GlobalSettings\ What exactly does this do? How does it relate to the [i]S...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! Help03-28-2011 at 03:36 PM
RE: palavra - chave - key - word
From [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=30330&pid=296142#pid296142]CookieRevised's reply to Preferences Password[/url] Open your registry editor (Start > Run > Regedit) and delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yuna Software\Messenge...
blessedguyWLM Plus! Help03-26-2011 at 07:44 PM
RE: Silent Install Ver 5
Hm, I'm not sure if the /Silent requires an uninstallation of version 4, however I suggest you do try, as the default installation folder has indeed changed from v4 to v5 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!) Beyond that, unless ...
prashkerWLM Plus! Help03-26-2011 at 05:21 PM
Online submission system FAQ (uploading skins,scripts,etc)
With the release of the [url=http://www.msgplus.net/]new Plus! site[/url] we also changed the method of submitting skins and scripts. Finally no more emailing and forgetting to add attachments :p. Items can now be [url=https://www.msgplus.net/MyPlus/...
MenthixForum & Website03-26-2011 at 04:54 PM
[split] I got an update notice today and now Plus! is gone
So I got an update notice today and now Plus! is gone. I'm on Win7 x64 Ultimate SP1 using WLM 15.4.3502.922. No menus, no addons, no nothing. I've installed it several times. Yes, every time I've made 100% sure that WLM was not running by veri...
TerabyteWLM Plus! Help03-26-2011 at 02:58 AM
RE: Skins codes
QUEYTOU24Skinning03-26-2011 at 01:15 AM
RE: out of interest, who runs the facebook messenger plus! page?
Yes, it is run by Yuna. It's linked to from within the Plus! Toolbar (Conduit).
MenthixWLM Plus! General03-25-2011 at 01:20 PM
RE: out of interest, who runs the facebook messenger plus! page?
Friends: (...) -Nathalie Yuna Yep, maybe it's run by Yuna :P
blessedguyWLM Plus! General03-25-2011 at 01:14 PM
RE: Feedback about latest website design
If Yuna need help, I'd gladly do so. I'm a web designer and web graphics designer, and I understand what kind of design would go down well. I'll be designing a new site later on ;)
FikeForum & Website03-25-2011 at 08:06 AM
RE: out of interest, who runs the facebook messenger plus! page?
It says in the sidebar: "Page owners: [url=https://www.facebook.com/itay.koln]Itay Koln[/url]" No idea who that is though, some mysterious person from Yuna? :P
EljayWLM Plus! General03-24-2011 at 07:41 PM
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