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RE: Scipts Dont Work in WLM 2011
C:\Windows\system32\REGSVR32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!\WLM-Scripts\SendTo\_sendfile.dll" /s /n /i:[b]<email>[/b]*[b]<email>[/b] ""
whizWLM Plus! Help03-10-2011 at 09:04 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! 5.01
Cool, thanks for the link.... (very dodgy indeed - a webinstaller that is) EDIT: And wtf at the version number.... And missing 'previous' buttons and other kind of issues. And even bigger WTF for the changed translation (or at least bugs in it so t...
CookieRevisedAnnouncements & News03-10-2011 at 08:19 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! 5.01
im not gonna sit here an argue Cookie, im backing up kafman here as i downloaded the same 418kb file unless Yuna stuffed up ( but thats nothing new ) did i install it? no cause i dont use WLM no more or i'd know where to find the file in Question, ...
webbedAnnouncements & News03-10-2011 at 09:29 AM
RE: Messenger Plus! 5.01
in this case your wrong Cookie. i know i downloaded the 418kb file myself but i deleted it, my guess Yuna has covered up there tracks by releasing the full installer
webbedAnnouncements & News03-10-2011 at 08:38 AM
Messenger Plus! 5.01
This update is meant as a maintenance patch, addressing a couple of crashes which have been reported during the weeks following the public release of Messenger Plus! 5, as well as various other annoyances, big or small. Bug fixes aside, this new ver...
AxtinguisherAnnouncements & News03-09-2011 at 02:08 PM
[split] about logging suggestions
As I've said in other threads before, you're making it yourself harder and.having more work by doing certain things in certain ways. And as for that 'right': you did gave the impression in the past that we (beta testers/translators) don't have a...
CookieRevised03-09-2011 at 01:01 PM
RE: @Yuna: How many screwups does it take?
indeed... /facepalm aka it is not based upon the same base code? -------- [size=1]On a positive note: I do like the new setup icon though. It is much cleaner than that too small resized plain big logo.[/size]
CookieRevised03-09-2011 at 12:49 AM
RE: @Yuna: How many screwups does it take?
Strongly agree. I even believe that there is an automatic build number increaser in Visual Studio, especially in Team Foundation Server version that Yuna is using.
mynetx03-08-2011 at 07:37 PM
RE: Display event notifications in the information area not working correctly [675]
Tbh, yes he can expect it, and personally I like to see such a list too. I dunno what "mess" you're talking about though. For example, all it takes is one extra column in the excel list which states "fixed" or "not yet fixed" (or whatever stat...
CookieRevised03-08-2011 at 02:49 PM
@Yuna: How many screwups does it take?
I've been a great supported of Messenger Plus! in general, and even have tried to look at things in a different perspective when things went wrong and even defended Yuna as such because to error is only human, and for everything there is usually a g...
CookieRevised03-08-2011 at 11:39 AM
RE: official scripting documentation 5
If it's not been made available in a similar online format by Yuna then I'll update mpskins/mpscripts with the latest docs when I get a chance
DempseyWLM Plus! Help03-07-2011 at 10:57 PM
RE: An open letter to Yuna Software
A nice reply, hope to see more interactivity between community and Yuna Software in due time. :)
ArcticwolfxWLM Plus! General03-06-2011 at 10:58 PM
RE: About a particular thread and Nathalie
"Hi Andre, Please do not delete the thread. We will find another solution for it not to appear so high in the search results on Google. I appreciate you expressing your opinion on this and your dedicated work on moderating the forum. Regards Nat...
Chrono03-06-2011 at 07:52 PM
RE: About a particular thread and Nathalie
Hey Nathalie, don't you realize that this is a terrible idea? Menthix told me that you had contacted him about this issue, but i'd have thought that he'd convince you not to do this. First off, that letter doesnt really speak bad about Yuna, it's...
Chrono03-06-2011 at 08:39 AM
About a particular thread and Nathalie
hey, i got this email from nathalie: "Hi Chrono, Are you able to delete a thread? This one is more than a year old, and, unfortunately, appears in the top search results under Yuna Software. I don't usually like deleting threads, but this one aff...
Chrono03-06-2011 at 07:49 AM
From what i read, it seems like YUNA gave Patchou the boot or Patchou realized YUNAs plans were going to destroy everything so he bailed out as soon as he could! Thank you patchou for your years of work on what was a truly great messenger add-on. :) ...
DiscrateGeneral Chit Chat03-04-2011 at 10:45 PM
Messenger Lock is broken
Plus! Windows Live Messenger 14.0.8117.416 Windows 7 SP1 No patches.[hr] Pretty big bug IMO.... But oh well......Im glad its Yuna's fault and not Patchou but this was seen something since the sale.
riahc4WLM Plus! Bug Reports03-04-2011 at 11:18 AM
RE: Messenger Lock is broken
Probably it will be fixed on the next build.
KafmanWLM Plus! Bug Reports03-03-2011 at 07:40 PM
[SOFTWARE] MPTools.exe /RestartMessenger long delay?
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0416 Messenger Plus! Skin: fuse 1.0.4 I've tested this on both pre and post fresh-install of Win7 (latter now with SP1). I've got a quicktext to run "/run C:...
prashker03-03-2011 at 01:47 PM
RE: Has anyone else seen this? (Plus! Image)
yeah that website looks good :P Way better than the Plus! one (wonder how should we call messenger plus for wlm now? :P). And that software doesnt look bad at all, although i dont see much point, again it's way better than those random sites they'v...
ChronoTech Talk03-02-2011 at 10:57 PM
RE: Admin/Mod Status
Just to make it clear, Sunshine is Beta/translator coordinator. This is the only role she fulfill for Yuna at this time. You don't want Sunshine to help out with the moderation?
Jieff03-02-2011 at 09:38 PM
RE: Has anyone else seen this? (Plus! Image)
indeed. /me looks at the Yuna webdeveloper
blessedguyTech Talk03-02-2011 at 07:25 PM
RE: Has anyone else seen this? (Plus! Image)
Yes, it's one of the 3 released Yuna Software products. http://yuna-software.software.informer.com/
ArcticwolfxTech Talk03-02-2011 at 06:23 PM
RE: Brazilian translation for Messenger Plus! - 5.01.706
Dudu 18Translation03-02-2011 at 02:11 AM
RE: [SOFTWARE - 702 (conduit - b)] Yuna, PLEASE do not screw up and notify translators!!
Sunshine you just proofed my entire point: [u]your[/u] eyes. Hence no reason for you to say that "[i]information was missing from my post[/i]", just because [u]you[/u] didn't know about it. And quite frankly it is not my job to answer 'what', '...
CookieRevised03-01-2011 at 02:12 PM
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