What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: MPL 4.83.376 changelog?
There is no real changelog because nothing has changed in Plus! itself. Only the setup has changed to accomodate the new toolbar. [size=1]Though, I still would like to see a changelog regardless if there were only minor changes or if it was only the ...
CookieRevisedWLM Plus! General01-16-2010 at 04:57 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
* The reason I've said that shit may hit the fan for translators in my [url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?ti d=93423&pid=984877#pid984877]previous post[/url] is because they have added new translations for this toolbar in the version pro...
CookieRevised01-16-2010 at 04:52 PM
RE: MPL 4.83.376 changelog?
Nope, nothing except things we can find out on ourselves. Quote from the beta forum:Actually, it's not the same file as the .376 build we saw before. MD5 has changed since, digital signature is also stamped January 15. To make things more confusing:...
MenthixWLM Plus! General01-16-2010 at 03:40 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Actually, it's not the same file as the .376 build we saw before. MD5 has changed since, digital signature is also stamped January 15. To make things more confusing:[list][*]Download from http://www.msgpluslive.net/download/ and you will get the too...
Menthix01-16-2010 at 03:22 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
@Fanta I like the letter too, I hope it will help us understand what's going on, and maybe remember Yuna Software that many people is awaiting news from them. As a side note: I just noticed that yesterday a new version of Plus! has been released, an...
Luigi01-16-2010 at 02:24 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
I would send it to Patchou. Then he can send it to Yuna. Just to avoid that the letter is coming from one individual so to speak. [size=1]PS: /me thinks shit is going to hit the fan in the translators group...[/size]
CookieRevised01-16-2010 at 12:04 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
And this is why you should never hit "post" without reading back what crap you spewed out :$ Sorry Cyril, I promise to never spell your name wrong again, please forgive me, I'll send you chocolates or something. (:P) I'm really tired atm, but if...
Fanta01-16-2010 at 03:28 AM
RE: New Forum Server/Hardware/Domain
Haven't heard anything back yet from Yuna. I'd probably want to change the DNS elsewhere, just because I don't run a DNS server on any of my servers anymore anyway. (Using SoftLayer's geographic DNS)
surfichris01-16-2010 at 01:08 AM
RE: New Forum Server/Hardware/Domain
So surfi, any decisions regarding the move, or are you waiting for more input/info? If we move and keep the msghelp domain name, we'd be relying on this server ( to stay online indefinitely because it's acting as the authoritative nam...
WDZ01-16-2010 at 12:41 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
My notes: * My name is spelled "Cyril Paciullo" :) * I would change "updates about the future of Messenger Plus!" to "updates about Messenger Plus!'s ownership" to be more exact. * Yes, I can contact the translators, on behalf of the testers, ...
Patchou01-15-2010 at 08:45 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
You guys must have realized by now that the newest developer whom is apart of Yuna ([url=http://shoutbox.menthix.net/member.php?actio n=profile&uid=84648]hananb[/url]) has access to this forum. And yes I am aware that the developer hasn't "logged in...
matty01-15-2010 at 08:45 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Like the idea of that, a private place for the 'old' group (testers,translators,mods,admins together) can discuss freely without worrying what might happen if new Yuna people would read it. And who has access to the subforum will stay the same, eve...
Menthix01-15-2010 at 07:41 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Fanta, I like that text a lot (y). It is not demanding, it is respectfull and at the same time expresses the general common feelings nicely without being pushy I think. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to include a method to contact us, like maxrase said. But...
CookieRevised01-14-2010 at 06:57 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
It is Cyril Paciullo ;) I like your message Fanta it is clear and neutral (Y) Maybe you can add that forum admins could create access to Yuna in the "Beta Tester" category to communicate with us or that we can send us the complete list of people w...
maxrase01-13-2010 at 10:23 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
I asked 2 pages back if we could start tossing out ideas to start writing this email, but it sort of seems to turn into a case of who can :deadhorse: most. So I'll just start writing something..... [i] [align=right] Messenger Plus! Beta Testers ...
Fanta01-13-2010 at 09:48 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
I agree with Willz point of view and others who claim more transparency about Yuna. some testers required us about writing an email to Yuna to ask more details as Patchou advised us on IRC. Who's ready to do that ? I don't think we can write a mail...
maxrase01-13-2010 at 08:12 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Why don't we start puting some ideas o questions we would like to see in that email? We will format and draw them up later.
Choli01-13-2010 at 09:32 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
I know I haven't been active lately, but I just wanted to throw something out there. This changeover didn't just happen overnight, it has been going on for a while I assume and it only got finalised recently. The thing that is concerning is that th...
Willz01-12-2010 at 11:03 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Lou, as Menthix has said, there are only 2 paragraphs talking about you and neither mention anything about money. In fact, those two paragraphs about you (and other paragraphs and posts too for that matter) both mention that I can very much understan...
CookieRevised01-12-2010 at 07:11 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
I see your pov but don't agree with you. For me, Patchou is a senior developer, with much experience and high knowledge. Those are the qualities that Yuna assesses of Patchou. When Patchou says "use a new class here, create a new window there", t...
Choli01-12-2010 at 12:42 PM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
indeed ------- [size=1]EDIT: you also asked if I would pay for it: I actually would, if and only if the product has the same quality as before. Not paying for it or hacking it would actually also harm the people who worked for it for free! Because no...
CookieRevised01-12-2010 at 11:39 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
omg! not again :S /slap Cookie [/size] --------- Now I was going to quote 2 or 3 parts of Cookie's post, but I don't remember which ones :P Blah!, the basic thing I wanted to say: Cookie, I think the main concern of people here is what Chrono said...
Choli01-12-2010 at 08:53 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Bare with me, this is again going to be a 'Wall of China' text: First some (OT) sidenotes:[size=1]Not much has changed tbh. In fact, it did not bring anything new to whatever I already thought and knew. I still stand 200% behind what I said in my p...
CookieRevised01-12-2010 at 05:10 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
Patchou suggested putting forth our concerns to Yuna through the email, and did so again on IRC, so I guess it goes just based on what you think. From what I see, it doesn't seem like they're going to be replying though; the effort might be wasted...
Lou01-11-2010 at 12:02 AM
RE: Every time... we say goodbye... I die a little.
What do you expect? That all of a sudden Plus!5 is released? That there is suddenly some translation work to do, or some testing? That they post their entire roadmap and bussiness plan, address, shoe sizes? Or is it because there were some small sile...
CookieRevised01-08-2010 at 05:35 AM
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