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Shoutbox » Profile » jrlumba
(Junior Member)

Registration Date: 08-29-2008
Local Time: 05-16-2024 at 05:42 PM
Birthday: 11-27-1991 (32 years old)

jrlumba's Forum Info
Last Visit: 09-24-2008 at 09:52 PM
Posts: 18 [Find] [Last]
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Reputation: Neutral [Details]

jrlumba's Contact Details
Web Site: None
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ICQ Number: None
AIM Screen Name: None
Yahoo ID: jrlumba
MSN/WLM Address: None
Additional Info about jrlumba
Sex: Male
Location: Flag Bellevue
Bio: Yes, such has been my lot since childhood. Everyone read signs of non-existent evil traits in my features. But since they were expected to be there, they did make their appearance. Because I was reserved, they said I was sly, so I grew reticent. I was keenly aware of good and evil, but instead of being indulged I was insulted and so I became spiteful. I was sulky while other children were merry and talkative, but though I felt superior to them I was considered inferior. So I grew envious. I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me, and I learned to hate. My cheerless youth passed in conflict with myself and society, and fearing ridicule I buried my finest feelings deep in my heart, and there they died. I spoke the truth, but nobody believed me, so I began to practice duplicity. Having come to know society and its mainsprings, I became versed in the art of living and saw how others were happy without that proficiency, enjoying for free the favors I had so painfully striven for. It was then that despair was born in my heart--not the despair that is cured with a pistol, but a cold, impotent desperation, concealed under a polite exterior and a good-natured smile. I became a moral cripple; I had lost one half of my soul, for it had shriveled, dried up and died, and I had cut it off and cast it away, while the other half stirred and lived, adapted to serve every comer. No one noticed this, because no one suspected there had been another half.
Profile viewed 1093 time(s)

jrlumba's Signature
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