
Known Bug Concerning Colour In Name and over-ride text format... - Printable Version

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Known Bug Concerning Colour In Name and over-ride text format... by user32835 on 06-01-2004 at 03:05 PM

Okay, well It was only by chance i found this..
It seems, that when I override text format to make other font the same as mine,  the colour in the name does not work. The colour tags in the name are still there, but I do not see the colour in the name.  This has been confirmed by other people who have tested this.

Few stats I got from your '(!VER)' feature:

Windows Version: Windows XP, 5.01.2600
Messenger Client Version: 6.2.0133
Messenger Plus! Version: 3.00.0092


It seems some how the Over-ride font feature is affecting the colour in display name feature.


RE: Known Bug Concerning Colour In Name and over-ride text format... by Patchou on 06-01-2004 at 06:40 PM

Well, overridew trext format is exactly supposed to do that.. can I know what behaviour you expected?

RE: Known Bug Concerning Colour In Name and over-ride text format... by user32835 on 06-01-2004 at 07:14 PM

well, cause you can, I expected it to only effect the 'messages received', not the actual display name. There is no mention of this feature effecting the display name in any way.

RE: Known Bug Concerning Colour In Name and over-ride text format... by MC Inferno on 06-01-2004 at 07:51 PM

So they have the same name as you?