
"Folder" transfer plugin? - Printable Version

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"Folder" transfer plugin? by Lyrs on 06-04-2004 at 10:25 PM

Hello people,

I'm new here and I have a question.  I want to send a folder of files, however there doesn't seem to be such an option for that action.  Some people suggested zipping the folder and sending that, however, it's too time consuming considering that first i have to zip everything and than the reciever will have to unpack it all.

Can I send a "folder" through this latest version?  If yes, how?  If not, are there plugins that will achieve that function and where may I find the specific ones?

Thank you.


RE: "Folder" transfer plugin? by Choli on 06-04-2004 at 10:51 PM

Well, the time taken in the transfer of a zipped folder is less than the time needed in transfer it, file by file, so zipping it isn't a bad idea. You can also zip with the lowest level of compression: that'll speed up the zipping time ;)

Anyway, if you don't want to zip it, you can't send if at once. You should go file by file...

About plugins, there's a plugin called Pleh File Sharing. I'm not sure, because I've never used it and just today noticed it exists, but I think that with that plugin you can transfer (fiel by file) a whole folder. You can find it in the Plugins section of these forums.