
Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? - Printable Version

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Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by crank on 06-07-2004 at 06:43 PM

The whole forum is so sloooooooow:( and it always has an overload so I'm asking...
Could you delete all posts older then a certain time???:S
It would certainely speed up the forums don't you guys think???^o)

Well I'm not online for the next couple of weeks... (Exams)8o|

(even having problems to post this message...)

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by WDZ on 06-07-2004 at 06:46 PM

Most of the threads older than January/February of this year have been pruned... I don't want to delete newer ones... :s

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by user27089 on 06-07-2004 at 06:48 PM

dz, y don't you delete the old ones, cause there are over 270 pages :-/, can't you delete all the ones from page 50 onwards?

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by WDZ on 06-07-2004 at 07:37 PM

No :|

I'm not deleting new threads... people might still find those useful, or want to post in them. :p

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by user27089 on 06-07-2004 at 07:47 PM

i meant delete like page 50 - 270 or sumit :P

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by saralk on 06-07-2004 at 07:48 PM

yeah, its stupid threads like this that are taking up space :p

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Tochjo on 06-07-2004 at 07:48 PM

Of course WDZ understands that, but those threads are also 'new'. I like to refer to them, so I think they shouldn't be pruned yet.

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by saralk on 06-07-2004 at 08:07 PM

the forum seems to get the limit reached all the time, i think u shud archive old msgs

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by wj on 06-07-2004 at 08:33 PM

It really wont help. Right now were just seeing some really high loads caused by hundreds of visitors hitting the board. The new theme has caused some extra load and there are probably some code optimizations that could be done.

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Vantage on 06-07-2004 at 09:13 PM

if you did that, there would be many questions asked repetevly, [Annoying]  and people need those, just because ur running slow doesn't mean we should do everything for you, if you ask me that was quite selfish :rolleyes: live with it buddy

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Ginger on 06-07-2004 at 09:57 PM

if he deletes a bunch, the forum is just gonna fill up again, its a busy forum u cant change that

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by lylesback2 on 06-07-2004 at 10:51 PM

nobody really searches anyways, but keeping threads within the last 4-5 even 6 months are very useful to people who can save time by posting, just search the forum for some key words and you find your answers. 

because of the overload... nothing can be done unless they buy more bandwith..

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by paperless on 06-08-2004 at 12:13 AM

Yah today it was almos timpossible to even read thisd psot all the times the server load was about dercrasing the limit of bandwidth to guests or giving priority to members?

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by bach_m on 06-08-2004 at 01:48 AM

guests need the help because they are looking for help ;)

the problem doesn't seem to be the number of posts in teh database. there arn't that many more that usual. but the release of Plus!3 created an influx of guests, as well as the new default theme, which teh server needs to serve each time, and contains alot of imgaes.

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by RebelSean on 06-08-2004 at 03:32 AM

Originally posted by wj
some code optimizations that could be done.

Ya, yall should do that :D...Me and Joe was just talkin about that!! BTW: It took me freakin 23 min to just login a lil bit ago :-(...I agree, something NEEDS to be done :D
RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by surfichris on 06-08-2004 at 04:43 AM

The amount of threads and posts isn't really what is affecting the load of the server and effectively making them slow.

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by RebelSean on 06-09-2004 at 02:37 PM

Hell yesterday it took me freakin 30 min JUST to sign in and took me 45 min to get to look at a damn thread!! :dodgy:

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Millenium_edition on 06-09-2004 at 02:47 PM

lucky you. i couldn't get on msgplus for the entire day

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by crank on 06-09-2004 at 04:57 PM

I found some time between my exams....

I understand that almost everything can be usefull and that it isn't just the ammount of post and stuff but it's just that I can't even view the forums half of my time...
I don't really care because i need to study and stuff but it's annoying if I want to view the forums during my breaks and i can't even see them...

took me some time to post this... had to try about 5 times

EDIT:ooooow everything is running  better since I posted this...

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by user27089 on 06-09-2004 at 06:30 PM

why don't we make a poll about this??, it would be much easier

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Tochjo on 06-09-2004 at 06:34 PM

A poll? If forum staff decides to leave them, and says it doesn't matter for the load, why would we need a poll?

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Johnny_Mac on 06-09-2004 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by traxor
why don't we make a poll about this??, it would be much easier
* Johnny_Mac thinks that would be pointless.
Originally posted by WDZ

I'm not deleting new threads... people might still find those useful, or want to post in them. 
Bottom line.. ^o)
RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Sunshine on 06-09-2004 at 09:05 PM

Load has ta do with the amount of ppl being on the forum at the same time (either signed in or as guest that don't matter).

So i don't think deleting threads can solve that.

RE: RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by user2319 on 06-15-2004 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by WDZ
Most of the threads older than January/February of this year have been pruned... I don't want to delete newer ones... :s

Why? WTF? Why? I don't understand.. old topics can be interesting/handy! Does the amount of posts really slow the forum? And who cares about the little disk space it takes?
RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by wj on 06-15-2004 at 08:26 PM

When the number of posts really starts to increase, It can bog down the server ALOT

Final Word:
Were not pruning any more posts. We'll have the server load issue resolved this week.

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by user2319 on 06-15-2004 at 08:34 PM

Are the old posts saved? So they can be restored when - for example - there's a new server, which can handle way more? And if something like that happens, will these posts be restored?

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by wj on 06-15-2004 at 08:37 PM

Nope, They are not saved, And It's not really an issue because every question ends up getting asked about 15 times anyways.

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by user2319 on 06-15-2004 at 08:40 PM

Interesting discussions in General Chit Chat? Interesting Tech Talk? But I agree that you can wipe the Msgplus! Question forums every month or so :P

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Johnny_Mac on 06-15-2004 at 09:47 PM

Originally posted by PlusFan
Why? WTF? Why? I don't understand.. old topics can be interesting/handy!
I dont know if your aware, but old topics have been being removed from this forum for over a year. Just in case you thought it has just started happening... :P
RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by CookieRevised on 06-15-2004 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by wj
Nope, They are not saved, And It's not really an issue because every question ends up getting asked about 15 times anyways.
Well, for some thread that exactly IS the issue... As many know, I refer a lot to older posts, this because most detailed info posted already once on the forums. I have lost many links to detailed posts because of the pruning. This knowledge isn't nessecairly lost though; the writer of the post still knows it, but the community doesn't. And it is very hard and very time-consuming to make the same detailed and informative posts again....

I know it is hard to do, but before pruning (from that date to that date) can the threads be revised somehow so important posts aren't deleted? ... I guess not, but, can't hurt to ask ;)
RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Wabz on 06-15-2004 at 11:12 PM

We could have a special sub forum somewhere where admins and mods can move informative threads that provide important information.  Users shouldnt be able to post new threads there but maybes should be allowed to reply to them if they need futher help on that topic

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by Vantage on 06-16-2004 at 03:20 AM

Oh yeah and another thing, Posts take up barely any Space :P so no point in deleting them and Members too they take up barely any space so yeah

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by RebelSean on 06-16-2004 at 03:54 AM

:blah: As all of the forum admins have said..In a few days the load will get better...Till then we just have to deal wif it, and get over it.....As the new server thingy gets here I am sure it will decrease and chit...:D

RE: Shouldn't the forums be cleaned??? by WDZ on 06-16-2004 at 04:36 AM

Originally posted by wj
Nope, They are not saved
Actually, I have backups of most of the threads I've pruned, on my hard drive as well as CD-RW. However, they're not in a format that makes them easy to restore. I can restore single threads in a few minutes, but restoring large numbers of posts just isn't practical. :p

Originally posted by CookieRevised
I know it is hard to do, but before pruning (from that date to that date) can the threads be revised somehow so important posts aren't deleted?
Revised how? By a human? That would be quite time-consuming to check every thread thoroughly. Usually I just look at the subject... if it leads me to believe that the thread is important/useful, I'll read it, then decide whether or not to prune it.

Something we could do in the future is have a list of threads that are exempt from pruning. I could modify my prune script to automatically leave those threads alone.

Another thing that could be done is archiving: taking threads out of the database and storing them in a format that's less server-intensive to load. I have some ideas and plans for this, but it's kind of a big/intimidating project that I don't want to get into right now. :p

Originally posted by Vantage
Oh yeah and another thing, Posts take up barely any Space
I don't think space is really the issue... we probably have many gigabytes of free space on the server. The more records that are in the database, the more stuff MySQL has to sort/search through and keep track of.