
QuickIconPanel (Once Again) - Printable Version

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QuickIconPanel (Once Again) by TomTom on 06-29-2004 at 05:27 PM

Yes, I know there has been several threads about this problem, but my kinda doesn't fit with any of the mentioned suggetions.

I'm running MSN Messenger 6.2.1033 on a WinXP Home 2002 SP 1 with MSGPlus 3.01.94! I have

I have added my 120 custom emoticons through the panel:
[Image: 1.gif]
That works good, and if i choose :00: to be a shortcut for :wall:, it works. If i write :00: the picture :wall: appears.

My QuickIcons Page looks this way:
[Image: 2.gif]
I have also tried other shortcuts and other ms variabels.

The second page looks like this:
[Image: 3.gif]
I've tried almost every combination by checking/unchecking.

My problem:
Still, even if everything above is set right, it doesn't work. When I press ( or the shortcut (ALT+Z), nothing happends. The panel does not appear and all I hear is a click sond which usually comes when you press something illegal, undefined or something like that...

How to fix this problem?
Any links to similar problems?

Don't yell if I've overseen a thread, I sat 2 hours searching and reading through the forum...

Anyhow, thanks in advance!

RE: QuickIconPanel (Once Again) by Choli on 06-29-2004 at 09:50 PM

Hi, welcome to the forums TomTom.

Does other shourtcuts of Plus work? (like the boss status, etc...)

Are you sure you've tried with shoutcuts that are not assigned to any other program?

Do you have SmileyCentral or any other program similar to it and/or to plus installed?

RE: QuickIconPanel (Once Again) by TomTom on 06-29-2004 at 10:20 PM


Actually, now that you mention it, i don't think they work (oter functions).
Have reinstalled MSPlus several times.
I only use Logging and QuickPanel, neither does work.

No shortcuts assigned to the selected hotkey.

So any ideas?
I have no other things installed like SmileyCentral.

Must be something wrong with the installation, beacause the menu appears, but the functions doesn't seem to work!

RE: QuickIconPanel (Once Again) by Choli on 06-29-2004 at 10:43 PM

do you use a modified version of messenger? ie: with polygamy, games patch, etc...

Originally posted by TomTom
Have reinstalled MSPlus several times.
messenger too?
Originally posted by TomTom
Must be something wrong with the installation, beacause the menu appears, but the functions doesn't seem to work!
for what you've said, it seems that plus is unable to hook properly the conversation windows (or part of them). I can't help you much more on this because i don't know how plus works internally, however i'd suggest this:

  • uninstall both messenger and plus.
  • restart
  • install messenger, an original version, without cracks/patches, just downloaded from the official site
  • install plus

that should work. If not, tell us. (and try also to check if other features of plus does or doesn't work (now and when you reinstall (if you do))).

Btw, do you have any plugins for plus? try to disable them (plus > preferences > plugins)