
hide recent events? - Printable Version

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hide recent events? by the_dude on 06-30-2004 at 05:52 PM

this could be an old feature, but i just noticed that when you look at a contact's information, you can see his/her recent events.  i was wondering if you could keep your contacts from viewing this information about you.  in other words, can you hide your recent events from all contacts?  thanks.

RE: hide recent events? by Tochjo on 06-30-2004 at 05:55 PM

The recent event information is basic information you give away. For example, changing your name is an event. This can be seen by any contact. I don't see the difference between one of your contacts writing all this down, or Plus! showing it.

So basically, no, it isn't possible: it's 'public' information :)

RE: hide recent events? by Sunshine on 06-30-2004 at 05:57 PM

Only one way u can do that.. keep same status etc. everytime ur on msn, don't forget to turn auto-away (idle) off.
