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feature requests by kabuto_maniac on 07-07-2004 at 09:55 PM

hi. first off, I want to say that I find Msg Plus! a teriffic add-on, even better than dMSN and that kind of stuff. I've been using it for quite a while now, and I've noticed some inconveniencies in the program. I don't know if some of those have been mentioned by other members already, and if they were: sorry for spamming your forum. these are the functions that I sometimes notice to be abscent, to my regret:

- different nicknames towards different people (this function excisted in dMSN and I thought it was quite useful...)
- different avatars for different people
- ability to talk to blocked friends
- different automessages for different friends
- creating animated emoticons from GIF's
- putting hotlinks in the nickname
- still being able to see the emoticons in frineds' nicknames when you have given them an alias (I'm not sure if that is the reason of it happening; but I just see the characters, as (: , instead of the emoticon like :))
- selecting which invitations you want to auto-accept and which ones you don't want to auto-accept (I'm fine with everything, except webcam, therefore I can't enable auto-accept at all)
- checking your fake/faked friends (people you have in your in your that don't have you in their list and vice versa)

I am not really requesting this actually, I'm just trying to give some ideas for the new patch. I can understand how frustrating it must be to have people requesting things from somebody that works for free, and I don't intend to do something like that at all. some of the things I mentioned could of course be impossible to realize. if that's the case: I appologize for saying it, I didn't know it wasn't possible. the first, third and last points came from dMSN where functions excisted, missing in Msg Plus!.

edit>> I forgot to mention something: when an aliassed friend logs in, the displayed name won't be longer than about 10 characters. I don't know the exact number, but there is a limit. maybe it could be highed up a little bit?

RE: feature requests by toddy on 07-07-2004 at 09:59 PM

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
- different nicknames towards different people (this function excisted in dMSN and I thought it was quite useful...)

there a plugin called "my custom nic", that will do that

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
different avatars for different people

there is a thread about this, search on the forum. i think the outcome was its not possible

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
creating animated emoticons from GIF's
this can't be done due to the msn servers

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
putting hotlinks in the nickname
what do u mean hotlink ?

RE: feature requests by ddunk on 07-07-2004 at 10:04 PM

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
- putting hotlinks in the nickname
Plug-in that does this for you

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
- checking your fake/faked friends (people you have in your in your that don't have you in their list and vice versa) has a program that does this for you called list cleaner but it's currently down.

RE: feature requests by leito on 07-07-2004 at 10:05 PM

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac

- different automessages for different friends


Originally posted by kabuto_maniac

- creating animated emoticons from GIF's

Plus! can't do that.
Originally posted by kabuto_maniac

- putting hotlinks in the nickname

There is a plugin that can do that.. search the forums.
feature requests by kabuto_maniac on 07-07-2004 at 10:09 PM

lol... 3 reply's in 3 minutes... and (almost) all my problems solved :D where dou you people get all those plug-ins? I can't ever find those things... only the stinky useless ones. thank you all very much :) I'm really glad with all these links. I'm going to try them all out right now ;)

RE: feature requests by ryan92 on 07-07-2004 at 10:25 PM

Here a program that checks for fake friends or who have deleted you:)

RE: feature requests by kabuto_maniac on 07-08-2004 at 08:14 AM

he ryan thanks for the patch, but I have a little problem: it doesn't work for me. I'm on WinXP (dutch version), and when I open it (I've tried several folders) it says something about a systemerror and a not-found modula. too bad, I really liked the idea, but thanks a lot anyway.

there's a problem with the hotlink-thinggy too: he says I have the incorrect version of MSN. I tried all folders regarding MSN with this one too, but it doesn't seem to work... :/

RE: feature requests by Tochjo on 07-08-2004 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac
- selecting which invitations you want to auto-accept and which ones you don't want to auto-accept (I'm fine with everything, except webcam, therefore I can't enable auto-accept at all)
This will most likely be an improvement in the next version of Plus!, release date currently unknown :)
RE: RE: feature requests by kabuto_maniac on 07-08-2004 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by kabuto_maniac

- creating animated emoticons from GIF's

Plus! can't do that.
well I was just wandering why, because it ís possible with standard emoticons like *-) and |-)... are they not sent as images but just as text and later on translated by the receiving client into images? I guess that must be why... too bad. I still don't understand clearly though... a gif is just an image, right? can't it be sent then? or maybe just between Plus! clients, isn't that a possibility?