
MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? - Printable Version

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MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by GaryGBM on 07-13-2004 at 12:49 PM

I have installed MsgPlus-254 on a windows 95 machine, it all works fine, but there is an odd problem.

On the windows 95 desktop, I am no longer able to move around my shortcuts, they will not "drag". I uninstalled plus and then drag and drop started working again.

Is there a patch or setting I need to alter?



RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by matty on 07-13-2004 at 01:32 PM

Do you have the Active Desktop enabled?

Right Click the Desktop > Properties > (I forget what option it is)

Are Active Desktops even available in Win95?

RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by Choli on 07-13-2004 at 01:47 PM

i don't think that preoblem has anything to do with plus :-/

Originally posted by Matty.
Are Active Desktops even available in Win95?
i fon't think so. only in 98, me, 2000, etc...
RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by Guido on 07-13-2004 at 05:13 PM

Active Desktop comes with IE 4.0, so as long as you have that installed in Windows 95, you have Active Desktop.

RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by GaryGBM on 07-19-2004 at 11:00 AM

Thanks for your suggestions, however they have not resolved the issue.

I have now tried installing plus on 4 different win95 machines and they all get the same problem, once plus is installed, I am not able to move any icons on the desktop. I have also now noticed that there is a problem with Screen Savers and Desktop Wallpapers too.

If I remove plus then all the issues go away, so it must be something plus is either installing or settings its changing, any ideas please?


RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by Choli on 07-19-2004 at 01:54 PM

That's very dodgy... Are you installing the sponsor of Plus? Just in case, try to uninstall plus (and the sponsor), restart and install plus without the sponsor.

Originally posted by GaryGBM
so it must be something plus is either installing or settings its changing, any ideas please?
plus only installs itself and, if you want, the sponsor; and it (plus) only changes its own settings and a couple of messenger. That's why i think the problem may come from the sponsor. :)
RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by GaryGBM on 07-19-2004 at 02:16 PM

The plus install was scripted to use /SilentInstallNoSponsor, but I have just removed it all, then installed plus manually making sure not to install the sponsor.

Once the PC has rebooted, once again I am not able to move the desktop icons, so I think its plus related and not the sponsor as suggested, any other ideas?



RE: MsgPlus-254 and drag and drop? by GaryGBM on 07-27-2004 at 01:44 PM

Ok, Just posting an update on this issue.

We have finally found the issue causing this problem, although it was not directly linking to messenger plus, plus was actually causing the problem to show up.

We found that the windows 95 machines did not have the "windows desktop update" installed. Once we installed the update, the ability to move icons once again returned. Another problem we found was that the same issue also meant no one could copy and paste files, but no one had noticed this until today, so lucky escape on that one!

Just letting you guys and girls know in case anyone else has the same issue.
