
Language Set Up - Problem? - Printable Version

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Language Set Up - Problem? by ivosphere on 07-25-2004 at 06:13 PM

I live in USA and had Messenger v6.2...I installed MSGPlus (very cool!) while I am on vaction w my family in Netherlands, but now I have only Dutch Ads and Links in my Contacts List, I have gone into Preferences and the languge is set on default English. Any idea what i did and how to get it to USA version?

RE: Language Set Up - Problem? by CookieRevised on 07-25-2004 at 06:20 PM

This is not related to Messenger Plus!...

The language that you can set in the preferences of Messenger Plus! does nothing more then changing the interface language used by Plus! only...

The ads that appear on the bottom of your contactlist are from MSN Messenger itself (Plus! has nothing todo with it). The reason why they are dutch is most likely because you have installed a dutch Messenger. So download the english version from and install that (It will ask you  if you want to install, remove or repair msn messenger; you can choose to repair it which is the quickest way of fixing the language)