
ENCRIPTED HISTORY - HELP!!! - Printable Version

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ENCRIPTED HISTORY - HELP!!! by starlette on 08-02-2004 at 04:35 AM

i have encrypted my log files, and now there´s one i really need to open but i cant, i get a sign saying that my password isnt correct, but it is!!! PLEASE HOW CAN I DO TO FIND OUT WHAT THE CORRECT PASSWOD IS???? i must have written it wrong, but now i cant get it right and i really really need to open that history, does anyone know what i can do???:S please write

RE: ENCRIPTED HISTORY - HELP!!! by RebelSean on 08-02-2004 at 05:09 AM

I'm sry but there is nothing you can do except install messenger plus again and pick your password, but you will still not be able to open it.