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remote access by tomfletcherman on 08-20-2004 at 06:03 PM

someone is controlling my m8s pc, her mouse whizzes everywhere and opens ('stuff' :|) such as games, folders and tries to close conversations. Happens to her every half hour or so.

I think trojan, any ideas?

RE: remote access by user27089 on 08-20-2004 at 06:12 PM

Its a virus, its called the master virus afaik, my mate had it, it messes up the pc, I think its not someone else, its just that the virus, 'takes control' and opens random programs and closes stuff.

RE: remote access by Millenium_edition on 08-20-2004 at 06:14 PM

it's a trojan.

RE: remote access by Anubis on 08-20-2004 at 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Millenium_edition
it's a trojan.
You haven't even seen the computer; don't say things are things for sure until you have sufficient evidence...if you read it carefully it could easily be the Master Virus...

My first thought was the "Master Virus", does it happen when the person is on the internet as well as offline? This is a giveaway...however if it was a trojan the times would be randomised but with the Master Virus they are constant at a 30 minute rate, so it seems likely it is MV.  However there's not much advice I can give apart from use AV software to remove it...
RE: remote access by tomfletcherman on 08-21-2004 at 09:01 PM

Yes, I am sure of a constant rate, though it only played up once while I was there today, the pc beeps then the mouse moves itself. Started running AV's, realsied they were not up to date, pc crashing, becoming too lazy to do it today. I'll try again monday...