
POssibility of Viewing Source Code? - Printable Version

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POssibility of Viewing Source Code? by Spinal on 08-27-2004 at 11:14 PM

Hello, as this is my first post, I'll try to stick by the rules as much as possible. I just downloaded the  Messenger Plus! - API Documentation, and plan on creating a plug in using Code Warrior coding in C++, which is one of the few languages I can handle. After going thru the API docs, I realised how much simpler it would be if I could get my hands on the source code for a previously made plug-in, hoping that there is no rule I don't know about against this. Anything will be appreciated, even a few lines of code! Thanks in advance,

RE: POssibility of Viewing Source Code? by Yousef on 08-27-2004 at 11:29 PM

why don't u download the sample plugin?

RE: POssibility of Viewing Source Code? by Mnjul on 08-28-2004 at 03:55 AM

There are some open source plugins, you can search the forums for them. However you shall never decompile the plugins to get the mechanics of them :)