
Run plus! as a service? - Printable Version

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Run plus! as a service? by Snowshelbi on 08-28-2004 at 06:17 PM


Let's assume there's a way of running Plus as a service, will it then be able let's say to log files into directories that the current user doesnt have read/write access to??


RE: Run plus! as a service? by Anubis on 08-28-2004 at 06:32 PM

It's impossible to run Plus! unless it's a process that hooks into MSN Messenger...It would be impossible to run it unless it was installed on the computer that wants to use there's no point in talking about this in any sense

RE: Run plus! as a service? by Snowshelbi on 08-28-2004 at 06:35 PM

it is installed on the computer....all I am asking is if there's a way to run it with special privileges and not necessarily with the ones that the user has.....

RE: Run plus! as a service? by Anubis on 08-28-2004 at 06:57 PM

Ah, sorry, got the wrong idea there...
Anyway, I believe it could in theory be possible. But due to privacy reasons probably wouldn't be included...

RE: Run plus! as a service? by Choli on 08-28-2004 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Snowshelbi
Let's assume there's a way of running Plus as a service, will it then be able let's say to log files into directories that the current user doesnt have read/write access to??
Yes, because services are executed with the user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (or similar) who has full control and access over everything.

However there's a problem. I think that when plus is executed as a service, it won't be able to hook messenger properly. It'd be the same as if one user is running plus and another user executes messenger without running plus. That messenger can't be hooked (again: that's what i think).
Originally posted by Snowshelbi
all I am asking is if there's a way to run it with special privileges and not necessarily with the ones that the user has.....
maybe you can do something with the runas command, but i don't think so.
RE: Run plus! as a service? by Snowshelbi on 08-28-2004 at 07:19 PM

However there's a problem. I think that when plus is executed as a service, it won't be able to hook messenger properly. It'd be the same as if one user is running plus and another user executes messenger without running plus. That messenger can't be hooked (again: that's what i think).

that's why I was asking....anyway to confirm this supposition?
RE: Run plus! as a service? by Snowshelbi on 08-29-2004 at 05:06 AM

hmm, I see...alright, thanks, I will try and see what it gives!

RE: Run plus! as a service? by Patchou on 08-30-2004 at 06:06 AM

Err... note to all of you: you can't just run any process as services, they have to be made espescially for this purpose and Plus! is not a service (it couldn't be for many reasons, one being that services can't display anything on screen. However, if you're just after special priviledges, it's very easy: create a shortcut to Messenger (not Plus! but msnmsgr.exe), go in its properties, shortcut tab, and click on Advanced. You'll have the option to run the process as another user. I didn't found a way to save the user in Windows XP but I'm sure you'll find a tool that can (it's a simple API call for a software).