
do you want to hide the email link? - Printable Version

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do you want to hide the email link? by John on 10-01-2004 at 09:08 AM

well ive found out how :) i just havent found out how to hide the lil email icon yet though.. i'll keep trying

[Image: no-email.jpg]

if you want it:
read AndreY's post :P

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by John on 10-01-2004 at 11:07 AM

yay! ive hidden the email icon aswell

if you know how to work with ResHacker you can erase the email icon, it's number 408 in Bitmap

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by giken on 10-01-2004 at 01:33 PM

is this modified language dll compatible with translated msn messenger version? it seems to be english only

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by John on 10-01-2004 at 01:37 PM

umm, no that's only english

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by giken on 10-01-2004 at 01:44 PM

can you explain how to modify msglang.dll manually using resource hacker?
so I can remove email link and icon as well on other language dll too :)

or if you can create a patch for that thanks in advance :)

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by andrey on 10-01-2004 at 02:06 PM

To hide the text:
1. Exit MSN Messenger completely.

2. Backup your original msglang.dll file (Copy it and rename the copy to msglang.dll.original or something else)

3. Open msglang.dll in Reshack (Resource Hacker)

4. Scroll to [String Table : 26 : 1033*] By clicking on the [+] near "String Table" and the [+] near "26" and on the "1033*"
(*in the english version. This number is different for each language)

5. You will see:
401,     "%1!d! new E-Mails"
402,     "No new E-Mails"
403,     "1 new E-Mail"
404,     "Go to \"E-Mail Inbox\""
405, ........

The text between the " " depends on which language you have.

6. Change the lines 401-404 to:
401,     " "
402,     " "
403,     " "
404,     " "

Delete the lines 401-404, because changing it to " " still shows a dot.
(The link will still be there, just the text is gone.)

7. Save the changes by clicking on "Compile Script" and in the menu "File" click on "Save"

To hide the envelope:
1. Exit MSN Messenger completely.

2. Open msnmsgr.exe in Reshack (always create a backup!)

3. Scroll to [Bitmap : 408 : 1033*]

4. Open the menu "Action -> Replace Bitmap" and replace it with this file [Image: attachment.php?pid=315472].

5. Save the changes by clicking on "Save" in the "File"menu.

Reopen Messenger and sign in...
Tadaa ! Icon and text are gone :D

Note: Modifying the resources of MSN Messenger is illegal.

Making a patch for that is probably too complicated / not possible because the msglang.dll is different for each language. You can change it yourself easily.

Oh, and Jaguar: Please don't double-post. Edit. ;)

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by John on 10-01-2004 at 03:35 PM

thanx for explaining all that AndreY

yeah sorry about the double post, i thought i saw a post under my first post but there wasnt

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by user27089 on 10-01-2004 at 03:39 PM

but doesn't this leave a large gap there, wouldn't this look quite bad :-/ I Prefer it the way it is, it would just look messed up otherwise and out of place, anyway, isn't doing that illegal?

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by John on 10-02-2004 at 08:30 AM

i took away my instructions cause uploading that dll would have been illegal, but if this is illegal; hiding something that you dont use anyway, then isnt hiding the advertisment banner illegal aswell?

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by saralk on 10-02-2004 at 08:59 AM

no cos it doesnt modify the exe

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by Millenium_edition on 10-02-2004 at 09:06 AM

it modifies a DLL, same thing really...

RE: do you want to hide the email link? by saralk on 10-02-2004 at 09:09 AM

i was talking about Plus!, that doenst modify any dlls