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Preference Security by phily on 10-21-2004 at 10:40 PM

I was kind of screwed over by this. I guess I'll start off with what I have.

Windows Version: Windows 2003, 5.02.3790
Messenger Client Version: 6.2.0137
Messenger Plus! Version: 3.25.0106

Plus polygamy for multiple MSNs.

I have two accounts, one for business, and one for pleasure. I keep logs on the business account, but not on the one for pleasure. I use two different one passwords, one for my logs, and one for my preferences.

If I'm logged in with my business or personal account and click on Plus! > Preferences, I'm prompted for the preference password which I then enter to get in.

Also, if I just open up msn, and do not sign in, and go to Plus! > Preferences, once again I'm prompted for the same preference password even though I'm not signed in. I'm not sure if that’s what it’s supposed to do, but anyways, that’s not the problem.

I have windows 2003 server running on this machine. It allows for simultaneous connections. So if I'm logged in doing whatever, and someone else remotely logs onto my computer, we can both use it at the same time.

What happened to me, was my g/f, who does have my logs password, but not preferences password, logged on remotely, opened up msn but didn’t sign in, and when she went to Plus! > Preferences, she wasn't prompted for a password. It’s weird, because when I do that, I am prompted for a password. She then enabled logs, and for some reason, that enabled logs for all my accounts (meaning my pleasure account) even though I specifically said not to in the preferences of pleasure account. So now all my accounts had their chats being logged, and she was able to get to them.

I'm not sure if this is also a problem with remote desktop on XP because you can't have simultaneous connections, but it might be a remote desktop thing.

Either way, when she logged on remotely, she was able to access preferences without needing a password. Furthermore, whatever changes she made at that time, affected all my accounts.

I don't know what you can do Patchou, but you da man!


RE: Preference Security by Chrono on 10-21-2004 at 11:33 PM

if u aint signed in, if u change whichever option in the preferences it shouldnt be saved for any account... so this might be a bug

RE: Preference Security by Concord Dawn on 10-22-2004 at 03:50 AM

Hmm....sounds like a bug to me. I think what's happening is that Plus! doesn't understand the remote users credentials, therefore giving them access to all of Plus!.

RE: Preference Security by stuartbennett on 10-22-2004 at 07:02 AM

right then if shes logging on as a remote user surely the lo9gon  shes using is setup on the local system by that i mean your pc philly, shes just logging into the pc remotely. now then in windows xp and above you can assigned your passport accounts that you use for messenger and stuff. now then plus is a porogram now then im not entirely sure about this but i wold assume that if im logged in as me i setup my preferences on plus later i logoff of my account then my dad logs in as himself and uses messenger he will be using the same preferences as me right? however he might not like my exact plus preferences when hes on his account, so maybe it might solve the problem to make plus user based like when im logged in as me plus uses my plus user setting and when dads logged in it uses my dads plus user setttings that might be a better way of managing the preferences and may stop this kinda problem where 2 different users can change each others preferences.

RE: Preference Security by phily on 10-23-2004 at 08:37 AM

ya stuart, that could be a good idea, but I don't know if that would really help. Chaotic may be onto something with the remote users credentials thing. When she does log in remotely, she does log in with my account. So its the same account, but a different session. It's just weird how when she logs in remotely, she's not prompted for a password when she go to Plus! > Preferences on a msn window thats not signed in, but when I do that I am.

Last time I checked preferences were stored by email in the registry. And when you sign in those values are loaded in, right?

What I'm not entriely sure about is when you go into preference in a msn window thats not signed in, under what does that get saved?? Would that be like the system preferences?? Because it seems when I do log into my account, the system preferences took priority over my account preferences. Get what I mean? It could be as simple as coding account preferences to take priority over system preferences.

If you go into HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2, you will see all the accounts, and then "Nobody". I'm guessing nobody is the system preferences.

Anyways, I think that simpliest thing would be to just disable preferences unless you are signed in. That would solve all the problems. I really don't see the point of being able to access preferences without being signed into your msn account to begin with. I dunno, what do you guys think?

RE: Preference Security by saralk on 10-23-2004 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by stuartbennett
i logoff of my account then my dad logs in as himself and uses messenger he will be using the same preferences as me right?

if you sign in with a different passport, you have your own individual settings.
RE: Preference Security by CookieRevised on 10-25-2004 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by phily
Chaotic may be onto something with the remote users credentials thing. When she does log in remotely, she does log in with my account. So its the same account, but a different session.
It is the same Windows Account, but that shouldn't influence the settings at all; It doesn't depend on that...

Originally posted by phily
It's just weird how when she logs in remotely, she's not prompted for a password when she go to Plus! > Preferences on a msn window thats not signed in, but when I do that I am.
That is indeed strange and might be a bug...

Originally posted by phily
Last time I checked preferences were stored by email in the registry. And when you sign in those values are loaded in, right?

Originally posted by phily
What I'm not entriely sure about is when you go into preference in a msn window thats not signed in, under what does that get saved?? Would that be like the system preferences??
No, what is loaded when you start MSN Messenger (but not signing in) are the preferences of the last logged in user. To find out which preferences this are you need to look at the registry key:


Thus, these are not the "Nobody" preferences, but the preferences of the email stored in that registry key. Despite the fact that the key is named "DefaultConfiguration" it isn't exactly a default configuration as this will change everytime to the last logged in user. ("LastUser" would have been a better name for it)

Originally posted by phily
Because it seems when I do log into my account, the system preferences took priority over my account preferences. Get what I mean? It could be as simple as coding account preferences to take priority over system preferences.
As you can see above, there is nothing that takes priority.

Originally posted by phily
If you go into HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2, you will see all the accounts, and then "Nobody". I'm guessing nobody is the system preferences.
Not exactly. The "nobody" preferences are loaded when you sign in with a new email in MSN Messenger which isn't know/stored yet.
RE: Preference Security by phily on 10-26-2004 at 10:02 PM

Thanks for all that info cookie. That cleared a few things up for me.

Still don't understand why logs where saved for my personal account. Maybe it has something to do with that fact that I was logged into both accounts when my g/f changed the settings, and this somehow affected both accounts. Mainly my personal though, because I was already saving logs on my business account.

If the DefaultConfiguration takes the settings of the last user signed in, it should only change the settings of the last user logged in. If the last user was my personal account, then it would be a bug because she wasn't prompted for a password. I'm not entirely sure.

But if this is a bug that Patchou wants to fix, then I'd be willing to re-create the scenario for him.