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Remote Domain !!! by H!LAL on 11-01-2004 at 03:52 PM

hey...can somone plz tell me who da F**K to use the remotedomain in messenger dicovery ?! :$ thnx

RE: Remote Domain !!! by Concord Dawn on 11-01-2004 at 04:10 PM

Umm........welll, to start, ask nicely. And learn how to spell please? And no one has to answer your request, since this is the Messenger Plus! forums, and you're talking about Messenger Discovery.

Messenger Discovery, MD, is known to cause problems with Messenger Plus!, so you might not be able to use all the features, even if you know how.

RE: Remote Domain !!! by H!LAL on 11-01-2004 at 04:15 PM

Ok...verry sorry dude, i'm just really angry that i dont know how to use it cuz it could be a really nice feature...
and i'v asked before about MD here and i always got an answer...
about the spelling..:S what can i do ?  its good that i can talk english...u want me to be a good speller 2 ?! :P

RE: Remote Domain !!! by Millenium_edition on 11-01-2004 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Chaotic_Shield
Messenger Discovery, MD, is known to cause problems with Messenger Plus!, so you might not be able to use all the features, even if you know how.

it's supposed to work better WITH plus!...

anyway, H!LAL, when you enable that, you can use a browser to change nick etc.
RE: Remote Domain !!! by H!LAL on 11-01-2004 at 06:19 PM

ya i know...but how should i access it form another PC :S ? i could open the site that gives tou access from MY pc when i took my Ip and went to my friends hose it didnt work :s plz help...thnx

RE: Remote Domain !!! by Millenium_edition on 11-01-2004 at 07:38 PM

try disabling your firewall, if you have one.

is MD authorized to set a server? are you behind a router?

RE: Remote Domain !!! by eckocomplex on 11-02-2004 at 04:26 AM

Chaotic_Shield what the hell are you on!? MessengerDiscovery works perfect [in fact - better] with Plus!. I'd love you to back up what you're saying :P.

Anyway M_E is right, check your router/firewall (Windows one as well!) setting to allow outgoing data on port 80.

RE: Remote Domain !!! by H!LAL on 11-02-2004 at 05:03 AM

well its not actualy the problem...listen: when i wanna access my messenger from a remote bowser i put my IP as an address, then it displayes a web page that tells me to put my pass (the one of the remotedomain) after that there is a list of my online contacts, nickname change and some other stuff, BUT when i'm at my freinds house and i put my IP as the address in the browesr it just gives me an error messege that the page dosent exist :S (My firewall is gonfigured to alow activitie in port 80, i did it already)

RE: Remote Domain !!! by stuartbennett on 11-10-2004 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by H!LAL
well its not actualy the problem...listen: when i wanna access my messenger from a remote bowser i put my IP as an address, then it displayes a web page that tells me to put my pass (the one of the remotedomain) after that there is a list of my online contacts, nickname change and some other stuff, BUT when i'm at my freinds house and i put my IP as the address in the browesr it just gives me an error messege that the page dosent exist :S (My firewall is gonfigured to alow activitie in port 80, i did it already)

so basically what you are saying is that if you access this from any pc other than your friends house this feature works fine? well then it's obvious something on your friends pc is blocking you from connecting to your pc remotely. it's either that or you have somehow blocked the ip address of your friend's pc so they cannot remotely connect to you. i don't know much about these things im just using common sense here.

RE: Remote Domain !!! by H!LAL on 11-10-2004 at 04:28 PM

when i say MY FRIENDS house i mean any pc other then my PC :s

RE: Remote Domain !!! by stuartbennett on 11-10-2004 at 04:52 PM

oh i see. so then the problems at your end. sorry bout that i didnt understand.

RE: Remote Domain !!! by H!LAL on 11-10-2004 at 04:55 PM

i try on my PC to see if it works >> it goes into this web site >> and there i can change stuff like nickname an so on...
i try to do the same thing on another pc >> i open a browse...put my Ip (like i do at home) but it dosent work it just gives me an error msg that the page dosent exist