
Set Come Back Message - Printable Version

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Set Come Back Message by Ozangel82 on 11-29-2004 at 06:16 AM

I was wondering why bother having a come back message when it only works if you are still online yourself?!? Yahoo messenger or ICQ (i cant remember which) allows you to send a come back message and the person receives it when they come online whether you are on or not. Cant you guys do this too? not much use having it there if u have to be online- u can just type it to them as you normally would! ^o)

RE: Set Come Back Message by Underlord on 11-29-2004 at 06:30 AM

If you are away it will send your message. Also if you think you won't remember you can set a come back message.
Remember Plus! is just an addon for Messenger, it is not an IM client in itself. :)

RE: Set Come Back Message by gnownoskcid on 11-29-2004 at 06:40 AM

icq can automatically send a message even if you are offline is because the messages can be stored on icq's server. However, MSN's servers do not provide this service. MsgPlus is unable to implement the function you requested because it is beyond msgPlus' ability, which only implement to your msn messenger client, not the msn messenger server.