
Parse incoming text - Printable Version

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Parse incoming text by Isaacariah on 12-23-2004 at 04:01 PM

Hi there, I'm writing a plugin just for educational and experimental purposes in VB6, and I was wondering, how would I go about getting text that other users send to me, for the purpose of parsing it and sending something back?

I thought at first maybe the ReceiveNotify function, but obviously not, as I've tried a lot of things with this function.

If anybody has any ideas or can point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


RE: Parse incoming text by Ash_ on 12-23-2004 at 04:12 PM

i dont think you can do this. you can get your plugin to send a special 5 char code which you can parse but both sides must have the plugin.

RE: Parse incoming text by saralk on 12-23-2004 at 06:09 PM

YOu cant do this with the Messenger PLus! API itself, but you could do it by hooking directly on to MSN MEssenger

RE: Parse incoming text by Isaacariah on 12-23-2004 at 06:52 PM

Hm, how would I go about doing this in VB? I mean there is the messenger API but its a pile of **** and another way I've read is actually using SendMessage() and that lot to open the property pages themselves and then change the textbox then press the ok button, all a bit far fetched really... if Messenger Plus can do it silently without opening any bloody property pages... so can I.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

RE: Parse incoming text by TheBlasphemer on 12-23-2004 at 07:13 PM

I can tell you right now that in VB, it's impossible...
Even in C/C++ this is tricky, and you really need to know what you're doing.
copy-pasting some code is out of the question on this matter :P

RE: Parse incoming text by Isaacariah on 12-23-2004 at 07:18 PM

Guess I'm stuffed then.. unless I can find a DLL or whatnot that I can use from within VB.

Thanks anyway guys.. maybe this feature will be implemented in the future of the Messenger Plus API. *hint hint* :)

Thanks again


RE: Parse incoming text by Kirill on 12-23-2004 at 10:38 PM

Heh, I'm quite sure you can do this in VB, also. I doubt it has anything to do with anything people have said thus far.

Indeed, what I think could "theoretically" work, is you can look at the export table of RichEditHook.dll or whatever DLL Messenger Plus! uses, and then implement the appropriate function. If my guess is correct, it'll end up calling your function that handles incoming messages, instead of theirs.

In addition, you can launch another thread from your plugin that will constantly probe the conversation text for changes, and when some text arrives, you can figure out what it is by taking a diff -- unfortunately this is the filthiest approach of all.

I am actually trying to think of a better way to do this myself for my plugin, but unfortunately it seems like I won't be able to write any code for this particular cause until the end of the weekend, or maybe the beginning of it, since I'm summoned to write code somewhere else.

Good luck, and keep the noodle a-fryin'.

RE: Parse incoming text by Mike on 12-24-2004 at 06:19 AM

Originally posted by TheBlasphemer
I can tell you right now that in VB, it's impossible...
Actually I believe, you can do it in VB with packet sniffing...
But, to use packet sniffing, you have to keep a form open and pass its hWnd so windows pass the messages there... :(
But I don't know how to use packet sniffing in vb...